Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1554: Not a passerby!


Ten Thunder Dragon roars violently!

The body of the huge thunder dragon fell from the endless thunder above!

At that moment, the huge longan stared at Chen Zheng!

"Don't you think you have a little means, this seat can't destroy you, right? If you don't look at your slightly special part of the physical body, this seat will destroy you with a slap! This seat helps you destroy the Shijia, this Zuo now only asks one word, would you like to cooperate with this Zodiac, this Zodiac only wants to hear the answer of nodding!"




Thunder and lightning surge!

"What is it that helped me destroy the Shijia, I didn't say that I would destroy the Shijia. The person like you only accepted the sacrifice offered by others the other day, and turned his face to deny the next, and killed others. I If you work with you to help you solve any puzzles, what if you turn your face over and kill me." Chen has no fluctuations and smiles faintly: "Of course, it is not possible for you to kill me, you just came together Doppelganger, although the doppelganger has the blessing of Youdu Leihai Avenue, which can obliterate the ancestor at will, it is still a bit of a dish."

"court death!"

Thousands of thunder dragons thundered, paws lifted, and Thunder surging, pressing towards Chen Zheng and Jiang Ao!



A face-to-face!

Wan Lei was swallowed clean by Chen Zheng!

The face of Thousands of Thunder Dragon changed, and the raised claws fell, and the face was fierce, and he changed his tone to Chen Zhengdao: "You come to Youdu Leihai, it is nothing more than that thing, since you are so confident that you can’t do this seat If you are lost, then you should cooperate with this seat more. Don’t you want to cooperate with the old thing of the Fu family? That old thing is more cannibalistic than this seat. If you cooperate with that old thing, you will definitely be eaten. Dry wipe. In this quiet city of Leihai, only the old things of this seat and Fu family can be reached there, you can only choose one. By the way, Fu family is only a slave of a living creature. Forget it, the Fu family is going to wake up the creature, and the creature's nature is fickle, and you, a strange person with a flesh, will surely be turned into a puppet by that creature."

That creature?

Which creature?

Was the real Dou Lei, the master of Leihai, just a servant of a certain creature?

Jiang Hua was shocked!

But she suddenly thought of one thing, that is, the main line of the master of the celestial city, that is, the Xiao family who listens to the rain son. The Xiao family controls the celestial city on the surface, in fact, it is only a slave family that confuses the goddess, and the Xiao family is actually the same Waiting for the goddess to return!

Thinking of this, she was not so shocked. The real master of Youdu Leihai should be a level of life with the goddess of the enchanting goddess. The Fu and Xiao families are only spokesmen!

"Did you think clearly?"

Ten Thunder Dragon asked.

"Think clearly."

Chen Zheng nodded.

"With whom?"

Wan Tribe Thunder Dragon questioned.

"It's not you anyway."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.

"..." The Thunder Dragon of Ten Thousand Realms was stunned. The next moment he opened his mouth with a roar of terror. This time, he did not urge any Lei Fa, and he rushed directly towards Chen Zheng's side!

Abyss mouth!

A strong swallow!


Chen Zheng opened his mouth!

I swallowed the Thousands of Thunder Dragon who was two times bigger than him!

"Roar!" In the endless thunder, a dragon shadow suddenly appeared, and the dragon shadow stared at Chen Zheng: "Good, from now on, this seat and you will not die! As long as this seat is in the quiet city of Leihai. Today, your kid wants to get that thing!"


Long Ying will dissipate!

"A doppelganger has about 50% of the power of the body, which is almost the level of the sage. You still have the blessing of the power of the Leihai Avenue of the Youdu. Your body is at most the half-walking ancestor's situation. You really think I swallowed your way. The avatar is to restore the cultivation behavior. The power that your avatar contains is just a drop of water in the sea."

Chen Zheng chuckled.

He swallowed the Thunder Dragon avatar, not to restore the mana. This mana was swallowed into the flesh, and even a little water wave could not be turned over. After swallowing the Thousands of Thunder Dragon avatars, he just wanted to know where the man was hiding, and where the thing that the man just mentioned was hiding.

"Daichi Leichi, listening to the name and something else, should not disappoint me." Chen Zheng said softly, his eyes moved to the upper right, and he shouted casually at the thunder in the upper right: "There Girl, you followed me all the way, did you have a special idea for me."



Jiang Hua was shocked and looked at it, but did not see any figure!


I saw Lei Mang flash, a girl in purple dress appeared, and the girl in purple dress stared at Chen Zheng several times, lowering the voice and said: "You...really powerful, even the robber of Thunder Dragon can swallow, But I’m following you, I don’t have any special thoughts about you. I’m just curious about how a mysterious fairy is so powerful. I’ve never heard of any genius on the land that can be as powerful as you!”

"Fujia's girl."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Huh? How do you know my identity!"

The purple girl was surprised.

"Isn't your clothes embroidered."

Chen Zheng glanced lightly.

"Ah? Really... I secretly followed you nervously, and I forgot."

When the girl in purple dress looked down, she saw the embossed patterns on the clothes like patterns. It is no wonder that this guy saw through his origins at a glance. It turned out that it was not this guy who was powerful, but a big flaw. After thinking for a while, the girl in Ziyi took the initiative to say: "I’m Fu Qingqing of Fu Family. You just listened to Thunder Dragon’s doppelganger. You know the specific place where Leichi is destroyed. Only it and our Fu family ancestors , You... Would you like to visit our Fu family?"

"Poor girl."

Chen Zheng did not respond directly, but said suddenly.


Jiang Li and the girl in purple clothes are shocked!


Who is the poor girl?

"Your experience is somewhat similar to the one I have pointed out. Since I was met today, I will go to Fujia with you."

Chen Zheng said lightly.

"..." Ziyi girl looked puzzled, but nodded quickly: "Please follow me!"


Words Raymond!

Plunged into the endless thunder!


Jiang Wei asked She is a female Tang monk. "

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Ah? Tang Seng?" Jiang Si stayed for a while, and then thought of a little: "I heard people say that Hongmeng Taitian had a story of learning from the West. It seemed that Tang Seng and several apprentices were playing monsters along the way and finally arrived at the big Leiyin. The monk obtained the monastery in the temple. The Tang monk... The Tang monk seems to have little mana. It seems that eating the Tang monk’s meat can immortalize her.

"The fruit is ripe. Someone is about to pick it. It's not a single fruit. I want everything."

Chen Zheng said softly, Jiang Hua blinked, the fairy light flashed, and the two did not fall into the Thunder.

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