Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1381: Invincible suzerain? 1 Palm shot dead!



   Thunder rage!

  Shenxiaozong Mountain Gate is a dangling fairy island, there was a thunder enchantment before, at this moment the enchantment has been removed, even if only Tianxian can now enter Shenxiaozong!

   "Widely open the fairy gate!"

   "Preach the world!"

   "Dharma for the world!"

  Shen Xiaozong disciple, shouted and followed!

   The time for Yixiang incense is not enough. In the world of good luck, the three monks of the Xian Dynasty, or the monks outside the three dynasties, no matter how many people have entered the Shenxiao Sect! Some of these monks are loose repairs, and the rest are basically second-rate and third-rate sect monks. As for first-class and top-level sects, so far, not many have come!

   is not wanting to come, but in this world, can truly be called a first-class sect, in addition to the three royal families of the imperial dynasty, in addition to Shenxiao Sect, I am afraid there is only one Tianmen!

   This time Tianmen did not send the ancestors, but sent a Tiandi realm sword repair!

   "The emperor of the imperial court arrived!"

   Then a loud cry rang!


   "Emperor Taixian Xian Dynasty is here!"

   "No, the master of the fairy dynasty is here!"

  In an instant!

   Various exclamations!

   Lord of the Immortal Dynasty!

   That's not an ordinary person!

   Not to mention the emperor of the imperial court!

   So the emperor of the imperial court appeared as soon as possible!

   instantly became the focus!

But at the moment stopped inside a warship in Shenxiao Sect, Kunzong Road frowned slightly, he really did not expect the Taihuang Immortal Emperor to come, he looked at the outside with a glance of surprise, a look of surprise in his eyes. Flashing past, lowering the voice and saying: "Chen Zu, the old monster of the Taihuangxian Dynasty also came, that is a terrible old monster on the same level as the ancestor of Shen Xiaozong, and has long become a half-walk ancestor!"

Do not know why!

  Kunzong Dao's heart suddenly came up with an idea that the imperial court of the imperial court was not brought down for the "Shen Xiao Jing Shi Dian", but for Chen Zu to come to Shen Xiaozong!

  The imperial dynasty royal family wanted to take this opportunity to play a big one!

   "Half-walk ancestor is too weak."

  Chen Zheng smiled.


   Feng Chong's ancestor was also there. Hearing this sentence, he opened his mouth. He couldn't refute the thought of Chen Zheng squeezing this ancestor. After thinking for a while, he lowered his voice and said: "Chen Zu, the ancestor of Kunzong Dao and I had betrayed Shen Xiaozong before. This time, it would be reasonable to be taken down the first time, but Shen Xiaozong is right We treat it coldly, are those behind the scenes so confident?"

"Jiang Shenzi can't bear the poison of the Avenue. The person behind the scene should be at least the Taoist ancestor of the fifth level. The guy should know that I have come, but I didn't show up, he should not show up, wait for God. Sect Master Xiao and the old monster appeared, and I forced him to appear directly. By then I knew what means the Na had. In the eyes of Na, perhaps, I could not threaten Na at all."

  Chen Zheng smiled again.

   "Chen Zu is going to kill the ancestor and the ancestor of Shenxiao Sect directly?"

   The wind struck the ancestor.

"This time Tianmen came to a monk of Heavenly Emperor Realm. I didn’t bring any of the Tianjian. I have to go to Tianmen to pick up the Tianjian in person. If I don’t like the sword, I will go to other worlds with the Tianjian, then How much time I have to waste."

  Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


   Several people in the cabin heard this sentence, you look at me, I look at you, you can only be silent.


   After half an hour.

  Shen Xiaozong came to no less than 20,000 foreign monks.


   A flash of Rayman!

   The law of Thunder Avenue has emerged!

  A huge enchantment blocks Shen Xiaozong!


  Front of the huge platform in front of the Shenxiao Sect Hall, a figure appeared on the suspended Thunder Cascade, it is the Sect Master of Shenxiao Sect! At the moment, the foreign monks even the emperor of the imperial dynasty showed surprise, because the lordship of the **** Sect was obviously above the ancestor! The power of Thunder Avenue circulating around me was just a glance and it was shocking!

"Before handing down the volume of "Shen Xiao Jing Dian Dian", this sect must first clear up some traitors! If you come down and be punished, do you want the patriarch to invite you down?"

   Sect Master Shenxiao opened his eyes and fixed his eyes on the warship where Kunzong Road was located!


   The foreign monk's eyes were all fixed on the warship!


   The wind rushed the ancestor's complexion, and he thought that the sect was cold to them. It turned out that he had to wait until this moment!


   The main prestige!

   The main case is to deter everyone from coming!

"This seat is already a half-footed ancestor, and it is linked to the nine-day Leichi. The Shenxiao Jingdian of this seat has finally achieved a great success. It can be said that it is already invincible in the world of thousands. Er and other traitors really want this seat to invite you down, Er I’m afraid there’s no chance of even landing! Come and convict yourself, and wait a bit longer for the incense stick!”

   Sovereign of Shenxiao Sect once again spoke indifferently!

   "Half-walking ancestor!"

   "Shen Xiao Jing Shi Dian finally achieved great success!"

   "Invincible in the world!"

   Various monks exclaimed!

   The sky struck the warship, the wind rushed to the ancestor, and the rest of the disciples of Shenxiao were pale, and at this moment, the body was not controlled to tremble! As for Zhijian Jianjun, Wang Yin and Lin Wu, they are all sullen now!

   "Chen Zu, haven't you finished your sip of tea!"

   The wind rushed the ancestor to see that Sect Master Shenxiao had raised his hand and shouted in his heart!

   "Since this is the case, just erase this seat and wait!"

   Sect Master Xiaoxiao raised his right hand, facing this side is a slap fan out, although this slap seems to be weak, but just a fan out, almost everyone's face has changed dramatically!



   Purple Raymond!

   Extremely scary purple Rayman bursts!

   That is the power of destruction!

   The power of destruction that the ancestors could not bear!

   ‘Chen Zu, don’t you show up yet...”

  Emperor Taixian Emperor stared at the Sky Strike At the moment a thought flashed through my heart!


   The disciples of Shenxiao Sect on the Sky Strike Ship screamed!


  And just under this scream, the Sky Strike Warship suddenly thought of a chuckle, and at the moment when the power of destruction was going to devour the Sky Strike Warship, a huge palm emerged above the Sect Master of the Xiaoxiao Sect!


   The subcultivator looked up subconsciously!

   "How can I get this seat by every means!"

   Sect Master Shen Xiao showed disdain, and Thunder Avenue appeared all over the body, forming a thick avenue of Lei Gang. Only after it was formed, he heard a hula, and Dae Lei Gang was crushed directly by the giant palm that fell down!


Sect Master Shen Xiao’s face changed, his disdain became a surprise, he instantly sacrificed a magical instrument, it was a thunder bell, mysterious and ancient, but unfortunately it only lasted for a short time, and the thunder bell also melted For fans!

"Do not!"

   Only listen to a wailing cry!

  The giant palm blasted on the Sect Master of Shenxiao!


   Sovereign of Shenxiao is gone!

   No scum left!


  Whether it is a monk of Shenxiao Sect or a foreign monk, there is only one thought left in my mind at that moment, that is, who killed the Sect Master of Shenxiao, and who took the Sect Master of Shenxiao to death!

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