Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1412: The big one? That's it!

"Even if you enter the Immortal Mansion, you can't get the Immortal Mansion. These gods and devils are from outside the domain. Among them, the gods and demons claim to be Tuotian clan, which is one of the ten gods and demon races outside the domain! These are the weakest and fifth. Dao ancestors of the realm, what do you want to compete with them! You can enter Xianfu, you will die in Xianfu this time! Haha! Hahaha!"

When the thought moved, the ancient demon ancient patriarch burst into laughter! In fact, at that moment, he also wanted to rush in, and he also had the opportunity to enter, but just thought of the tyranny of the gods and demons outside the domain, he flinched!

right now!

He only recognized a little!

That is Chen Zheng's death!

"Huh! Chen Zu! You think you are invincible with some weird means, don't you think this is a world of thousands, do you think those gods and demons are the creatures in the world of thousands of worlds!"

"It's okay to be killed by those gods and demons, which saves us a lot of trouble. This fairy house fell into our Taishi ancient land. There are a lot of doubts. With the extra-territorial gods and demons fighting, we don't want to blend it! "

"As soon as Chen Zu died, he went to take down the Lingxi tribe. My three-eyed tribal chief can't die in vain, and some people have to be buried!"

A whisper sounded, and all the figures appeared, all of whom were Taoist ancestors. Many Taoist ancestors observed in the dark.

"Chen Zu..."

In the ancient temple of Pingtianshan, words rose with concern.

"The ancient demon tribe, the three-eyed tribe and the fighting holy tribe. If Chen Zu is trapped in the fairy house, the Lingxi tribe and our Pingtian Mountain might be in big trouble."

Ancestor Gu Li scanned the Taoist ancestors who appeared, and also showed concern.

"If this fairy house is really a little demon girl beside Chen Zu, then I don’t have to worry about the safety of Chen Zu. Besides, Chen Zu is a reincarnation of a creature that I can’t predict with the Great Prophecy, how could it be a few extraterrestrial demon Frightened, I will wait for peace of mind."

The ancient holy saint pondered.


Outside Pingtian Mountain.

Two more figures appeared.

That was Yan Chijia and a tall woman in a purple dress.

"Into the Immortal Mansion...The ancient deities of the ancient demon, the ancient tribe of three eyes, and the Taoist ancestors of the fighting sage clan are all here. It is not safe here. Let's avoid the dance for the time being!"

Yan Chijia swept around, secretly heard a voice, and took a tall woman to hide her figure.


The head of the ancient demon ancient clan naturally noticed the figures of the two, but they didn't put it in their eyes. They just hummed and stared at the Xianxian Mansion. Although the gate of Xianfu is already closed, he believes that there must be a terrifying battle at the moment. Those extra-terrestrial demon must have pinched the so-called Chen Zu to death for the first time.

That kid!

Can he live three breaths in front of the gods and monsters outside the tyrannical domain!

he can not!


Hanging in the fairy house.

There is indeed a terrifying battle.



The power of the majestic gods and monsters is raging wildly, impacting the backyard of Xianfu, but no matter how these extraterrestrial gods and gods urge the power of the gods and demons, no matter what mysterious method is used to explode, the power of the gods and demon has just approached the backyard of Xianfu. Somehow like a mud bull entering the sea!


"The **** boy must have launched the ancient formation in the Xianfu. The backyard must be the most critical area. The unsuccessful inheritance of the supreme treasure must be hidden in the backyard! By the way, there is also a supreme medicine, the ancestor said, this fairy The house is huge, and the refining technique is the most outstanding, and the Tuotian clan must be passed on to the Xianfu!"

"Humph! The inheritance is from the Celestial Clan!"

"Don't the two of you take my Tian Tu Clan in your eyes!"

"Okay, don't be noisy, it's useless to enter the backyard. We came to this world with Xianfu for the first time. Even if the elders and other top strongmen want to chase it, it will not be so easy! Now we It’s the right way to win the Xianfu with a few hands, and the inheritance will be divided at that time!"

The quarrel is endless!

A blonde demon opened his mouth and drank!

The quarrel is gone!


But this is also the moment when the fairy light flashed in the backyard suddenly, and the enchantment disappeared at once. The eyes of these gods and demons rushed in instantly!


"Secret treasure!"

"Supreme God Medicine!"

"we are coming!"

"Boy, kid, what can you do if you are advanced in the backyard? You don't even know the situation of the Xianfu, you don't know the origin of the Xianfu, a human race Xuanxian in your area also wants to be approved by the Xianfu? Now dumbfounded, the spirit of the Xianfu It has been determined that you have failed, so we took the initiative to put us in! Your ants are too weak, how could the spirit of the Immortal Mansion look like you!"

These gods and demons entered the backyard and quickly swept through the backyard. Seeing Chen Zheng sitting in front of a bamboo forest, he was cultivated without any promotion or any magical tools to suspend the front body protection, and then there was ruthless taunt!


This kid must have failed!

Otherwise, the backyard will not take the initiative to open towards others and others!

This humanoid kid!

Although it is the first fairy house to enter!

But this kid got nothing!

"Don't you think that you will be inherited the first time you come in. Did you feel very excited just now, do you think you will be able to fly into the sky after you get this chance? Young! Thousands of people from the Top Ten Clan, let You kid is dead, this immortal mansion is huge, it is the immortal mansion of a great person in the era of ancient destruction, and only the gods and demons with the blood of the gods and demons of ancient times are eligible to inherit this House of Immortals!"

The devil with a black hair shawl stared at Chen Zheng with great disdain!

"This little demon girl... huh, don't you think that even if you meditate with your eyes closed, even if you have inherited it? There is no fairy power in this girl, don't pretend to be like this, this set can't fool us! "

The blond demon looked at the little demon girl meditating with her eyes closed in front of the bamboo forest at the moment, and only chuckled.




The other three gods sneered successively!

Evil God Beast Eclipse is also in front of the bamboo forest at the moment. It didn’t make a sound. It just secretly looked at the backyard of Xianfu. The gods and gods didn’t see it, but it has been seen for a long time. Since Chen Zu brought the little master in After the backyard, there is obviously a revival of fairy power in the backyard!



The immortal light flashed in the direction of the inner hall!

At the next moment, a scroll flew out, and flew into the backyard at once, and almost at the same time, the rolled scroll opened itself!



"It doesn't matter if you grab it first and then talk!"

As soon as the eyes of several gods and deities were bright, they raised their hands to grab the picture scroll, but their hands were stretched out. The half-expanded picture scroll only flashed with fairy light, and these gods and demon were instantly suppressed on the ground!


Even if the weakest among them is the fifth ancestor, they are all suppressed at the moment, and there is no movement!


"how come!"

"I am the Taoist father of the fifth realm!"

Several gods and demons groaned and raised their heads to look at the bamboo forest. The scroll fell in front of Chen Zheng. Then the fairy light flashed and the scroll turned into a woman. The woman respectfully respected Chen Zheng and paid a homage. : "Ninger meets Grandpa Patriarch and welcomes Grandpa Patriarch to bring back Master Reincarnation!"



What the **** is going on!

How could a human race Xuanxian be the patriarch of this fairy house!

Several gods and demons were instantly stunned!

"Are you the spirit of the Immortal Mansion?" Chen Zheng glanced at the woman in the picture scroll, nodded her head, and then glanced at several demon, then pointed at the little demon girl meditating with closed eyes: "You little things That's This fairy house is indeed owned by a big man. As for that big man, this is the girl."


The voice has not fallen!

The fairy light broke out in the backyard!

Suddenly poured into the body of the little demon girl!

Only one blink!

The little demon girl became an adult woman!

Although did not open his eyes!

But the breath has completely changed now!

At this moment, the breath is superb!


Seeing this scene, a few gods and demons completely solidified!

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