Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1553: The real Thunder Dragon!

This young man!

It's so weird!

The first time the Son of God came out to travel, he was frightened to death, how to explain to the leader after this trip!


Can you wait for others to go back!

On the Qingyue ancient ship, a group of monks moved their eyes and looked at Chen Zheng again. They knew that this young man could wipe away his own waiters with just one hand, and his life and death were completely controlled by this young man. !

"Wu Jiuzhan, I also saw a guy named Wu Jiuzhan more than two thousand years ago. Although there is not much intersection, that guy is also decent. Of course, is your teacher the Wu Jiuzhan I have seen? Not clear."

Chen Zheng said lightly and took Jiang Hua directly into the Leihai of Youdu.


The people on the Qingyue ancient ship were ignorant!

"More than two thousand years ago..."

"So this young man is reincarnated..."

"Divine Son... Will the Divine Son be too spoiled by the elders in the door?"

After a moment, a whisper sounded.

"Go back."

The middle-aged man sighed and said two words, urging the secret method to control the Qingyue ancient ship to go away.




This is inside the Yedu Leihai, which is more terrifying than the thunder and lightning that you see outside!

Jiang Li followed Chen Zheng, and his face was full of emotion at the moment. With his own cultivation, he could not bear much thunder bombardment, but the thunderbolts that came from him were all absorbed by the son. The thunder hit the son, the son. It seems that there is no response at all!


Who is it?

How can Xuan Xianxiu be so against the sky!

Jiang Hua became more and more curious, but knew that some things should not be asked, so she silently followed along the way.

"Yudu Leihai, Shijia ancient house can be ranked in the top five, but it is not the master of Youdu Leihai, the master of Youdu Leihai is Fujia... These few families are not important, I just want to Knowing the relationship between this Youdu and each other should not be the same as the name."

Chen Zheng said casually, glanced toward the southeast direction, and then showed a non-smiling color. He was a little in Leihai, and Leihai was separated, a channel emerged, and he went directly with Jiang Li That channel.


As soon as the two entered the channel, the separated Lei Hai closed, and almost at the same time, a figure appeared in the southeast direction. It was a girl in purple clothes, and a simple thunder pattern at the heart of the girl was extremely conspicuous!

"Who is this guy? He actually opened the way in Youdu Leihai. I am called Yudu Leihai's daughter, and I can't do this. This guy is just how can Xuanxian do this! And this The guy actually discovered me just now, but my concealment technique can hide the ancestors of the ancestors, and even the ancestors can hide the past. Isn’t this guy’s Yuanshen stronger than the ancestors!”

The girl in Ziyi murmured, and the next moment turned into a flash of lightning, plunging into the endless thunder in the quiet city of Leihai.

After a moment.

Youdu Inland Sea Northwest Sea.

"Please rob Thunder Dragon!"

Over a fairy island surrounded by thunder, an old man looked at the endless thunder and shouted loudly. After this shout, a huge dragon head came down among the endless thunder above!


The huge faucet opened his eyes and stared at the old man. The old man shuddered and quickly offered several magical instruments. The huge faucet nodded lightly!

"The Shijia encountered a terrible enemy, so they could not invite Master Thunder Dragon to show up!"

The old man pays his respects to the giant dragon head.

"Oh? In this world, in addition to that Heavenly Venerable, who dares to come to Youdu Leihai Sanye? Those guys on the land, has anyone successfully broken through to the level of Heavenly Venerable?"

The giant faucet asked indifferently.

"Return to Master Thunder Dragon, only to kill the elders of my family and the ancient emperor Tiandi Realm, is a young man in Xuanxian Realm! Please see this, this is the old man. Fang Cai old decay just monitored this scene through the secret method!"

The old man hit a fairy light, and the glimmering light flashed across the fairy light.

"Huh? Xuan Xian? Really a Xuan Xian, this kid can actually wipe out the Emperor of Heaven Emperor Realm? This kid has a strange body, when will this kid come, maybe rely on him to unlock the last secret of Youdu Leihai! "

The giant faucet glanced, his eyebrows twisted together.


Among the endless thunder!

The two figures flew out one after another!

These two figures are exactly Chen Zheng and Jiang Wei!

"Come...come, he's here, this kid is here!"

The old man looked subconsciously and shouted with only one glance!

"Huh? It's also you, a mysterious fairyland kid! You want to destroy the Shijia, but the Shijia has offered sacrifices to this seat, and this seat also knows your strength, this seat can help you destroy the Shijia , You cooperate with this seat, as long as you go to this place, as long as you can solve a puzzle for this seat, this seat will give you the most powerful magic weapon and the most powerful heritage of Youdu Leihai!"

The giant faucet swept past, and after glancing at Chen Zheng, his mouth opened!


What Master Thunder Dragon is saying!

The old man trembles, slowly raising his head, looking at the huge faucet above, trembling and speaking: "Master Wanluo Thunder Dragon, he must be joking, Master Wanluo Thunder Dragon received the sacrifice from our Shijia, How could we destroy our Shijia, must be joking with the old........hehe...hehehe..."



next moment!

The huge dragon head glanced towards the old man, a thunder **** thundered, and the old man's flesh was instantly bombarded into nothingness, at this moment there was only a Yuanshen! The old man Yuanshen was forced, he couldn't believe that the Thunder Dragon Thunder Dragon would suddenly shoot himself!


Why is that!

"All of you Shijia people are not as valuable as this kid alone. The sacrifice you offered just now counts for nothing. What's more, this person always does whatever he wants. Whoever is useful to this person will naturally stand on that side. This person is so real!"

Huge leader sneer!


The old man Yuanshen opened his mouth, only to hear it burst completely!



I saw a paw lifted by the Thousands of Thunder Dragon, and took a paw at collapsed instantly!

"This seat helped you destroy the Shijia, is this sincere enough? You go to that place with this seat. As long as you can solve the puzzles for this seat, this seat will give you the most powerful magic weapon of the Leihai immediately. And the most powerful heritage! This person is very real and real, I believe you are the same as this person!"

Thousands of Thunder Dragons extinguished the Lei family and grinned at Chen Zheng!


In Jiang Li's heart, he secretly said that the thunder dragon was not a good generation. These words can be used on the thunder dragon repeatedly. If you cooperate with the thunder dragon, you may be betrayed in the next moment!

"We are different."

Chen Zheng smiled and responded to Thunder Dragon.


In an instant!


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