Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1573: You are strong you are strong! I'm still 1 slap!

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Is the replacement of the Rainbow Palace Master coming?

The slim brow frowned again, and also stared outside the Tiangong, and the next moment he heard horrified screams from outside, it seems that the monk Xuandi Tiangong was ruthlessly killed!

"Go out and see."

Chen Zheng smiled and emerged.

Squinting glanced at the woman in palace dress, the woman in palace dress showed fear in her eyes, she could not help shaking her head, grabbed the woman in palace dress, and brought out the woman in palace dress.



"Let me wait!"

As soon as I left Tiangong, I heard panic and screams. I saw dozens of monks instantly turned into blood mist. Those monks were all monks of Xuandi Tiangong!

"This... what the **** is this, how... how could there be three identical women!"

Master Xuan Emperor Tiangong's brother Xuan Kuangzong swept through the slender and the Master of the Rainbow Palace, and he was stunned at once, because the woman who was slaughtering the disciples of the Emperor Xuan Emperor in Tiangong looked exactly like the Master of the Rainbow Palace!


The master of the palace and the elders are completely dumbfounded!


At this moment, Emperor Xuan Emperor's broken Yuanshen also recovered, and swept the three daughters who had no difference in appearance. He opened his mouth, he didn't know what to say, and he was completely confused!

"Chen Gongzi, this woman came silently. The elder Xuan Emperor Tiangong just called this woman the Master of the Rainbow Palace, and this woman slaughtered wantonly. The monk Xuan Emperor Tiangong has been killed by her for more than half!"

Above Aoba, Xiao Tingyu was also puzzled, but it was the first time to secretly send a message to Chen Zheng. The advent woman also has the same breath as her master, Cangqing Ancient Immortal, but she was extremely cold-hearted and merciless. She wiped out her opponent as soon as she shot it.

right now!

The woman stared at Chen Gongzi!

Do you want to start with Chen Gongzi?

"I am Xuan Emperor Xuan Emperor Xuan Emperor, I'm here to suppress the Rainbow Palace Master here on the order of the vain and vengeful Emperor!

Xuan Emperor's broken Yuanshen remained silent for a moment, and Shen Sheng said to the woman in the big red palace costume, who looked exactly like the main man of the Rainbow Palace.

"I'm the new Rainbow Palace Master, I'll replace her!" The woman stared at Xuan Emperor, then stared at the Rainbow Palace Palace Master. Then she fixed her eyes and stared at the slim, suddenly a strange smile: "I not only want to replace She also wants to replace this woman, this woman is the real body!"


New Rainbow Palace Master?

Replace another Aurora Palace Master!

Also have to replace another woman!

The other woman is the body!


Why is it more and more chaotic!

What is the relationship between these three identical women!

"Then... why did you kill my disciple Xuan Emperor Tiangong?"

Xuan Emperor shattered Yuan Shen and asked again.

"I don't like their eyes, they make me uncomfortable, so they **** it!"

The woman who claimed to be the owner of the New Rainbow Palace responded indifferently!


Remaining disciples of Xuandi Tiangong!

At this moment, I couldn't help but step back!

So cruel!

Because it's uncomfortable, just kill!

"The meaning of the Master of the Rainbow Palace... Is it that as long as I wait for surrender, the Lord will not kill me and wait?"

At this time, Master Xuan Shaochang's thought moved, and he gritted his teeth. In his view, this is an opportunity, a chance to live. If you surrender to this strange woman of unknown origin can live, it is better than being controlled by the Xuan Xian and another old Rainbow Palace Master.

"If you wait for me to sincerely worship me, I will naturally let go."

The woman said lightly.

"Xuan Shao Cang worships his master!"

Xuan Shaocang's eyes lit up, and he immediately bowed to the woman to pay a respect!


The remnant monk of Xuan Emperor Tiangong froze for a moment, but next time he knelt down on the ground and worshiped the woman!

"Meet the master!"

"Meet the Master of the Rainbow Palace!"

"Meet the new Rainbow Palace Master!"

Except for Xuan Kuangzong, Great Elder, and Xuan Emperor's broken Yuanshen, all others were kneeling!

"Mysterious Sect visits his master!"

Xuan Kuangzong's expression changed, and he paid a blast!

"Hu Xian sees his master!"

The elder Hu Xian also knelt on the ground at this moment, and chose to submit!

So far!

The whole Xuan Emperor Tiangong up and down!

Only Xuan Emperor's broken Yuanshen did not move!


His dilapidated Yuanshen's expression was already low to the extreme!

"Meet the master!"

It seems that after a difficult choice, Xuan Emperor's broken Yuanshen also paid his respects to the woman!

"Haha! Hahaha!"

The woman laughs in the sky!



This area of ​​Xuandi Tiangong!

More than tremors!

Time and space are also trembling!

Xiao Tingyu swallowed the saliva, not because he saw the beautiful beauty saying nothing, but was shocked by this terrifying divine power! What is the origin of this woman, and why is it exactly the same as the original Aurora Palace's appearance, and it seems that the cultivation is more than the original Aurora Palace!

"Informing the master, the origin of this child is extremely simple. This child can destroy the magic weapon of the gods with the power of the Xuanxian, and he can force back the heavens with just one sentence. The master should never let this child go!"

At this time, Xuan Shaocang's thoughts moved again, staring at Chen Zheng!


Seize the opportunity!

Take the opportunity to take revenge!

"Humph! Why don't you say it!" The woman sneered, her gaze swept across the main palace of the Rainbow Palace and the flat face, and fell on Chen Zheng's face again, and then showed a strange smile, this time not only revealed a strange smile, its tongue It even stretched out, licking like a prey, this scene can be said to be extremely evil!

"Swallow this waste, and then swallow the falling body of the state, and finally swallow you again, I will be able to transcend everything and override everything! I came out from that place, I thought it was still subject to people, I did not expect luck So good, not only met the body, but also you! Your blood makes me excited, your blood makes me restless, your blood makes me boil! Supreme! Real Supreme Blood! Your blood is Real supreme blood! I want you!"

The woman roared evil!


A more majestic breath was released from the woman!

Only one blink time!

The time and space in the area of ​​Xuandi Tiangong are directly broken!

At this moment, the surroundings of Xuan Emperor Tiangong were broken into countless pieces like mirrors!

Xuandi Tiangong monk was terrified!

very scary!

This woman is really terrible!

How can it be so tyrannical!

This is definitely not an ordinary Taoist!

That strange Xuanxian should be finished this time!

"If you go against the sky again, it will be over!

Xuan Shaocang stared at Chen Zhengxuan with a grin!

"The waste rolls over!"

The evil woman suddenly raised her hand and faced the prince of the Aurora Palace next to the slender. The radiant light of the prince of the Aurora Palace wanted to resist.


The Master of Rainbow Palace flew out!

"help me!"

The Master of the Rainbow Palace shouted at Chen Zheng!

"Save you? He is just a supreme state of falling He can't save you! Obscurely you come and let me devour it!"

Evil woman sneer!



next moment!

A crisp slap sounded!

Next moment!

Evil woman is forced!


She seems unable to move!


Not immobile!

But the power suddenly disappeared!

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