Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1099: Magic Dragon 1 roars through the sky!


A burst!

Everyone's eyes moved, and the look was even more horrifying!


Heaven's blood is actually cracked!

Tianxue was originally a complete drop of blood, and suddenly burst at this moment!


The ancestor of the Faqan of the Three Emperor Sects trembles and opens his mouth. At this moment, he can’t wait to smoke his mouth to see if this is true or not! That kid, a third-order heavenly immortal, how could a drop of blood force him to this step!

This Nima!

This just doesn't make sense!

Several other ancestors, especially the soul-eating ancestors and Ren Chong ancestors who came to the body on their own, at this moment in their hearts seemed to have rushed through by thousands of horses and horses.

"The girl swallowed my blood."

Chen Zheng casually said.

Princess Zhengyue nodded her head, but her eyes were a little scared. Even if she had absorbed Zulong's real blood and eternal dragon blood, she was still a little scared looking at the bright drop of blood in front of her! The real blood of the ancestral dragon and the real blood of the eternal dragon in his own body are trembling at this moment!


Princess Zhengyue took a deep breath and exhaled again, taking a small bite and swallowing the blood drops of Chen Zheng!


Just swallowed!

Her breath soared wildly!


Her eyes became bloody!

next moment!


A Long Yin!

The first moon princess changed!

I saw a black ink dragon rising into the sky, and one face opened the strange green manseal seal of the Tianjing Tomb. In a blink of an eye, it was already vast above the Tianjing Tomb!

At the moment when the creature raised his head in the Tianjing Tomb, a huge shadow enveloped the Tianjing Tomb!


The extremely fierce sleeping beast was lying on the ground at this moment, and made a cry like a puppy. It was scared, it was really scared! The big guy in the sky is really terrible!


How could there be such a terrible monster in this world!

At this moment, the Sleeping Beast seems to have forgotten that it is itself a murderous creature, and it is still ranked in the top ten of the era of murderous creatures!

"Mammy... Sister Zhengyue is so horrible that she can only serve her master as the second spirit pet. How terrible is the master's first spirit pet, Little Bone?"

The purple beast biting the beast looked at the sky at the moment, blinking blankly. It usually follows Zhengyue girl in Chen Zhengyuan god, so it knows that Chen Zheng still has a spiritual pet, that is the first spiritual pet. For the first time at this moment, she saw Zhengyue girl showing her body, and she was extremely curious about how terrible the little bone sister's body had never been.

"This... is no longer a real dragon..."

Bai Muer also looked at the sky, whispering with wide eyes. At the moment, the behemoth above, under the sky, cast a huge shadow on the earth of Yangxue Dao, reminding her of a ghost that she had seen once.

That was the Tai Cang Sheng Dynasty outside the realm. At that time, a huge ghost came, and the power of the Ethernet Cang Sheng was strong. Under the huge shadow, those immortal Dao ancestors of the Tai Cang Sheng were also silent!

Because the phantom body is called the eternal dragon!

Emperor Dragon Emperor!

Era Overlord in Taixu!

It is said that the most tyrannical dragon family between heaven and earth!

In a trance at this moment, she thought she saw the incarnation of the thought of Emperor Demon Dragon!


"What is that in heaven!"

"There is a terrifying real dragon in Yangxue Daoyu!"

Outside the Tianjing Tomb!

Yangxie Daoyu is looking at the sky and is in a trance, thinking that there is an illusion! The creatures outside the domain of Yangxie Dao projected a Taoist thought, and when they saw the behemoth above the sky, the voice trembling involuntarily!


This is the era of the horror magic dragon awakened in the field of Yangxie Dao!



Another Long Yin!


The world of turbulent tremors!

Yangxie Daoyu quake!

Almost all the creatures in the domain of Yangxie Dao kneeled at this moment!


Above the sky!

Giant eyes emerged, and those giant eyes were cold and ruthless! However, those giant eyes only glanced at the dragon body transformed by Princess Zhengyue, and they burst with a bang!

"God... The heavens of the world of Futu seem to... slip!"

"Don't dare to care about this magic dragon!"

"Are you afraid of Heaven..."

The spirits in Yangquan Dao are stunned!

"Humph! It's really hateful to steal my blood, I will never let you go and this little girl!"

At this time!

There is a cold hum!

From the sky dome!

Who is this?

This voice calls itself Emperor Yang!

Who is Emperor Yang?

"Eternal Dragon.......Diyang..."

In the Tianjing Tomb, more than ninety-nine monks were dumbfounded, and Bai Muer whispered a whisper, there was a surprise in the eyes of Gongsun Rai, who was suppressed by Chen Zheng's blood drop! He had never seen Diyang, but he knew who Diyang was, and Diyang was not a person. It was a dragon, a dragon mentioned by his master!

Emperor Dragon Emperor!

The leader of the era overlord!

Only when his master is at his peak can he suppress the eternal dragon!

The little girl of the True Dragon family summoned by the third-order Celestial God had absorbed the real blood of Emperor Demon Dragon before, but even the real blood of Emperor Demon Dragon was still one less than the blood of the owner. Level, the reason why the little girl can become such a terrifying dragon is actually not the divine power of the blood of the ancient dragon, but the blood of the third-order heavenly god!

The blood of the third-order celestial being is the key!


The idea in Gongsun's heart flashed quickly, the behemoth in the sky suddenly disappeared, and a dark golden light fell in the Tianjing relic, and directly fell into Chen Zhengmei's heart!


Everyone's eyes moved again, all stared at Chen Zheng!

Although the horrible sense of oppression disappeared, the practitioners did not dare to move at this moment, because they had already seen the terrible scene just now!

The kid in front of me!

Any drop of real blood can force the sky blood to burst!

Just a drop of real blood can turn Ling Chong into a dreaded dragon!

So in fact he is the most terrible one!

"Master, what's wrong with Sister Jane?"

The purple beast could not help asking.

"That girl has real blood of the ancestral dragon as the foundation of the real blood of the ancient It is considered to have successfully absorbed my drop of real blood, and it will take some time to fully absorb it." Chen Zheng said lightly, with a crack The open heavenly blood again casually said: "This drop of heavenly blood has cracked, and the test left by the Lord has been cracked. You swallow this drop of heavenly blood."

"Wow! Thank you, Master!" When the Purple Beast heard it, his eyes lighted instantly, and he swallowed the heavenly blood with a small bite, but after swallowing the Heavenly Blood, the Purple Beast suddenly thought of it, and there was an instant in his eyes The water rises: "Woo, woo, sister Zhengyue swallowed your real blood. Your real blood is much stronger than the natural blood, but others can only swallow the natural blood, and they are aggrieved!"


Grieving a hammer!

If you feel wronged, can you give me heavenly blood!

The monks on site listened to the words of the purple little beast, and all of them suddenly felt their blood rage in their heads, but they could only hold back!

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