Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1380: Shenxiao Jingdian

"I...I'm such a puppet..."

   Kunzong Road looked pale, sweating and trembling, looking at Chen Zheng.

"It's an incarnation. A small part of the power that Tai Cang splits out is essentially the same as a puppet. But I've helped you cut off Tai Cang's control of you. You are in the current state. Why can't you."

  Chen Zheng said casually.

   "This... Why did Chen Zu help me?"

  Kunzong Road asked with deep thought.

   "Do you want to replace Tai Cang?"

  Chen Zheng quite smiled deeply.

"Replace Tai Cang... This... how dare I replace him, he should be one of the gods... Among the things that come out of my mind, there are mentions outside the domain , The Taicang pilgrimage outside the territory should also be the force he left behind...I am just an ancestor, just an incarnation, how can I replace him..."

   Kunzong Road shook his head for a while, his eyes dodged.

I didn’t know my origins, and before I met Chen Zheng, the ancestor of Kunzong Dao’s identity, Shenxiaozong, who claimed to be the first person under the old monster Lei Fa. What kind of spirit he was, but now he knows his origins, it turned out to be only one As an incarnation of scary creatures, he seemed to have lost his fighting spirit at once.

  I am just an avatar!

   part of the power incarnate!

  How dare to replace Tai Cang deity!

   "As long as you think, I naturally have the power to let you replace him, of course, if you dare to think."

  Chen Zheng smiled again.

   "This...please let Chen Zu let me think about it again!" Kunzong Road showed a hesitant look, his expression changed for a while, and he couldn't make up his mind for a while, then bowed down to Chen Zhengyi.

   "Oh! This time you are looking at the wrong person!"

   As soon as Kunzong Road retreated, the sound of the little doll made a sound.

"Mr. Tai Cang's will has come to Kunzong Dao just now. When I saw me, I was terrified. It seemed that Tai Cang also wanted to kill me. Originally, I just wanted to talk to Tai Cang through Kun Zong Dao. Now there is nothing to talk about. As far as Kunzong Dao dare to replace Tai Cang, he has no choice."

   Chen Zheng replied.

   "Tai Cang has the most age dominance level, a very general God, is it used to deal specifically with Na Ya?"

  The contempt of the little doll sounded.

"It's not to deal with him. I just want to see what will happen in the future when all the gods and **** candidates are gathered in the original place and all the robbers are captured in the original place. I didn’t have this kind of thought, and it just came up recently. Thirteen, thirteen, how do I feel that I have the potential to be a villain in the end?"

  Chen Zheng spoke, and his voice was extremely ethereal.

   "It's not that there is potential, but that you are 90% or more, you are the ultimate villain!"

  Small dolls hum!


  Chen Zheng heard a burst of laughter.


   Just laughed!

   In the world of luck!

   There is thunder shaking!


   I saw a purple ray of light traversing the earth above this world, and almost covered the three celestial dynasties in an instant, covering the area outside the three celestial dynasties, and then saw a ray of purple ray patterns falling!

"what's the situation!"

   "This is the thunder pattern of our **** Xiaozong!"

"That seems to be...My God, how is this possible, this is... This is the "Shenxiao Jingdian" volume! There is "Shenxiao Jingdian" in the thunder pattern Volume one, this supreme thunder method that only the sect master is qualified to practice, even the ancestors of Kunzong Dao and Fengchong ancestors are not qualified to practice this thunder method!"

   Refers to a part of the original Shenxiao Sect disciples in the Heavenly Sword Palace, looking at the lightning patterns scattered all over the sky, one by one!


   In the thunder pattern, there is the supreme thunder method that the Sect Master of Shenxiao can cultivate!




Several figures flew from the warship suspended above Zhitianjian Palace. One of them was Kunzong Road, who had just retreated from Chen Zheng’s yard not long ago. He grabbed a thunder streak, and his face was instantly filled. Surprised!

   "Preach the world!"

   "The Supreme Thunder Method can be practiced at will. If you want to get Shenxiao's Scriptures, you can just enter the Shenxiao Sect! Everyone can practice the Supreme Thunder Method in the world. Isn't it a mess!"

   "What does this mean, what is the Sovereign to do, this is the supreme thunder method, we are not qualified to practice the supreme thunder method!"

   The people around Kunzong Road were also surprised!

"Chen Zu was right, Shenxiao Sect is indeed not the former Shenxiao Sect. This Shenxiao Jingdian Scroll is a bait. The people behind the scene began to lead the golden fairy and the golden fairy in this world. The monk went to Shenxiaozong!"

  Kunzong Dao's thoughts turned around, and he thought of the guardian waiting for the rabbit mentioned by Chen Zheng before, and his face was sinking again.

   This Shenxiao Jingdian is the supreme mystery of Shenxiao Sect!

   Even his peak ancestor is not qualified to contact!

  Only the suzerains of past dynasties are qualified to practice!

   But at this moment this supreme mysterious scroll is spreading through this world under the great magical power!

   is undoubtedly the person behind the scene started!

   "Then... what shall we do?"

   The wind rushed the ancestor looked at Kunzong Road somewhat confused.

   "Since the rabbit is ready to show up, go to Shenxiaozong."

   It was also at this time that Chen Zheng's light fluttering voice came over.

   "Yes! Chen Zu please go to the warship!"

   Kunzong immediately responded!




  Several figures were swept out of the Zhitianjian palace. In addition to Chen Zheng, the Tianjianjun Jiang Shenzi, and the two apprentices Wang Yin and Lin Wu, also boarded the warship. The three of them stood on the side of Chen Zheng. At the moment, there was an expectation in their hearts, that is, this time they hope to see the ultimate Nine Sword World of Grandpa Master.

and so!

   Hope that those who control Shen Xiaozong can be strong and scary enough!

   "Return to God Xiaozong!"

Kun Daozong croaked Lehman surging on his body, the warship Lehman surging, turned into a lightning, and slammed across the border of the Great Zhou Xian Dynasty, toward the hanging fairy island where the Shenxiaozong Mountain Gate is located Shoot!

at the same time!

  Taihuang Fairy City!

   "Old Ancestor!"

   In the depths of the imperial palace, the emperor of the imperial dynasty paid his respects to an old robe!

"There are immortal creatures who are deployed in the world of heaven and heaven by means of the Sect of Heaven and Heaven. That avenue is really powerful, but unfortunately it is in vain to meet our emperor's bloodline. Our Taihuang bloodline naturally restrains the avenue poison! That Chen Zheng should You will also go to Shenxiaozong, you and me and several other old guys will go to Shenxiaozong, just make an end with him this time! The ancestral law, we have to obey, this time burn out the power of blood, even if it is suppressed If he doesn’t, he will beat him to practice! Don’t complain, this is our life. After all, everything we did was given by our ancestors!"

  The old man in the imperial robe said indifferently.

"I understand!"

   Emperor Taixian Emperor focused on the head.

   "I have deprived the blood of the rest of the royal family. They are all mortals. If we lose this time, then the royal family of the imperial dynasty will no longer exist in the future, so there is no turning back."

  The old man in the emperor's robe said again.


   The emperor of the imperial dynasty shook his body slightly, and took a deep breath to focus on his head again.

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