Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1486: 300 Avenue? What a joke!



The master of the old palace of Ice and Snow shrieked!


Nothing happened!

Now the palace master was stunned with the others for a moment, and the next moment he understood that with the cultivation of the old palace master, he couldn't get rid of the mana ban of this young man in front of him! Originally, many people still had expectations in their hearts. With the power of the old palace master over the saints, they might be able to break the ban, but at this moment they fully understand what is playing between applause!

Ice and Snow Shrine!

No one is the enemy of this young man!


He is a mystery!

How can it be so scary!

Feel free to squeeze half a trail ancestor!

"Except for the matter of Sheng Hui, Bingxue Jingu should never be sorry... Your business, you will not be completely demolished Bingxue Jingu."

Now the palace master took a deep breath and looked at Chen Zheng with a whisper.

"That girl is related to you, right?"

Chen Zheng glanced at Qi Wan lightly.


The **** palace heard it next time, showing a look of surprise. The palace owner had never had a man. How could Miss Qi Yun have a blood relationship with the palace owner! Wait a minute, maybe the palace owner has sisters and the like!

"This... Qi Yun is my sister's daughter, my sister...I can't tell for a while."

The present palace master responded with a deep voice.


Upon hearing this, the disciples of the shrine revealed a sudden enlightenment. No wonder Ms. Qi Yun acted arbitrarily in the Ice and Snow Shrine, and the master could tolerate it. It turned out to be the daughter of the sister and sister of the master!


What did this young man ask?

The disciples of the shrine showed doubt.

"You can't even protect your sister's daughter. What's the difference between you and the puppet.

Chen Zheng smiled faintly, and said that his right hand was raised, and the ice crystals that were frozen by the ice crystal burst like a prison, and only a few hums were heard. The women opened their eyes and saw Chen Zheng. It was all stunned first, then all kinds of looks!




In short, all kinds of looks!

"I.......The old palace master is after all a guide on my way of cultivation, and also my master. Although I am the master of the Ice and Snow Palace, in some ways I can only..."

Now the palace whispered.

Chen Zheng only chuckled at this, and grabbed the eyes of the Yunji maiden who was meditating with her eyes closed. When Xuemang flashed, something flew out of Yunji maiden.

"Sheng Hui!"

"Bing Ling Sheng Hui!"

"That's Sheng Hui!"

Disciple of the Ice and Snow Shrine!

Bingling Shenghui!


Once perfectly integrated with the ice spirit **** body!

Then the Lord of the Ice Spirit Divine Body can stand above the saint in the future!

There are two virgins in Bingxue Jingu, and both virgins have Bingling divine bodies, but Bingling Shenghui only has one flower, so fighting is inevitable! It's just that Yun Ji Shengnv is too hard to rely on, and is the old palace master of the Ice and Snow Shrine. Therefore, there will be the fact that Elder Su Mengxue was banned by the old palace master in Houshan and punished!

"Who dares to take me Sheng Hui!" At this time, Yun Ji Sheng Nu opened her eyes, and her face was extremely indifferent, directly staring at Chen Zheng: "Huh! A Xuan Xian, dare to take me Sheng Hui, you can Really alive..."


Just said the movable type!

Yun Ji Sheng Nu took the initiative to shut up!


Something in the corner of her eye noticed something!

Not right!

Very wrong!

Impressed by the thought, he swept across the Ice and Snow Shrine. At this moment, he found that the Ice and Snow Shrine was shattered. The oldest master of the shrine was also stunned in the same place as the stone carving. The rest of them looked at themselves in horror!

They are not afraid of themselves, they are afraid of others!


Yun Ji Sheng Nu suddenly thought a little bit, Shen Nian received it back, then stared at Chen Zheng several times, lowered his voice and asked: "You... just took the Ice Spirit Saint Hui in the northern glacier that day. That Xuanxian?"

Despite trying to keep herself calm, she still panicked in her eyes!

"You have heard of me, and since you have heard of me, why do you still have to think of Sheng Hui's idea."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.


Yun Ji Shengnv felt something, her eyes showed horror, just the moment she opened her mouth, her flesh shattered, just like porcelain!


The disciples of Ice and Snow Shock are inexplicable!

This guy!

It seems that there is no trick!

Only one glance passed!

Yun Ji's flesh was destroyed!

"Ancestor saved Yun Ji!"

Everyone was frightened and inexplicably, suddenly there was a divine light blooming in the broken goddess of Yunji, and only listening to the screaming of Yunji, the goddess of the goddess, a strange avenue law instantly took this area of ​​Ice and Snow Palace blockade!


next moment!

A figure emerged!

It was an old man in a white robe. He was suspended above the sky at the moment, and he glanced down lightly. After sweeping across the ice and snow palace, he landed on Chen Zheng's face, and then a smile: "Will Daoyou give me a convenience, let me go This uncompromising descendant, I assure the Taoist friends that this girl will never cause trouble again, and there will never be this girl in this world."

The shrine is full of doubts!

Who is this old man who came? The Lady Yunji just called for the help of the old ancestors. It turns out that in addition to the old palace master as a backer, the Lady Yunji also has a big head!


Isn’t it because the Lady Yunji itself has a big head, so the old palace owner will favor the Lady Yunji, but isn’t the old palace owner hating men the most? Lady Yunji!

All kinds of doubts!


"I have the bloodline of a powerful family outside the territory. You can't kill me. If you kill me, it will not only cause you big troubles, but also cause big troubles to the Ice and Snow Shrine, and even bring big troubles to the world of Xuanhuang!" Yun Ji The Saint Goddess seemed to be due to the coming of the old man, and at the moment he had confidence. He stared at Chen Zhengdao: "Another point, my former master is an extremely powerful creature outside the realm. Your mysterious means is so strange, you must know Those realms above the sage, my former master is the era overlord on the Taoist ancestor!"


Strong family outside the territory!

Era Overlord!

This is a realm that I have never heard of!

So this is the essence of Saint Yunji!

A group of people in the Ice and Snow Shrine showed surprise!

"Era Overlord? My previous life is still half a step away."

But Chen Zheng only smiled slightly when he heard it.


Half-step detachment!

Which situation is that!

Bingxue Jingu looked up and down!

"Daoyou... I can really laugh." The admired old man frowned, staring at Chen Zheng for a moment, then said with a smile, and said a move with his right hand, a piece of ancient jade emerged above the ancient jade. Daoyun circulates, at first glance is a very strange thing. The old man glanced at the ancient jade, and then looked at Chen Zhengdao: "This is the jade-weaving jade made by our sky-weaving family. Although it does not contain any terrible divine power, it can contain three hundred avenues. But the mana is too weak, I think Taoists should need to weave the **** of heaven.

"Weaver God Jade!"

"There are three hundred avenues!"

"This...this is too precious!"

Ice and Snow Shout!

"How do Daoyou feel? Let the old age take thing will naturally belong to Daoyou."

The old man smiled again, and there was a vague sense of confidence in Chen Zheng.

"Three hundred're a bit rubbish." Chen Zheng shook his head gently, and a jade dish appeared in the palm of his hand. He looked at the old man and asked: "You are also a bit of identity, should be Know this thing?"

"Cultivation...Jade Disc!"

The coming old man's eyes widened in an instant, and the next moment was full of disbelief!


What jade!

What dish!

What a jade dish!

The eyes of the ice and snow shrine were instantly widened to the extreme!

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