Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1580: Repair ancestor

"My sister's name is pretty good?"

Givenchy, who claimed to be the king of annihilation, blinked at Chen Zheng.

"The name is really good."

Chen Zheng nodded.


Almost at the same time, a figure swooped from the huge building complex inlaid on the cliff wall. This is a woman and her first horn, but it looks much more lovely than the horn on Givenchy's head.

Givenchy did not lie, his sister's appearance is indeed first-class, but most of the people who saw Chanel's first glance, I am afraid most of them will look instinctively down.


Jiang Huag glanced, and some were speechless because she felt the huge gap.

"Bring my sister's brother to introduce you, this is Brother Chen, don't look just a mystery, but you can take a closer look at this flesh, but this is a real flesh, and Brother Chen's extraordinary means, this time it's me please Come and help us get the ancestors, you guys have a good look!"

Givenchy's eyes rolled, hehe smiled.



His sister stared at Chen Zheng and then returned to Zudi with a swish!


Givenchy was stunned with the cubs!

Isn't it!

Isn't Brother Chen's appearance even his sister doesn't want to take a second look!

It shouldn't be!

Although Brother Chen is not the kind of heroic warrior on the surface, how can he also be pleasing to the eye... Wait a minute, his sister glanced at Brother Chen with a natural eye and felt what was inside Brother Chen. Horrible things, can not be scared away?

"That...advanced ancestral land."

Givenchy's thoughts flashed quickly in his heart, and he groaned.

Chen Zheng nodded lightly and let Givenchy lead the way. After a moment, he entered the most majestic ancient hall of the ancestral land of the annihilation gods. It just seems a bit unlucky that there are two old men arguing about something in the ancient temple.

"Old ancestors...and the old guys in Aurora City..."

Givenchy glanced and frowned.

"Huh? Givenchy, I haven't seen you for some time. Why do you still hate the last thing?" One of the old men wearing a mysterious crown like a ball swept over and stared at Ji Fan Xi glanced, and then swept Chen Zheng several people: "Ji Xian Gang, if I remember correctly, you have a rule for the ancestral annihilation of the **** clan, this ancient annihilation ancient temple, outsiders want to come in, at least it must be the ancestral realm, this The Xuanxian kid and the girl of the Daojun realm now come in, it may be broken the rules of your annihilation **** clan. Anyway, I am also going to stay in your annihilation **** clan ancestral land for a few days, or let me know the ancients of your annihilation **** clan. Penal Law."


The law of ancient punishment!

Jiang Huan!

Liuyu ancient immortals!

Ancient Buddhism!

His face sank!

"You old guys in Aurora City, do you like to do so much fuss? I am the king of the annihilation gods, and I bring Brother Chen in to take care of your old thing!"

Givenchy looked cold!

"Xian Gang Daoyou, I came here with sincerity this time. You don't know what effect Eternal Light Divine Water has."

The old man smiled faintly.


The other old man, the ancestor of the annihilation **** clan, was silent.

"Zhouguang Shenshui..." Givenchy raised his eyebrows, his expression changed for a while, but he quickly chuckled: "This time I met Brother Chen, please ask Brother Chen to come to annihilate the Protoss of the Protoss, There is absolutely the ancestral tool, as long as the ancestral tool is done, we can annihilate the ancestral land of the Protoss to get rid of these three realms and return to the land outside the domain. You, Eternal Light and Divine Water, should you keep it yourself.

"Get the ancestor, do you mean to ask this Xuanxian Realm kid to get your weird ancestor that annihilates the Protoss? Haha! Givenchy, are you having a problem with your brain, this kid... um ?Let me take a good look at this kid, this kid's flesh looks like... Um! The indelible flesh! This kid's flesh turned out to be the level of Taoist ancestry! Hum! What about the indelible flesh, this kid is just mysterious mana If this kid can handle your ancestors of annihilation gods, this seat will personally serve Eternal Light Divine Water!"

The old man first ridiculed, then glanced intently at Chen Zheng, frowning slightly, and then revealing ridicule.

"Indestructible flesh..."

The ancestor of the annihilation **** clan also gave Chen Zheng one more look at the moment, revealing a touch of surprise, but soon shook his head. The indestructible flesh is indeed the indestructible flesh, but after all, there is only Xuanxian mana, and Xuanxian mana is not enough to **** the mouth of the ancestral spirit. If this son sees the ancestor, he may be absorbed by the ancestral spirit instantly. , Let alone repair the ancestor.

"Would you like to gamble?" The old man wearing a ball-like crown suddenly flashed through the eyes, staring at Chen Zhengdao: "If you can repair the ancestor, I will not only offer the Eternal Light Divine Water, I Yuji Shenglu is also offered, a drop of Yuji Shenglu can withstand hundreds of drops of Eternal Light Divine Water, if you can fully absorb Yuji Shenglu, how can mana be restored to your peak. If you fail, I Do you want to bet on the man and woman behind you?"


One man and one woman!

Why is that!

Givenchy was stunned, but suddenly understood, secretly transmitted a message to Chen Zheng: "Brother Chen would like to promise this old thing, this old thing is a conspiracy to the two creatures behind you. It’s not a good thing to start from the remains of the creatures, the remains of the gods, and the remains of the Holy Emperor!"

"Bet." Chen Zheng smiled faintly: "Brother Ji invites the ancestor out directly."

"Haha! Good! The kid is kind!"

As soon as the old man of the round ball crown heard it, he opened his mouth and laughed.

"This..." Givenchy stunned, and looked at the ancestor of the annihilation **** clan.

"Please ancestor!"

Ji Xiangang looked straight and squeezed a recipe to sigh.


A flash of light!

An object appeared in the center of the ancient temple instantly!

This is a lamp-shaped instrument with a metallic luster!


When Ji Xiangang and Givenchy saw this, they instinctively stepped back and showed fear in their eyes!

"Ji Xiangang, Granny Aunt is sleeping and sleeping. You wake up Granny Aun at this time, are you looking for smoking..."

The moment the two stepped back, a ghost appeared in the magic weapon, and the ghost turned into a woman, frowning and staring at Ji Xiangang, only halfway through the words, and suddenly stopped. !


At the moment when the virtual shadow appeared, Chen Zheng lifted his right hand to touch this ancestral ancestor of annihilation gods at will! It seems that Chen Zheng wiped out the spirit of this ancestor.


Seeing this scene, the old man with the orb sphere crown could not help but frown, and suddenly had a bad hunch, but he did not believe it, and a guy who did not believe in a mystic mana could repair this strange magical tool of the annihilating **** clan with just a touch!

"Who... repaired the aunt's body?"


After a brief silence!

The spirit of the ancestors spoke!


The ancestor is really repaired!


This is true and false!

The people in the hall, except for those around Chen Zheng, all glared!

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