Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1487: Real fetish! 1 ice tear from Yuwai!

Make a jade dish!

Wasn’t that the legendary Hongjun ancestor's treasure of union?

Is this really a jade dish?

If it was really a jade dish, wouldn't this young man be the Taoist ancestor!

Did the Taoist ancestor fall? Although this life has only the magic power of the Xuanxian, but the flesh is the realm of the Taoist ancestor, so it can be so against the sky... it seems that everything can be explained!

Up and down the ice and snow palace, almost all thought of a little!


The advent of the old man appeared in front of Chen Zheng in a blink of an eye. He caught the jade dish and saw this scene up and down the ice and snow palace. He held his breath one by one, and did not expect the old man to suddenly shoot!


Chen Zheng smiled faintly, without any idea of ​​backhand, let the old man grab his hand toward the jade dish.

"No matter how powerful you are, this synthetic jade dish is mine too!"

The old man grabbed the jade dish with his big hands, and laughed loudly the next moment, and then flicked next to Yun Ji Sheng Nu Yuan Yuan, and with the Yun Ji Sheng Nu Yuan Yuan will tear away time and space!



A strange scene appeared!

The light of the old man lit up, and the old man shattered suddenly, then heard a scream again, and the goddess Yunji was also destroyed! In the middle of the air, only the jade dish was left floating, and the old man or Yunji Shengnv Yuanshen did not leave any traces!


Why is this!

Ice and Snow Shock!

"This... Is this a counterfeit of a jade dish made of chemicals?"

Qi Yun thought about it and asked.


Everyone's eyes moved towards Chen Zheng. Although this moment was shocking and frightening, they all wanted to know the answer!

"This thing is not a jade dish made of chemicals."

Chen Zheng smiled.


Isn't it a jade dish?

What it is?

The ancestors invited by Saint Yunji thought this thing was a jade dish, but actually it wasn't. The coming incarnation will be destroyed by a touch of this thing. Isn't it equivalent to being pitted?

Everyone was stunned, one ear after another subconsciously, waiting for Chen Zheng to continue speaking.

"It's not a jade dish, what is it?"

Qi Yun blinked and asked.

"It is much higher than the level of the jade dish of making, although the last time it was exhausted, but this thing is not touchable by ordinary people. The ancestor of the Yun family outside the domain may be the ninth state ancestor, but the incarnation of will When it comes to the world of thousands, it will be half a trail ancestor level."

Chen Zheng said casually.


Up and down the ice and snow palace, all were silent. Even if the palace owner is the ancestral realm, it is difficult to imagine that there are magic instruments in this world that are many levels higher than the jade dish of fortune!

Isn't the jade dish of Taoism the best thing?

"This is the Ice and Snow Shrine, one is to meet the Qin Rouge Saint Lady, and the other is to come to your Ice and Snow Shrine to get something."

Chen Zheng lifted his right hand, grabbed the jade dish, and the jade dish flew over to hover in front of him, then moved his right hand, grabbed the ground of the Ice and Snow Shrine, and saw a flash of light, a crystal clear like waterdrops. Something fell on the jade dish.


The color of doubt appeared up and down in the Ice and Snow Palace. At this moment, the old palace master was also shown the color of doubt by Chen Zheng's banned mana force. She became a half-walk ancestor not long ago. She thinks everything about the Ice and Snow Palace She knew what to do, but she didn't know that there was such a thing sealed under the Ice and Snow Shrine!

This thing!

Absolutely extraordinary!

This thing!

Absolutely precious!

At that moment, the old palace master wanted to take the snatch, but suddenly remembered that she was imprisoned for mana, and at this moment she could not move at all, and with a puff, blood spewed out!

She was so angry that she vomited blood!

"What is this?"

"Is this a drop of water or something?"

"How do you feel like... a teardrop?"

A whisper sounded, almost everyone looked at the waterdrop-like thing falling on the jade dish. The thing rolled on the jade dish. There seemed to be no rules, but it seemed that there was something invisible between the invisible. Mysterious!


Everyone suddenly heard a shattering sound, something like a drop of water on the jade plate burst, and this explosion all sprinkled on the jade plate. The crowd suddenly wondered, the world suddenly changed, as if standing in the void of the galaxy in!

"this is......!"

The old palace master's eyes widened. She was a half-walking ancestor. Although she was imprisoned with mana, she felt something at this moment!

"This thing will not be eligible to wait."

Chen Zheng said something lightly. On the side of the Ice and Snow Palace, except Qin Rouge, Su Mengxue, Qi Wan, Chu Shuangshuang, and Maid Lanxiang, the rest of the people, whether they were the palace master and the old palace master, fainted silently!

"what is this?"

Qi Yun looked at Xinghe's infinite expansion, and felt that she was insignificantly small, and couldn't help asking another question.

"How much can be enlightened, this opportunity is rare once in hundreds of millions of years."

Chen Zheng said aloud, the double pupils turned into nothingness, and the ever-changing galaxy reflected in the double pupils of nothingness.

"Complete Great Reincarnation, you are so lucky!"

At this moment, the little doll made her appearance. She gritted her teeth and snorted without any hesitation. Her pupils turned gray, and the next moment turned into nothingness, which reflected the ever-changing galaxy.


The maid Lan Xiang fainted with just one glance.


Chu Shuangshuang fainted after watching two eyes.

"This is... the secret of reincarnation, not the secret of reincarnation in general, it seems to be...a kind of reincarnation that transcends reincarnation in the world of thousands and even our world!"

Elder Su Mengxue was surprised, she held her breath, but unfortunately, she only survived twenty breaths.


Qin Yanzhi groaned, even if Sheng Hui re-entered the body, even if Sheng Hui helped each other, it would only last half a scent of incense. As for Qi Yun, although the cultivation is not as good as Qin Rouge, an ancient ornament appeared at the center of her eyebrows, and she passed out after a period of incense.


Mo Xin was the longest person except Chen Zheng and Xiaohua Doll, but in the end, he couldn't sustain it and fainted.

"Only two-thirds of it is I'm not reconciled!"

After a short while, the little doll made a lot of scolding, and also fainted, and the lotus seeds of the lotus flew into Chen Zhengmei's heart.

Chen Zheng's eyes are nothing, there is no fluctuation at this moment, reflecting all the changes of Xinghe, one after another, one round after another, no matter how the galactic changes, they are reflected in his pupils!


at last!

The changing scene of the mysterious galaxy disappeared!

Everything has come back to reality!

At this moment, only Chen Zheng was awake. He glanced at the fainting people on the ground, only shaking his head gently, and said in a very ethereal voice: "I thought that the great reincarnation sent by carmine was exhausted, and the complete reincarnation was complete. The veins disappeared completely, but I didn’t expect a drop of ice from the universe’s creatures to be hidden under the ice and snow shrine. This drop of ice reactivated the Great Samsara Jade Disc, and I learned about a complete great samsara vein. Then the question came, cantilever Spirit, is my level of primal spirit now the first major reincarnation or the second major reincarnation?"

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