Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1581: Because your level is not enough!


If it is fixed!

That's too fast!

A raised hand!

Feel free to wipe it!

The ancestor was repaired!

This is no reaction time for bystanders!

"That... the spirit of the ancestor, has the ancestor really been repaired?"

Givenchy was a little uncertain and asked.

"Can there still be a fake?" The spirit of the ancestor glared at Givenchy, and then fixed his eyes on Chen Zheng: "It seems that you wiped my body just now, you guys... . The flesh seems to be very powerful, but your mana level is too weak, your grandma doesn’t want to take a look, is it true that you have repaired your grandma’s body?"

She was sure that the ancestor had been repaired, but she was not sure whether it was the strange kid in front of her.

"I don't believe it was this child who repaired the ancestor!"

The old man with a round ball French crown said at the moment.

This time he came to the Three Realms to search for the Annihilation Protoss. He came here to annihilate one of the Protoss. Of course it was not for this strange ancestor. This strange ancestor caused the Obliteration Protoss to fall into the Three Realms from the outside. Bring this ancestor back to Eternal Light City, Eternal Light City must also fall. So whether it is the brought Eternal Light Divine Water or Yuji Shenglu, it is to deal with the annihilation **** clan.

And now!

If this kid really wins the game!

Then you have to offer Eternal Light Divine Water and Yuji Shenglu in vain!

Not willing!


Also uncomfortable!

"I heard that you can connect to a special field and steal power beyond the Great Reincarnation."

Chen Zheng didn't look at the others, only looked at the spirit of the ancestors and asked a little.

"Should it be borrowed or not, can the practice of a practitioner be stolen!" The spirit of the ancestor rebutted Chen Zheng's sentence, then stared at Chen Zheng several times, frowning slightly: "I honestly don't believe you can fix it My ontology, because my ontology is very special, if you can convince me, I can connect to that special field and borrow a lot of mana. Although my ontology has been restored, it has not recovered to its peak, so it is impossible to borrow to transcend The mana of the Great Reincarnation, but I believe that the borrowed mana is also enough to restore you to the situation of the half-step overlord, provided that your physical spirit is at the level of the half-step overlord."

"Half-step overlord? Ha! This child is definitely not a half-step overlord! Moreover, in these three realms, even if the half-step overlord comes in person, it must be suppressed to the sixth realm by the special law of the ground seam, so this place Among the fissures, the strongest combat power is only the fifth realm! This seat is one of the five elders of the Eternal Light City, even if it is cultivated as an indestructible ninth realm, among these three realm fissures, there is only the fifth realm Power!" The old man in the ball sneer sneered, then his eyes narrowed into a line staring at Chen Zheng: "There is another point, this seat does not believe that you can repair this ancestor, of course, this seat is not to say that the ancestor is not repaired, only The person who repaired the ancestor is not you!"

"Dong Xiao Dao Ren, do you want this old thing to fail?"

Givenchy snorted.

"It's not ridiculous. How can this seat be a person of identity? This seat has to be convinced. Or if this seat is really ridiculous, just turn around and leave, you can't stop the annihilation of the Protoss!"

The old man gave Givenchy a glance.


Givenchy looks colder.

This old thing clearly doesn't want to honor the gambling contract, it clearly makes an excuse!

"If you use any special refining technique, this seat is the first refining master of Eternal Light City, not to mention mastering all refining means, this ancient and powerful ancient seat is still known in this world, annihilating the **** clan It should also be known that this seat once got a magic weapon, which contains all the refining methods from the era of destruction to this era! So young people, the one you just did is not a refining method at all, only It can be explained that someone has repaired the ancestral artifact for you. There should be an ancient and powerful soul of soul in your primitive spirit or in your body! This is a bet with you, you are betting that you repair the ancestor, Not the restorative ancestors of other creatures in your body!"

The old man's eyes moved, staring at Chen Zheng just hummed!


Givenchy growled.


Jiang Li and the two ancient immortals frowned, and to be honest, they did not expect this Dong Xiao Taoist who claimed to have the indelible ninth realm of Taoist ancestors to do so.

"That's because you don't have enough levels."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

"Huh? The level of this seat is not enough? Haha! Ridiculous! This seat is the ninth state Taoist ancestor, although there is only the fifth state combat power in the three realms, but the flesh and spirit of the body are indestructible. I have also seen almost all of the refining methods in heaven and earth. You said that the level of this block is not enough? Huh! Do you want this block to take out this tool and let you open your eyes!"

Dong Xiao Taoist burst out laughing!

Chen Zheng's eyes moved, looking at the suspended ancestor, after looking at it for a few times, he said: "It's not that I look down on you, the first refining master of Aurora City, even if you become an overlord of the era, even if you are proficient in all refining in this world. It’s impossible to repair this ancestor. There is no damage to the outside of this ancestor, but there are some problems with the internal veins. I just saw that vein, so I can repair it. If I haven’t seen that This kind of context, I actually can't fix it."



What context!

The people in the temple showed curiosity!

"Hum! Pretend to be a ghost! You mean it!"

Dong Xiao Taoist sneered!

"He is right, it is indeed a problem in the context!"


In the next moment, the spirit of the ancestral ancestor said just one sentence, and her eyes were lit up at this moment, and she stared at Chen Zheng!


Dong Xiao Taoist was shocked, and then his face sank. At the moment, countless thoughts flashed through his mind. He thought that the spirit of the ancestors deliberately made things difficult for Chen Zheng, thinking that he had found a chance, but now he understood that the spirit of the ancestors should be Want to verify something!


At this time, Chen Zheng raised his right hand and grabbed the ancestor. The ancestor did not fly over, but the light inside the ancestor flashed. At the next moment, the light touched a vein of light!



When Chen Zheng wiped it, the veins of light were split and chaotic, and a crack appeared on the ancestor!


what's going on!


The look of the ancestral spirit changed drastically and stared at Chen Zheng!


But in an Chen Zheng wiped it out, the veins of light returned to normal, the ancestors returned to the original state, and the spirit of the ancestors looked soothing!

"I haven't seen this kind of context, didn't really control this kind of context, and also repaired this thing."

Chen Zheng closed his hand, and the veins of light were hidden in the ancestor.

"So... so Brother Chen just showed us... Does Brother Chen have the ability to repair and destroy ancestors at will?"

Givenchy thought of it a little, staring at Chen Zheng and talking.

"Congratulations, you got it."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly at Givenchy.

this moment!

Inside the ancient hall!


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