Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1366: Please cover the ancient soul of the emperor!

Is that the original emperor seal!

Everyone stared at the thing above the moon **** Yuanshen!

That is a seal!

At first glance, there is not much difference between the past and ordinary jade seals, but the carved seal is not a common five-claw golden dragon, but a dragon beast that looks more fierce and fiercer than the five-claw golden dragon!

What a dragon!

Why is this primitive emperor seal called primal emperor seal!

Why have never heard of such a magic weapon!

Luna just saw that he was about to be killed, and suddenly the original Emperor Seal was sacrificed, and the strange purple scimitar was forced back. Is this original Emperor Seal higher than the purple scimitar?



Of course more surprises!

Li Yunxian and others, one was surprised that Chen was unharmed under that moon, the other was that Chen Zheng almost sacrificed a scimitar and almost cut the moon god, and the third was the original seal of the original emperor!


One is better than one!

at the moment!

The original emperor seal blocked the purple scimitar, so will the young man give a more terrible hole card again and suppress the original emperor seal! After reaching this step, it is impossible to stop anymore, and will definitely live and die!

All thoughts flashed, Li Yunxian, Kong Qi and others held their breath again.

"Original Emperor Seal... This thing actually exists. I thought it was just a legend. Our destiny and spirit family have never seen this thing. This thing is rumored to be related to the Emperor of the World!"

Ji Chunyu was on the shoulders of Xiaoming, who was staring at the Primal Emperor's Seal at the moment and secretly transmitted it to Chen Zheng. He was surprised because according to the legend it heard, the Primal Emperor's Seal of this level cannot be used in the world of thousands. Life is easy to control!

"But I underestimated you. Your purple scimitar is indeed terrible, far beyond the extraordinary treasures. And you can use the power of mystic immortality to urge such treasures. It is also strange. But everything is over, in front of the original Emperor Seal, everything It's time to end." The original emperor seal on the head of the moon **** Yuanshen, at the moment a gesture to the flesh, Yuanshen merged into the flesh, and the pierced head healed instantly. He twisted his neck and faced Chen Zheng again. A smile: "Ordinary means can't suppress you, I can only use some special means. In order to prevent accidents, this time I will sacrifice the most arrogant means! Now Moon Mountain has this partition that is linked by our lotus secrets. The enchantment of Heavenly Dao exists. The ancient soul of that person should be able to maintain at least ten breaths, of course, ten breaths are enough to kill you!"


There are big moves!

Everyone listened and held their breath completely!




Ye Fei Tian shouted crazy in his heart!

"Please cover the ancient soul of the emperor!"


Luna's face suddenly became sacred and solemn, and then he pinched an ancient seal with both hands, and opened his mouth to drink!


Original Indian seal!

Majestic Diwei broke out!


Under this majestic divinity!

The living creatures, even the ancestors, had their internal bones crushed as if they were broken, one by one originally standing in the air. At this moment, this terrifying Emperor Wei was almost pressed to the ground!


The souls under the ancestral realm!

Can't bear the terrifying emperor Wei to kneel on the ground!

"So strong! So scary! Good! Really good! Haha! Hahaha!"

Ye Motian, the elder of the lunar gods, is no exception. At this moment, Diwei was suppressed to the ground, but he did not have any fear, but he was ecstatic, because it was the terrifying Diwei invited by the moon god!

As long as you can suppress that strange kid!

Even if the lunar gods are buried, they will not hesitate!

"The ancient soul of the Emperor of the World..."

True Red Patriarch was also on the ground at the moment, barely maintaining a standing posture, and looked at the top with horror.

"Gai Shi Tian Di... how could it be Gai Shi Tian Di, shouldn't my Tianmen find the reincarnation of Gai Shi Tiandi? This matter is related to my Tianmen inheritance, how could it be the Moon God Church to do this? I Understand, it’s no wonder that the lunar religion can suppress the imprisoned Tianyun Shilong, because of the existence of the original emperor seal, because the original emperor seal has the ancient soul of the emperor of the world! Although I don’t know where in the world the emperor of the world has come, but this time It’s worth seeing the ancient soul of the Emperor of Heaven and Earth! Come and show up, let me see Li Yunxian in Tianmen!"

Li Yunxian also showed his excitement. Although the monk Tianmen said that Kuang Futian was his responsibility, in fact, Tianmen had only one goal, that is, to find the reincarnation of the Emperor of the World, and control the Emperor of the World, so that the number of Tianmen Qi could reach the peak and jump out. Thousands of worlds, become immortal Orthodox!

So now I will see the ancient soul of the Emperor Geshi Tian, ​​he is very excited!

"Can this kid turn over this time?"

Kong Qi didn't care about the Emperor Gaishi. He just wanted to know if the strange kid in the sky could turn over under the terrifying means of the moon **** sacrifice!


Ji Chunyu also landed on the ground, protected by the power of the avenue, so that he would not kneel on the ground under the pressure of Diwei, but at this moment it was only barely able to withstand the terrible Diwei, and he could only look at the whisper above.



It's really coming!

Original Indian seal!

A figure appeared!


As soon as the figure appeared, everyone was ashamed, because it was a little different from the image of the Goddess Emperor they expected!


Not a bit different!

It's very different!

How does this ancient emperor look like a woman!

This... how could this be!

Emperor Ge Shitian turned out to be a woman!


Very foolish!

"The lotus family lotus repair, welcome the ancient spirit of the Emperor Gaishi to appear! For generations, the lotus family has resurrected the Emperor Gaishi, and established the Moon God Religion in this realm. After the rebirth of the world, the Emperor of the World! Unexpectedly, this strange boy came today. To seize the luck and start the dragon, please destroy the ancient soul of the Emperor of the World! Within the cut off heaven of the lotus family, the ancient soul of the Emperor can live for ten days. , Please do it now!

The moon **** didn't show any unexpected colors. It was a worship to the ancient soul. He spoke very fast, and he said a long time in five breaths!

"Ten-breath time? Maintaining thirty-breath time is not a problem."

Ancient Soul responded to Luna.

"Ah? Thirty breaths? It's better than that!"

When Luna listened to, he suddenly showed a happy look. He thought that he could maintain ten breaths at most. At this moment, he could maintain thirty breaths, so no matter how good it is to suppress the kid.

Because in this thirty-breath period, this ancient soul has at least 70% of its fighting power at the peak of the Emperor of the World, not to mention killing all the creatures in the world, even those outside the realm, more than 90% can't beat this ancient soul. !

and so!

That kid is almost done!


Thinking of the proud place, Luna looked at Chen Zheng and could not help but gently shake his head. At the moment, his face was full of jokes, as if to say that you kid is indeed very strange, but in front of the ancient soul of the Emperor, it is impossible to turn over again!

"You..." Gu Soul's eyes flicked and stared at Chen Zheng. Then he looked at the first eyebrow and picked it up. Under the breathing of the people, Gu Soul frowned and said the second sentence: " So the reincarnation of my life became a woman like you guy?"

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