Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1494: Origin of God Eye

Too heavenly!

Master of Zixiao Palace!

Ancestor Hongjun!


It must be the one!

Can't think of anyone other than that one!

Xiang Yin and others guessed that the person who captured the Xuanhuang Dalong was shocked at the moment, but he didn't ask any more questions. He knew that the relationship between the owner of Zixiao Palace and the owner of Lianshan was extraordinary. I glanced at the ruined ancestral land, and then looked at the old ancestor and Shaoyan who were both closed. Xiang Yin whispered: "It is not difficult to repair the ancestral land, just don't know when the old ancestor and Shaoyan wake up. "

The eyes of the rest of the eyes and eyes family also moved, looking at the two people who closed their eyes over there.

"Up to three days, the two will wake up. I will stay in the family of God Eyes for a few days. I am still very interested in the origin of God Eyes."

Chen Zheng said with a smile.

"I am afraid that the origin of the **** eye is only known to the ancestors."

Xiang Yin whispered.

She and the rest of the family of gods and eyes, although they lived in their ancestral home since childhood, they were also instilled with the concept that all gods in heaven and earth originated from the ancestral land of the family of gods, but it is also limited to this, just know There is such a saying.

How did the gods come from? I really don't know.

"Wait for them to wake up."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"we can only do this."

Xiang Yin responded, thinking a bit, and then began to order the tribe to repair the ancestral land.

Chen Zheng felt that Mo Xin, who was asleep in Yuanshen, had regained consciousness, and with a slight smile, he came out to a mountain stream, summoned Mo Xin, and after a little exploration, nodded with satisfaction.

At the Ice and Snow Shrine that day, a drop of ice from Yu Xingsheng activated the Jade Saucer of the Great Reincarnation, and the complete Great Reincarnation vein reappeared. Although Mo Xin did not last long, there were many gains.

This girl is still Xuan Xianxiu, but the body of the sky is already a great achievement. With the blood-mandated sharp gun in hand, and part of the strength of the zero blood, it is not a problem to crush the general ancestor.

"It's no problem to be an era overlord in the future, but it's still difficult to go further and even want to be detached. The body of the heavenly body is almost the same as the body of eternity. It is not a ten-body body, and it is considered to be supreme, but it is not comparable to detachment The body can't compare with the girl of Zhengyue and your bones."

The sound of Xiaohua doll sounded, and she also woke up.

"The power of the sky will wait for some time. I will take this girl to the wall of origin at the end of the chaotic realm."

Chen Zhengruo thought about it, and thought of another guy with the power of the sky. That guy was a native creature in the realm of chaos. At first, he was just a little guy, and later became the evil master of the sky. The Huntian Evil Lord is also the supreme demon of the Demon of Ten Thousands, which is respected by the demons in the dark world. In fact, Chen Zheng went to the wall of origin with the Huntian Evil Lord in his youth.

Thinking about it, Chen Zheng made a move, too easy Shinto fruit appeared, he did not hesitate to swallow too easy Shinto fruit, the breath suddenly rose sharply, but also fell back in an instant.

"Ninth-order Xuanxian swallowed too easy Shinto fruit to barely promote a small realm, which is really getting harder and harder. If my body is not as strong, it is not so difficult to restore mana."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

He remembers very clearly that in the Changsheng River outside the Thousand Worlds, he got a Taiyi Shinto fruit from Mrs. Yan. After swallowing, the mana raised a big realm, and now he swallows the Taiyi Shinto fruit again. Ascending a small realm, there is no doubt that the more difficult it is to advance.

"You nineth-level Xuanxian, now you can kill the lower-level Taoist ancestors easily, it's enough metamorphosis, if you restore the mana easily, and the combat power returns to the half-step detachment, those old monsters Don’t even think about the robbery like Laozi! Huh! That’s fine, I still hope that you will finally wake up before you and return to the half-step detachment before you! You are in this state, there are no ten It’s too easy for Shinto, and it’s impossible to break the Xuan Fairyland.

The little chemical doll sneered.


Chen Zheng chuckled, looked at the girl who was familiar with the new power, and passed a secret method to the girl. This secret method is derived from the wall of chaos in the field of origin. In addition to the detached body, only the blood of the heavens can be cultivated. Its name is "Yuan Shi Jing".

Three days later.

The ancestral land of the **** family has been repaired.

Ancestral ancestors and Shaoyan of the Eyes family also woke up.

"Here is the origin of the eye."

The ancestral ancestors of the family of God Eyes said to Hengtian.


Xiang Yin was surprised. She saw the origin of the eyes for the first time, but the difference from her imagination was too great. She thought that the origin of the **** eye would be a special magic weapon, or the first **** eye born between heaven and earth in ancient times, but neither.

That is a puppet!

A puppet without double pupils!

There is a hole in the puppet's eyes!

And this puppet is not an ordinary creation!

This puppet is made of metal that has never been seen before!

"This uncle is so strange"

Shao Yan's face also showed doubt, and he couldn't help shouting at Chen Zheng.


This is the moment!

The silver **** suddenly flashed on the puppet like a stone sculpture, and suddenly there was a silver pill lit up in that hollow eye socket. Both Shaoyan and Xiangyin retreated instinctively, and Xianghengtian also watched the origin of the god's eye!

"Mountain guard!"


Yin Ping suddenly moved in that puppet's hollow eyes, and then locked Chen Zheng, and then spit out words, and then rushed over, fell to Chen Zheng's feet, hugged Chen Zheng's thighs, and started crying!

"Hoooo! Shoushanren, Xiao Ke finally found you! Shoushanman! When you left, I ran out to find you, and I met a jerk. That **** forcibly robbed my pupils, Shoushanren, you want me Revenge! Ooo!"



Less inflammation!

Mo Xin!

To Hengtian suddenly all forced!

The origin of the **** eye actually knew Chen Zu!

And also called Chen Zu as a mountain guard!


What mountain is it guarding?

Several people were puzzled!

"The original robbed the main mountain!"

In Chen Zheng's mind, the little baby's cold hum sounded!

"The Mountain Watcher"

Chen Zheng said these three words softly.

"Yes, Shoushanren, you are Shoushanren, did you forget? At the time, you and Xiaoke formed a deep friendship, oh, Shoushanren, you won't forget Xiaoke! Huh? Wait a minute. , Shoushanren, how come you have Xuanxian mana, but you were half-step detached from the extreme existence at the beginning, you were only able to get rid of it when you were so lost, how did the state fall to the level of Xuanxian only!"

The puppet holding Chen Zheng's thighs was crying again. When he noticed that Chen Zheng only had the power of Xuanxian, the puppet was forced.

"It's really forgotten."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

"The half-step detachment can only be detached by one drop"

The ancestral ancestor of the family of God Eyes froze for a while before looking at Chen Zheng blankly, he was a little scared!

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