Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1105: How can the bad fish rotten shrimp qualify for the game!


This is just a will embodiment of the Lord!

The main body is still hidden under the world tree!

"Who just disturbed the world tree and disturbed the long sleep of nature!" The blue woman's eyes were extremely indifferent, falling on Chen Zheng's face, her brows were immediately wrinkled: "You are the one who claims to kill all the robbers in the world. Great Emperor? No! You are not that mate, that servant has a great future, but you seem to have a great future as well! You flesh and Yuanshen... how could it be so weird, and you still have a share It’s a very familiar taste, so it’s you who just shocked the world and made it appear!”

In a word!

A moment of terror flashed in the eyes of Destruction Cangsheng. As an ancestor, of course he knew what creation means, and he knew that there was a creation above nine days. That was the supreme being who created everything in heaven and earth, including heaven and earth!

good fortune?

The woman in front of her also called herself a character!

But this woman could not be the one above nine days!

Because the one above Nine Heavens slept in the deepest part of the Heavenly Taoist Palace in the heaven of Hongmeng!

So there is only one possibility!

This woman is the forerunner of the past era of destruction mentioned by the first generation of palace masters!

"I... the first generation of the palace lords of the Ruin Doctrine Palace knows your existence, you have destroyed the fortunes of an era, right?"

Take a deep breath and ask Cangsheng Shensheng!

"Humph! Stinky fish and shrimps go aside, here you are not qualified to speak!"

The woman in blue hasn't spoken yet. In Chen Zhengmei's heart, a divine light flew out. It was the artificial lotus seed, and the chaos of the artificial lotus seed disappeared. The baby doll appeared at the moment and stared at the woman in blue with cold words!

"you you you......"

A moment of horror flashed in Jie Cangsheng's eyes. At the moment when he saw the forged lotus seeds, he instantly thought of what the first-generation palace master had mentioned. At this moment he wanted to refute, but he looked down and was shocked to find that the flesh was already fragmented. !

He is not the incarnation of the will of the Divine Mind, he is the rune refined by the first generation of the palace master, and the body comes to the magical space of the world tree! The little baby in the lotus groaned casually, and his ancestor body would collapse completely!


Destroying Cangsheng quickly retreated, wanting to abandon Elder Wu and others from Destroying Dao Palace directly, and wanting to leave this magical space directly, but only launched less than twenty steps and was stopped by an invisible enchantment!

Can't escape at all!


In an instant!

Take a slap in the heart of Micang Sheng!


With a look, he swept over Chen Zhengbai Muer and a thought came out of his mind. If the two strange creatures really want to kill themselves, then they will take this Heavenly Wonderland kid to death!


"How could this be......"

"What the **** did we encounter..."

At this moment, the monks of the Daoyundao Palace and the monastery of the Yuefu Palace have been completely forced. At this moment, except for the trembling of the mouth and the body, even if the mana is still there, even the idea of ​​resistance can't be born!

No matter how blue the woman is!

Not to mention the little doll in the mysterious lotus seed!

It's too mysterious and tyrannical!

You can only pray for them to fight!

However, forget the existence of yourself and others!

Then there may be a ray of life!

Zhuge Qingniu was originally recognized by the World Tree, and he was quite happy before. At this moment, he raised one hand, and the whole person was fixed in place like a stone carving. He felt the trembling of the Eight Array Figures!

Can't escape!

Eight Array Tu Ling is telling him!

Even if the Eight Diagrams is a unique Taoist weapon!

The woman and the little doll can erase the eight pictures with just one thought!

"The old people met, why did they stare, shouldn't the normal process say hello and ask."

After seeing a sentence made by the little doll of Chenhua, Chen Zheng glared at the blue shirt woman, as if to continue, seemingly breaking the situation that was particularly suppressed for others.


The little doll and the blue shirt woman gave Chen Zheng a glance at the same time!


Gongsun raised his mouth to speak, but as soon as Yu Guang looked at the broken body, he shut up!

He wanted to remind his master that this young man who seemed to have only the third-order Celestial Cultivation Practice, whose one drop of real blood suppressed the natural blood left by the master. This young man may be bigger than the master, even if the master and the lotus seed The little dolls inside are all robbers, and even the little dolls are the robbers in the future! And the thought of even the future robbery seems to be vaguely dominated by this young man. If this young man really wants to suppress his master, even if he reminds the master, the master may not be able to escape!

Although the master is the master!

But today is also the master's robbery!

After snorting, the two women continued to wait, staring at Chen Zheng's back with dozens of steps, covering their heart, and staring at Chen Zheng's back. At this moment, thoughts flashed in their hearts, and the underworld seemed to underestimate this heavenly wonder kid!

in this way!

Can only change the target!

Extinguish Cangsheng's eyes and look at Bai Muer who looks just like mortals!

"You go on, one tea time should be enough."

Chen Zheng opened his mouth again with a smile, and then showed up a Taishi chair. A set of tea set appeared, and just as soon as he was preparing to let Bai Muer make tea, the woman in blue started!

"Sister, the slave robber you are looking for is quite brave, or is it that your future robber can't even control a slave robber!"

a slap!


Fan towards Chen Zheng!


The little doll is not moving!

Destroying Cangsheng and others stared at this side!

not good!

Gongsun Chip's mind was not good, he was about to speak!


A crisp slap sound sounded!


Almost everyone is dumbfounded!


The blue slap of the woman in blue has not yet hit Chen Zheng. Chen Zheng lifted her right hand and slapped it slap. The blue woman's face had a slap mark on her face.


A robbery!

Although now only the will will appear!

But he was beaten by a little slave!

That moment just now!

It seems like I have no power to fight back!

How can this be!

Although this kid has a strange physical spirit!

But isn't he just a slave to the elder sister!

"Muer Tea."

Chen Zheng was sitting on the Taishi a faint sentence.


Bai Muer responded to the call and urged the real fire to burn the teapot. The tea boiled in a breath. She respectfully made tea for Chen Zheng.

This scene!

The monks of the Destruction Yun Dao Palace and the **** monastery of the Happy Palace are stupid again!

This Nima!

Will this kid be too crazy!

Not only slapped the self-proclaimed blue woman in a slap, but also slapped like a man after slap, ignoring the woman in blue and sipping tea in a leisurely way!

As for the annihilation of tens of steps, there is an urge to spur blood!

My ancestor is called stinky fish rotten shrimp, not qualified to speak. Isn't this fairyland kid not even worse than stinky fish rotten shrimp? Why do you feel like you are in control of everything!

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