Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1367: This woman is decisive!



What woman?

In a word!

All monks near Luna Mountain are dumbfounded!

You heard it right?

Wasn’t it just an illusion?

This ancient soul said that her reincarnated body became the kid's woman in this life!

"Gai Shi Tian reincarnated and became a woman of Grandpa... Is Grandpa so discerning..."

Ji Chunyu blinked, and she thought she had heard it wrong, but the people around her were as shocked as they were. Obviously, it was not that they had heard it wrong. The ancient spirit of the Emperor Gaishi Tian said that.

"The reincarnated body of the Emperor Gaishi has been found... and has become the woman of this kid... This kid has tarnished the reincarnated body of the Emperor Geshi Tian?" Luna's body suddenly shuddered, followed by one Zhang Zhang's face was so cruel to the extreme, he shouted at Chen Zheng: "What are you, also deserve..."



His roar stopped abruptly!

Because there was a slap on his face!

His face instantly became a pig's head!


The monk near Moon God Mountain was inexplicably scared, because it was the ancient soul of the Emperor Geshitian, the ancient soul that the Moon God invited from the original seal of the emperor!

"Why... why... our lotus family enshrined you for generations..."

Luna covered her mouth, trembling and opening, her face full of grievances!

"He really deserves it." Gu Soul responded faintly, and looked at Chen Zhengshu again. She had a slightly cold face and suddenly smiled: "Speaking of it, I am actually not worthy of you guy, you guy has some old things In my mouth, it’s an indescribable taboo. If this life is mixed with you, it should be much better than the previous life."



What does ancient soul mean!

Gu Hun said it was not worthy of that kid!

This Nima!

The ancient soul is the legendary Emperor of the World!

"Not worthy of him... how could you not be worthy of him! When you were at its peak, even if it was not the era overlord, you can fight the era overlord with half-step era overlord, who are you in this world? Not good! He is something, and even if he is the reincarnation of the era overlord, he will not exceed you!"

Luna shook his head frantically, he didn’t believe in anything! Their family is basically not in this world. It can be said that the world does not know the existence of their family, and their family is dedicated to the Emperor Gaishi Emperor from generation to generation. If that kid is really a terrible creature reincarnated, can it still fail above the era overlord!

If that's the case, how could Hongmeng's controller let this guy wander around the world, and should have been expelled!

"So the lotus family is only suitable as a courtier." Gu Soul said lightly again.

"Our lotus family enshrines you from generation to generation. In order to bring you back to life, at the risk of being targeted by the Hongmeng's control of the genocide, we hope that you will come back to life, and just want to see the supreme glory of the Emperor Gaishi!"

The look of the moon **** changed, and a face suddenly became very religious, looking at the ancient soul.

As for the other creatures on Moon God Mountain, at this moment it only feels like in the clouds and fog, what era hegemony, and what kind of hongmeng master, what kind of creature is that, is it the creature above the Taoist ancestor?

"The genocide? Oh! How can the Hongmeng master take care of the ants, and the lotus family can't even enter the eyes of the Hongmeng master." Gu Hun glanced indifferently at the Moon God, and then looked at Chen Zheng again: "The Hongmeng master will only Take care of this guy, this guy will make Hongmeng's controllers afraid."


The rest of Moon Mountain listened to the silence!

One by one, the waves are already breaking!

"How can our lotus family also have the title of Emperor Tianlian? After having fought with you for so many years, didn't you have any status in your heart? Isn't it like an outsider!"

Luna is also silent for a moment, then gritted his teeth and asked!

"Emperor Lotus? Status? Your ancestor of the lotus family was cut off by my sword. Yuanshen knelt down and begged me to let go, swearing loyalty to me from generation to generation, but what he thought of you was what the person of the lotus family thought. Do you think I will not know?"

Gu soul responded, with a hint of joking.

"..." The Moon God was stunned, his expression changed for a while, and suddenly there was a smirk: "Master Ge Shi Tian Di, thirty breath time is up, please enter the original Emperor Seal!"


The strange enchantment that shrouded Moon God Mountain was suddenly broken!

"Master Ge Tian Tian, ​​before our lotus family finds your reincarnated body, don't you want to regenerate this ancient soul!"

Over Luna Mountain!

The punishment of punishment has emerged!

After all, Tianwei pressed down!

Luna opens his mouth and laughs!

"My ancient soul is just a little power left at the beginning. Before going back to the original Emperor Yinyin, I will help you to kill all the people who have here in your heart."


The ancient soul has no fluctuations!

Gu Hun didn't look at Luna, and only said a little to Chen Zheng!

"God save me!"

Luna's complexion changes dramatically!

Li Yunxian, Kong Qi, Ye Feitian, etc. are all giggling!


Ancient Soul raised his hand, wiped it out, and a terrifying dive broke out at this moment!


Luna howling!

"Do not!"

Night Ferris exclaimed!

"I am Tianmen Li..."

Li Yunxian felt the pressure of terrible Emperor Wei, and subconsciously shouted, but unfortunately it was too late, Di Wei directly crushed Li Yunxian into nothingness!


A blink of time passed!

Near Luna Mountain!

Except for Chen Zheng hanging above the sky, Ji Chunyu standing on the ground, and Kong Qi, the 10th Immortal Mountain, the rest, whether it is a monk of the Moon God, a monk of the Tianmen, a monk of the Daoyundao Palace and other forces, this moment is all turned into nothingness. !


Deep in Luna Mountain!

A dragon yin spread out!

"..." The fat man Kong Qiqi opened his mouth, trembling and trembling: "Why... why didn't he kill me, why am I still alive? Our Ten Immortals Mountain is not a decent way, why should we Let me go?"

"You woman is really decisive enough, An Jing is completely different from you." Chen Zheng looked at the primordial emperor seal in the air, grabbed the primitive emperor seal, and the primitive emperor seal flew into his hands. After looking at the original emperor seal a few times, the original emperor seal was included in the Yuanshen.

"That... why not kill me?"

Fat man Kong Qi asked again with a trembling Maybe you were a general in her life. "

Chen Zheng glanced over and gave Kong Qi a smile instead of a smile. He grabbed Ji Chunyu and took Ji Chunyu into the depths of Moon God Mountain.

"Ah? I'm a general under the Emperor Geshi Tiantian? I... do I have such a big fat man? But I... why don't I have any impression? The old monster counted for me Life, haven’t I been a demon in the past, and a pig demon in another life!"

Kong Qiyi was stunned.

"Hey! Since it doesn't kill me, it doesn't matter if I follow in? I just come in and see what Tianyun Shilong is all about. I'm definitely not going to grab it! You can rest assured that you are so terrible, nor am I Dare to **** you!"

As soon as the thought moved, Kong Qi shouted at Moon God Mountain, and there was no response in Moon God Mountain. He bit his teeth and followed in!

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