Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1413: The blood of the demon writes red dust!

This breath!

This breath is the breath of the supreme being!

There can be nothing wrong!

There is absolutely nothing wrong!

This is not an illusion!

That little demon girl really is the master of this fairy house!

Although they can’t believe it, in the face of the facts, these gods and demons have to believe that their weakest is the Taoist ancestor of the Fifth Realm, so as long as they perceive it, they can feel the terrible breath, so it’s just a lie to say not to believe Just myself!

"She... she is even the master of Xianfu, but how can you be a human did you become the grandfather of Xianfu!"

The blond devil yelled and asked!

"Anyway, you are also a ancestor. How could you ask such a stupid question. The spirit of the fairy house called me the ancestor master, and the little girl was the master, then my identity is not out of my mind? Are you extraterritorial demon, are you heads? It's all tofu."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.


The blond demon was ignorant, and the other few deities could not help moving their eyes involuntarily, as if to say they did not know the blond demon.

"Master Patriarch... seems to have forgotten Ning'er, Master seems to have not really awakened. I don't know that Grandpa Patriarch can wake up Master."

The spirit of Xianfu, who claimed to be Ning'er, looked at Chen Zhengdao slightly.


Not fully awakened?

Several gods and demons heard this sentence, and their eyes lit up, and the master of Xianfu did not fully awaken, so are there a few lines of life for a few of them!

After the idea flashed quickly, the white-haired divine stared at Chen Zheng, lowering his voice and said: "I am the thousand ways of the Tuotian clan outside the domain, and the Tuotian clan is one of the ten gods and demon races outside the domain. Master, it should only be reincarnated, and it should not be fully awakened! Our Tuotian clan has a temple. As long as you let me go, I can introduce you to the temple and help the master of the Xianfu awaken! Your life is also a reincarnation. It takes time to awaken and restore cultivation, I believe that you also need allies, and our Tuotian clan is definitely the most powerful ally!"

"Hum! The Tuotian tribe is not as good as our Huntian tribe, and our Huntian tribe also has a relic that can help the Master Xianfu awaken!"

"Choose our Tiantu tribe, our Tiantu tribe dare to call it Tiantu, and your lord should also be able to think of the tyranny of our family!"

"Our dark gold tribe has the gods and deities, that is the first person among the ten gods and deities outside the territory today, as long as you let me go, I can recommend you!"

Several other demon also shouted at Chen Zheng!


Chen Zheng just shook his head gently, his right hand made a random move, and there was one more thing in his hand. It was a magic weapon shaped like a pen. As soon as the object was taken out, the faces of several gods and demons changed, and he fixedly stared at the magic weapon in Chen Zheng's hands.

"This thing... looks like a legendary evil weapon!"

"What do you want to do!"

"You are a human race. If you use this evil weapon, you will definitely be invaded by the demon, and the heart will be robbed together. Your life will definitely fall!"

Take a deep breath, and several demon growls!

"I got this thing a long time ago. I thought it was not useful. Today, the fairy house fell into Taishi ancient land. Several of your gods and demons took the initiative to come to the door. In addition, the fairy house is incomplete and needs to be repaired. There is this girl, although this girl has recovered part of her strength, but this girl is still not awakened, and still rejects her first life, so it just happens to take the blood of your gods and demons as ink."

Chen Zheng said lightly.


Ink the blood of gods and demon!

What is this to do!

The spirit of Xianfu Ning'er and the evil **** beast eroded their doubts, and when a few gods and demons heard it, they shuddered. At the moment, there was a horror in their eyes, and they wanted to escape from Xianfu. They could be suppressed by the power of Xianfu spirit. Can't move!

"What is your relationship with Qianyin girl?"

Chen Zheng's eyes moved, and he looked at the Thousand Dao Deities of Tuotian Clan.

"Qianyin? Is that evil barrier with a monkey in the sky? I wish I could kill it by my own hands..." Qiandao Demon God heard it and blurted out in a word, but only half of his face looked instantaneously. Change, quickly changed his mouth: "I just said nonsense, I never thought of killing Qianyin, she is the daughter of my second uncle, very close to me since childhood, I also take care of Qianyin, I... ..."


Not finished yet!

Chen Zheng grabbed the magic weapon and stroked, the body of the thousand demon demon demon instantly broke apart, and the blood of the deity demon seemed to condense into ink, and the other demon were terrified!

"You... why don't you believe me!"

Qian Dao Demon shouted at Chen Zheng suddenly!

"You don't believe what you say, how to convince others."

Chen Zheng said casually, the magic weapon swept again, only to hear a clatter, the body of several gods and demons kneeling on the ground were also fragmented, and another blood of gods and demons condensed into ink, he held the magic device a little, in the air Write down two big letters!

Red dust!

Two blood words of the gods and monsters emerged!


Red Dust Fairy House shook in an instant!


next moment!

Bright fairy light burst!

Outside Xianfu!

The missing plaque appears now!

The words Red Dust are imprinted on the plaque!



Taishi ancient place is also a shock at the moment!

"this is......"

"It turns out that this fairy house is called Hongchen fairy house!"

"What a terrible breath, this power is definitely the power above the Taoist ancestor, who triggered this power!"

Outside Xianfu!

The eyes of the ancient demon patriarch and several other Taoist pupils shrank sharply, and the instinct retreated back, all staring at Xianfu!

"Chen Zu succeeded?"

In the ancient temple of Pingtianshan, Yan Sheng quivered.

"Red Dust Fairy House... This fairy house was originally called Red Dust Fairy House... But it came from outside Red Dust, why is it called Red Dust Fairy House."

The ancient priest of Lihuo did not respond, but whispered. As for Gu Li's ancestors who were silent, he could not judge whether Chen Zu was successful from the perspective of the Xianfu panic. Of course, he hoped that he would succeed.

"Xianfu has been restored, the fight inside is over, the kid must have been killed by the demon, and the demon has control of Xianfu!"

At this moment, the ancient demon ancient patriarch stood in the air and snarled!

Within Xianfu!

The spirit of Xingfu Ning'er was originally weak. At this moment, she was soaring. She showed a surprise color. What surprised her was that the master who had kept her eyes closed and her eyes open, opened her eyes at this moment!


The little demon girl, already an adult woman, opened her eyes!

This moment!

Still stupid!

But only for a moment!

I saw her eyes swept a few gods and the spirit of Xianfu, swept the evil **** beast eclipse, and finally landed on Chen Zheng's face, her lips slightly, shouted softly: "teacher."

Although it is only a soft tone, although there are only two words, it can sound in the eclipse of the spirit of the Immortal Mansion and the Sin God Beast, this sound seems to be the endless years!



next moment!

The dust girl closed her eyes suddenly, her fairy light flashed, and she turned into a demon girl again!


The spirit of Immortal Man was ignorant.

Evil God Beast Eclipse is also ignorant.

Is this situation awakened or not?

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