Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1493: Patriarch captured the dragon!

"Why do these guys like to wear masks?"

When Chen Zhengwang asked, he received the one too easy Shinto fruit.

"Maybe I'm afraid of being stared at by Susu, and I'm afraid that Susu will eat it!"

The stone egg that swallowed the incarnation of Taixuan's will fell down, and Tai Su, who gave birth to it, replied.

"It's really possible."

Chen Zheng heard it and smiled.


The sound of milk and milk gas sounded again, and then Shi egg flew into You Mang and flew into Chen Zheng's pocket. The eyes of the family of the eyes can't help blinking involuntarily, and now they are a bit ignorant.

What is stone egg?

Who is the soul in the stone egg?

In front of him, the master of Lianshan is too much and too strong!


That seven-color divine light represents something outside Yu!

Master Lianshan also has something outside!

How many cards are there for Master Lianshan!

"Xianyin Xie Lianshan Master saved the family of God Eyes!"

The eyes of the young lady of the eyes of the family were sober at the moment, and they respected Chen Zheng respectfully on the ground.

"Thank you Master Lianshan for saving the family of God Eyes!"

The rest of the eyes and eyes of the family, instantly returned to God, and bowed to Chen Zheng in unison.

"Well wait to get This is... is this really the beginning?"

Chen Zheng nodded lightly and said that he suddenly raised his head and looked towards the Heavenly Vault of the Emperor Polar Realm. His eyebrows were slightly raised and then he smiled.


The eyes of the family of the gods also showed doubtful colors, and they also looked at the latter's heavenly sky, which is a big change, because the naked eye can see it, and there is a huge giant above the heavenly sky. Thing!


That is a dragon!

A dragon that seems to have occupied the entire sky of the Imperial Polar Realm!

"Mysterious Dragon!"

Xiang Yin thought a little, and shouted with a tremble!


"Did Xuanhuang Dalong appear now!"

"How could Xuanhuang Dalong appear at this moment!"

The rest of the eyes and eyes are also exclaimed!

Mysterious Dragon!


The name of this world is from Xuanhuang Dalong!

There have been rumors since ancient times!

Say who can surrender Xuanhuang Dalong who will have the power to fight against Heavenly Dao!

Could it be that someone went to Dalongyuan to lead Xuanhuang Dalong out, want to surrender Xuanhuang Dalong today, but that kind of person should not exist in this world!


There seems to be such a person in this world!

That is the owner of Lianshan!


The owner of Lianshan Mountain seems to have no interest in Xuanhuang Dalong. If the owner of Lianshan Mountain is interested in Xuanhuang Dalong, he should go to the Imperial Polar Realm as soon as possible!

"Senior... are you not interested in Xuanhuang Dalong?"

Xiang Yin couldn't help asking.

"This thing is not very useful to me."

Chen Zheng casually said.


Xuanhuang Dalong is not much use!

Isn't it!

This is the legendary power that can fight against Heavenly Path!

How can this be useless!

Xiang Yin was even more puzzled with the children of a family of gods, but he soon realized that his body was shocked, and he was astonished at Chen Zheng!

Not much use!

Doesn't this mean that the power of Xuanhuang Dalong is not needed at all?

Before the combination, Xuanhuang Tiandao was invited by the Hidden Saint, but the master of Lianshan threatened Xuanhuang Tiandao with a single sentence.


This time I really understand!

The master of Lianshan has threatened Heavenly Dao casually, and indeed does not need the power of Xuanhuang Dalong. The power of Xuanhuang Dalong may be equivalent to chicken ribs!

"Really started."

Chen Zheng looked at the direction of the Heavenly Dome of the Imperial Polar Realm and smiled faintly.

What started?

Xiangyin and others looked, and once again looked at the Heavenly Vault of the Emperor Polar Realm. Under the blessing of magical power, they saw a figure appearing above the Heavenly Vault of the Imperial Polar Realm, and as soon as the figure appeared, the Xuanhuang Great Dragon raged instantly!



Xuanhuang Dalong moved!

The whole world of Xuanhuang followed suit!

It's like falling apart!


Fight over there!

The person who appeared appeared to fight with Xuanhuang Dalong!

Catch the dragon!

This is to catch the dragon!

This also has to surrender Xuanhuang Dalong!

Who is that person!

Not only the people on the ancestral land of the God Eye family, but almost all creatures in the world are guessing, stepping on the identity of the person who is fighting with the Xuanhuang Dragon!

"An old man!"

"How can it be Taoist realm!"

"But isn't the Taoist ancestor itself unable to enter the Daqian world, will he be expelled by Heavenly Dao as soon as he appears, why doesn't Heaven Dao appear, is Heaven Dao blocked by others, but is that possible?"

Countless guesses!


It was also when someone wondered why Heavenly Dao didn’t show up. Thunderclouds immediately gathered above the Sky Dome. Above the Emperor Polar Realm, terror giant eyes appeared. The eyes of Heavenly Penalty were all Eyes of Heavenly Penalty, a total of thirty-six!

"My goodness!"

"This... this has never been seen before, this is too scary!"

"Tiandao appeared!"

"Heaven starts!"

"That old man is about to be expelled!"


In the world screaming and screaming, thirty-six heavenly punishment eyes hit the gray light, and the sky above the imperial polar realm was gray, but many creatures still saw some things with supernatural powers, and vaguely saw the old man being forced. Send!


This is Heaven's way to expel the old man!

"He lost...not to Xuanhuang Dalong, but to Tiandao...Tiandao should allow him to stay in the world, but he was not allowed to capture Xuanhuang Dalong. "

Xiang Yin whispered.

"Not so easy to lose."

Chen Zheng smiled mysteriously.


Xiang Yin was stunned, and then heard a boom, and then saw that the Huangqi Polar Realm Sky Dome turned into black and white, and the entire Huangji Polar Realm Sky Dome suddenly turned into a huge Yin-Yang Taiji picture!


Thirty-six eyes of heavenly punishment will be destroyed in a flash


Xuanhuang Dalong roar!

Next moment!

The yin and yang tai chi pictures on that day were shrouded down, and the Xuanhuang Great Dragon was taken in a face-to-face view. The world hadn't responded yet, only to hear the old man suddenly said in the direction of the heaven and earth!



Two words!

The voice just fell!

The old man rolled the giant Taiji figure and broke away!


"Xuanhuang Dalong was taken away?"

"Is that a Tai Chi picture? Is the old man the old prince among the three saints in heaven?"

"No! Certainly not an old monarch, old monarch is not a ancestor!"

"He left to say thank you, who is he thanking?"

The world is even more ignorant. Many people look towards the land boundary at the beginning of the sky, and in the land of the ancestral family of the god's eye, Xiang Yin and others have all looked at Chen Zheng. The scene just now was very clear. The old man of Dalong is clearly thanking the owner of Lianshan!

The old man should know that Master Lianshan can easily capture Xuanhuang Dalong, but Master Lianshan did not capture Xuanhuang Dalong, which means that Xuanhuang Dalong was given to him.


That should be it!


Who is that old man?

"Rong Sanji Today, I won another Xuanhuang Dragon, which can be regarded as the Quaternary Avenue. The ancestor should be able to enter the hegemony this time."

Chen Zheng did not explain, only looked at the sky dome softly.


Xiang Yin and others were even more embarrassed.


Which ancestor?


Could it be... that one!

But soon!

Xiang Yin thought of someone!

Think of a legendary character!

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