Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1574: Xuan Di Tian Gong

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The evil woman stared at Chen Zheng!


Chen Zheng smiled slightly.

"Ah! I'm going to kill you!"

The wicked woman froze for a moment, and then screamed terribly, but just as soon as she screamed, her flesh shattered and her primordial spirit also shattered, leaving only a drop of blood beads hanging in the air!

Blood beads hanging!

Extremely weird!

Xuan Emperor Tiangong stayed like a chicken at the moment!


Only recognized the new owner!

The new owner was slapped by the kid!

This is completely over!



Why is that guy!

Just now, the main owner of the New Rainbow Palace was even more tyrannical than Lord Xuan Emperor. He only broke the air and collapsed the surrounding time and space. Such a terrifying woman finally ended up with a slap!

How could that guy's combat power be so terrible!




"Why...why...why are you so mysterious mana is so powerful... horrible!"

Xuan Shaocang knelt on the ground, raised his head at the moment, a face was extremely white, looking at Chen Zheng dumbfounded!

"She is just a Taoist ancestor in the second realm, and she is not very strong. Moreover, she is just a creature derived from real blood, and she has not really jumped out of the **** of the body's blood. This kind of slap is dead. It’s good to let me slap fear of death. This kind of ancestor is not eligible to slap me.”

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.



The ancestors of the ancestors did not even qualify for a slap!

Xuandi Tiangong monk's eyes widened again!


Xuan Shaocang opened his mouth, and then fell down to the ground with a puff. After this fell to the ground, he could never get up again, because his heart was broken!


Xuan Kuangzong also opened his mouth, and there was nothing but horror in his eyes!

As for Xuan Emperor's broken Yuanshen and Hu Xianyi, both are silent at the moment, and at the moment are silent against the body of Xuan Shao Cang! Other monks of Emperor Xuan Emperor Tiangong have no other voices except for crazy kowtowing for mercy!

"Xuan Emperor Tiangong is gone, there will be no Xuan Emperor Tiangong after today!"


Xuan Emperor's broken Yuanshen opened his mouth to drink!


Hu Xian exclaimed, he had guessed what the Emperor Xuan Emperor's broken Yuanshen should do, instinctively want to escape, but everything was too late, Xuan Emperor's broken Yuanshen meditation a spell!


Its broken Yuanshen!

Hu Xianyi!

Xuan Kuangzong!

The rest of Emperor Xuan Emperor Tiangong!

All shattered in panic!

This is the Emperor Xuan Emperor's broken Yuanshen. He cast an ancient secret method with his last power. Self-destruction also erased the Emperor Xuan Emperor Tiangong!


Above the green leaves, Xiao listened to Yu with deep emotion in his heart. The Xuan Emperor Tiangong’s tyrannical system was wiped out in less than half an hour. The next one in Tiangong was not left. This is not Chen Gongzi’s own action. Take action in person, I am afraid that it will be erased from the top and bottom of the Tiangong!

and so!

Don't offend Chen Gongzi!

This time after returning to Yingxian City!

I must remind my father!

Even if the goddesses return in the future!

Even if the main palace is the slave of the goddess!

Don't be hostile to Chen Gongzi in the same vein!

Just now, the evil woman, whose cultivation base is above his master, I am afraid that it is also above the goddess of ignorance. Such evil and terrible women are all slapped by Chen Gongzi. To be blown away with a slap!

"She... came from the Three Realms, she was killed from the Three Realms, she was here to replace me! She was erased by her son, but there should still be a lot of me in the Three Realms, There will definitely be a new one I will kill from the ground of the Three Realms! This... I am afraid that the soldiers are endless unless they can solve the source!"

Beside the slender body, the Rainbow Palace Master said in a deep voice.

"The body of the real blood just now has mutated. I created the Quaternary. As the lord of the Quaternary, although I also control the life and death of all the creatures in the Quaternary, although I have been cold-hearted and ruthless, at least it still remains. With the original heart. The body of the real blood just now seems to want to devour as long as she sees the creatures that can make her stronger. If the twelve younger brothers really create this body of real blood in batches, we, the masters of robbery, may be Can't hold it."

Squinting frowned, he looked at the drop of real blood that was left after the wicked woman broke down just now. She could perceive that it was indeed from her real blood, but the creatures created had become a terrible monster.



Twelve brothers?

What are these?

Xiao Tingyu showed confusion.

"Don’t be pessimistic, after so many years, only a mutant real blood body has been killed. Obviously, it is not easy to cultivate this real blood body. Of course, with Hongmeng Naxi’s peak cultivation, I want to forcibly cultivate a few overlords. The real blood of the master of the realm is definitely not a big problem, but the guy did not do that, but it is laid out in this world, so this thing is definitely not that simple. Moreover, the body of the guy is sleeping, even if I know that I am coming In this realm, it is impossible for that fellow to wake up at this moment to prevent me from breaking through this realm."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly, said that his right hand was lifted up, and the real blood left after the destruction of the evil woman was wiped away. The evil light on the real blood was wiped off at once, and now it became a drop of pure real blood.

"This drop of real blood is already pure, you take it and absorb it."

Chen Zheng took it easy, real blood flew to Xiao Tingyu.

"Ah?" Xiao Tingyu opened his mouth subconsciously, and his real blood flew directly into his mouth. He froze for a moment, and greeted Chen Zheng deeply: "Listen to the rain and thank Chen Gongzi!"

"You have a special physique and work hard. It is not impossible to become a hegemon in the future."

Chen Zheng looked at Xiao Tingyu after swallowing real blood.

"This one......"

Xiao Tingyu was a little embarrassed, because he didn't know where he was.

"Then...then next is to go directly to the Three Realms, although I haven't been to the Three Realms, but I know where the entrance is."

The Master of the Rainbow Palace groaned.

"Don't worry." Chen Zheng shook his head gently and looked to the north: "Since the situation is about to break, then take the silk and peel the cocoon, and find out the true blood one by one. As for the false Tianzun, he already knew that I came here. If you really want to stop me, he will show up as soon as possible. He hasn't shown up yet. He should be afraid."

"Listen to everything... The young man commands!"

The Master of the Rainbow Palace pondered for a saluted Chen Zheng.

Chen Zheng nodded lightly, grabbed it, and the slender and the main prince of the Rainbow Palace directly entered his Yuanshen. His figure fell on the green leaves. Xiao Tingyu hadn’t responded yet, and the green man flashed across the sky. Earth, back to Cang Qing Xian City.

at the same time.

Northern Temple.

With only a slap, the elder of the Northern Temple was slapped, and there were no **** finger prints on his face, but he dared not have any rebuttals, because the three in front of him were Heavenly Envoy! In front of the Divine Envoy, I can only lower my head!


This punishment is nothing!

As long as he can kill the foreign Xuanxian, he will not hesitate even if he loses half his life!


I can’t understand it!

Why can't the three Celestial Envoys contact the Celestial Master!

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