Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1104: The Lord appears!

world Tree!

Nothing was transparent!

Extremely magical!

This moment has become very solid and no longer unreal!

And this seems to be the result of the third-order Celestial being shouting at random!

He shouted casually!

The World Tree flew over by itself!

This will not be a blind eye!

"world Tree!"

Chu Yu, a young monk, showed a surprise, suddenly violently flew, and flying towards the world tree was a flutter!


A flash of light!

Chu Yu, a young monk, was blasted away within five steps of the world tree. His blood sprayed in the air, his face was extremely white, and the whole person was even more embarrassed! And the blood he spurted was purified in the blink of an eye!


The monks of the Destruction Yun Dao Palace and the monastery of the Spring Palace Yuefu have witnessed this scene. Many people had originally thought the same as the young monk Chu Yu. At that moment, those thoughts were erased instantly!

They were all staring at Chen Zheng at the moment, and were extremely curious about what Chen Zheng was going to do next!

"Zhuge Qingniu, come over and touch it."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly at Zhuge Qingniu.

"Ah? Me? Touch it? This... this... I failed once when I came here last time. It is said that any creature can only come to the World Tree to test once and fail If you don’t have the chance to be recognized by the World Tree, this...I’ll forget it..."

Zhuge Qingniu touched his head wisely.

"It's impossible to succeed!"

"Failure means failure forever, it is impossible to be recognized by the World Tree!"

"This saint cannot be changed!"

The monk of the Destruction Yun Dao Palace also said at the moment.

"Touch or not touch?"

Chen Zheng didn't glance at the monk of the Daoyundao Palace, but only asked Zhuge Qingniu again.

"Touch! I touch!"

Zhuge Qingniu nodded quickly, although he didn't think it was possible, but he still rushed to the world tree, raised his right hand suddenly, and then touched forward!

This touch!

Zhuge Qingniu was stunned!

Because I really feel it!

world Tree!

Really a world tree!


I actually touched the world tree!


I saw a divine light penetrated into the body of Zhuge Qingniu. The body of Zhuge Qingniu was shocked and felt instantly. The hand stretched out at this moment was taken back. In the extreme disbelief, some did not know where to put the hand !

It's done!

It really is!

I really have been recognized by the World Tree!

"Big Brother, how should I repay you Zhuge Qingniu, do you need a bed warmer, my body has its own temperature, the bed warmer is too suitable! Aoao, I am so excited!"

Zhuge Qingniu looked at Chen Zheng, already incoherent!



"How could it be!"

The monks of the Rufu Road Palace and the Haruhi Temple Yuefu stared at each other. They thought it was in a dream, but they could all perceive it. Some magical changes did appear in Zhuge Qingniu!


However, as long as any creature fails once, it can no longer be recognized by the World Tree. This is a universally accepted law! Zhuge Qingniu himself said that he had failed once before. Why can he be recognized by the World Tree? Is it all because of the third-order heavenly immortal in front of him!

"Take a touch..." Elder Wu of the Daoyundao Palace took a deep breath, and his face was clenching his fists against Chen Zheng, which was an arch of his hand. , There must be great rewards in the Palace of Destruction!"


The eyes of the disciple of the Mianyundao Palace lit up, and his eyes were fixed on Chen Zheng!


However, Chen Zheng said only two words to the world tree, and the towering giant tree became nothing and transparent at once, and retreated beyond a hundred feet. The blurred magic was visible to the naked eye, as if it was within reach. Beyond Baizhang, you will understand that you can’t touch the world tree at all.

"Is the kid teasing me like this? Will it be too much?"

Elder Wu looked dark, staring at Chen Zheng and asked in a low voice.

"Teasing? I met Zhuge Qingniu and helped him in reason. As for what you have to do with destroying the Taoist Palace, how can you make fun of it. This Taoist, don't add play to yourself, play Too much is annoying."

Chen Zheng smiled.

Elder Wu!

Destroy the monk of the Road Palace!

The monk of the Happy Palace!

His face was cold instantly!

They all stared at Chen Zheng!

But dare not take any action!

If you can't guess that Chen Zhengda has a good start at this moment, then it is purely a second-hand without a complete brain! This young man, who is seemingly a third-order Celestial Immortal, can summon the World Tree at will, and just let the World Tree approve Zhuge Green Cow. This kind of person would be so simple on the surface, so vulnerable!

"Which world does the son come from!"

Elder Wu pondered and asked again, secretly communicating with the other elders with Yuanshen. The other elders thought about it and secretly smashed the rune.


And at the next moment!

A figure came forcibly!

"Destroy the ancestral ancestors of the Yunyun Dao!

Seeing this figure, Zhuge Qingniu frowned at once! He had guessed that the Yun Yun Dao Palace had a scheme before, but he didn't expect to force an ancestor to force it here!

It is difficult for ordinary ancestors to enter here. This should be a means of destroying the first generation of palace masters of the Yun Yun Dao Palace.

at the moment!

An ancestor came!

Chen... The son is in trouble!


In the Seven Kills secret world, Chen Gongzi was able to fight the quasi-sect of the prince before reaching the true fairy. At this moment, Chen Gongzi is already a heavenly fairy, can he... fight the ancestor!

The thoughts of Zhuge Qingniu flashed in succession and secretly urged the secret method. He had eight battle figures. Even in the face of an ancestor, he was confident to send Chen Zheng and others in the first place.

"Destroy the ancestors!"

"Meet the ancestors!"

"See your ancestors!"

The monks of the Destruction Road Palace and the monastery of the Haruyaku Palace quickly greeted the admiring figure, and then one by one showed their joy!

Ancestor is here!

I should be able to win this kid!

You should be able to find the secret hidden in this kid!

And once you win this kid!

Wouldn't it be possible for yourself and others to be recognized by the World Tree!


And at the moment when the advent figure opened its mouth, suddenly there was a cold hum coming from the depth of nothingness and unknown under the world tree! Then I saw a flash of A phantom appeared, and the next moment the phantom became solid and turned into a blue woman! The woman only glanced at the coming Cangsheng, and the Cangsheng shivered, and her instinct retreated!

This woman!

Can't see through guessing!

This woman seems to kill herself with only one look!

As for Elder Wu and others kneeling out of control at the moment, all shivered and dared not move!

"the host!"


Gongsun Jian saw the face of the woman in blue clearly, and knelt down in excitement was a worship! The fierce sleeping beast is also very excited, screaming! At this moment, Chen Zheng smiled, because the Lord appeared!

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