Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1582: I'm really not strong!



This implication is the default!

The implication is that the ancestor can be repaired and destroyed at will!


Ji Xiangang opened his mouth, he is the ancestor of the annihilation **** clan, and once also impacted the half-step hegemony level, although the state is now falling, the past knowledge is all there. To tell the truth, it is really hard to believe that the young man who has only the magic power of Xuanxian in front of him can actually manipulate his ancestors at will.

This ancestor!

At first came from the sky!

Slammed on my head!

Shengsheng smashed himself into a half-step era overlord as a major!

Also let the annihilation **** ancestor land fall into these three realms!

Annihilation God Race has no way to get ancestors in these years!

Who could have imagined that this young man came today as if he were the nemesis of the ancestors!

For a while!

Ji Xiangang did not know whether to laugh or cry!

" could be a reincarnation of a great man in Taixu!"

Dong Xiao Taoist was silent for a long time, staring at Chen Zheng Shen now and asking!

"It doesn't matter who I am, it's up to you to send Eternal Light Divine Water and Yuji Shenglu."

Chen Zheng glanced lightly at Dong Xiao Taoist.

"Eternal Light God Water..."

The eyes of Dong Xiao Taoist dodged and chanted four words in a low voice. The whole person suddenly turned into a divine light, and then rushed out of the ancient temple of annihilation **** clan!



Ji Xiangang raised his hand!

The ancient palace ban is opened instantly!

Dong Xiao Taoist was stopped!

"Dong Xiao Dao Ren, why are you one of the five elders of Eternal Light City, and how you are also the Taoist ancestor of the ninth realm, first you want to run the road now because of Lai, can you have a little grace!"

Givenchy sneered!

"The demeanor is a fart, can the demeanor be eaten as a meal! Eternal Light Shenshui and Yuji Shenglu, even if it is our Eternal Light City, a drop of Yuji Shenglu is enough to sell one of the three main pilgrimage lords This time, this seat comes with Shenshui and Shenglu for the purpose of annihilating the Protoss! Hum! Ji Xiangang, you have to think about it, you really want to imprison this seat, and grab the Shenshui and Shenglu "Your annihilation **** clan is not the original annihilation **** clan. How much is the difference between the current annihilation **** clan and our Eternal Light City? You should know clearly!"

Dong Xiao Taoist hummed, the gesture at the moment was to show that he was going to play rogue!

"In any case, since the contract is made, it should be honored."

Ji Xiangang frowned.

"What if you don't keep your gamble?" Dong Xiao Taoist showed a disdainful look: "Do you annihilate the **** clan, can anyone deal with this seat, at most rely on this ancient temple imprisoned seat, which of you can cut If you don’t succeed in this seat, are you a mysterious cultivator? Oh! You are really powerful, but that’s not combat power, you..."


Only halfway!

Dong Xiao Taoist suddenly frozen his face!



Behind Chen Zheng now!

A shadow emerged!

The shadow is staring at Dong Xiao Taoist!

Dongxiao Taoists felt an unprecedented threat!

"Originally, with my current mana, conventional means can't possibly kill you, but if you jump like an old thing, I will take out a hole card. Although the ninth state ancestor like you is a small swallow, you need to consume It takes a while to digest a lot of mana, but it’s not a big deal to go to sleep anyway. It doesn’t matter if I swallow you to continue to sleep. At most, I can’t use this hole card for a while.”

Chen Zheng also grinned at Dong Xiao Taoist.

"..." Dong Xiao Dao Ren shuddered, but the next moment he gritted his teeth and said: "I already know what is behind you, but you have to think clearly, I am one of the five elders of Eternal Light City, You really let the things behind you swallow me, and the other four elders of Aurora City will know about you for the first time! After you restore your mana, you will definitely go outside the domain, and the outside world is not the three realms, there will be no special rules. Suppress cultivation! So you dare to let the things behind you swallow me, and in the future will be targeted by a terrorist!"

"Eternal Light City...... It's just an extraterritorial dominion, have you ever heard of the Eternal Path Daoist Sect, have you heard the vertical and horizontal killing Dao, have you heard the Cathode Demon Palace, have you heard the Bliss Sect, have you heard Wu? Have you ever abandoned Tianzong, have you ever heard of the Gods of Everlasting Gods, ever heard of the Huntian Religion, ever heard of the Emperor of the Dragons of Everlasting Dragons, have you ever heard of Tai Xuan and Tai Huang? There’s nothing wrong with these traditions and these guys. Is my enemy."

Chen Zheng only chuckled.


Dong Xiao Dao's face changes dramatically!

More than just Xiao Xiaoren!

The appearance of Ji Xiangang and Givenchy is also drastic!


These Taoisms and creatures mentioned by Chen Zheng are more or less heard, and those Taoisms and creatures are all terrible Taoisms and creatures in the Taixu!


This moment was scared!

"Unbelief in this seat, you are scaring this seat!"

Dong Xiao Taoist shouted suddenly!


The dark shadow behind Chen Zheng smiled, and suddenly turned into a giant mouth, swallowed at the Dong Xiao Taoist, and swallowed the Dong Xiao Taoist in one bite! Just listening to a terrible sound ringing in the ancient hall, Ji Xiangang shivered a few people, and after a while the shadows swallowed three things. It was an ancient charm and two jade bottles, and then fell into Chen Zheng's body!

"This time it's too much to consume and too much to eat. I'm afraid I have to sleep for a long time. But okay, next time you wake up, you should be able to encounter a lot of this level of food."

Yinxie laughter came out of Chen Zheng's body, and several people shivered when they heard it!



Treat the ninth realm as food!

What kind of monster is that?

"Could it be... my sister had seen this monster in Brother Chen's body before..."

Givenchy thought about it, thinking about the strange behavior of his sister before seeing Chen Zhengshi.

"Everyone don’t need to be afraid, Xiaotun is not so strong, and all the mana is exhausted before Dongxiao Taoist can be swallowed, and Lord Dongxiao also happens to be suppressed by the law of the Three Realms, if it is not suppressed by the law, Xiaotun He can't swallow his ninth state ancestor."

Chen Zheng said with a smile.


But whether it is Givenchy, Ji Xiangang, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is still the two ancient immortals of Liuyubutu, or the spirits of the ancestral implements all looked at Chen Zheng with unbelief.

"I am a person who has never lied. It's really a coincidence to swallow Dong Xiao Dao people. Just like repairing ancestors, it is also a coincidence. I really am not strong."

Chen Zheng smiled again.

Upon hearing this, the people in the temple shook their heads as instinctively, and apparently still did not believe what he said.

"That's it." Chen Zheng saw it and shook his head gently, looking at the three artifacts left by the Dong Xiao Taoist: "This ancient symbol should be the artifact that collects the refining technique between heaven and earth. As for these two jade bottles , It should be equipped with Eternal Light Divine Water and Yuji Shenglu. I have received the Yuji Holy Dew. You separate Eternal Light Divine Water."


The words fell!

Gu Fuhuaguang flew into Chen Zhengyuan God!

The jade bottle on the right fell into Chen Zheng's hand, and the jade bottle on the left flew to Ji Xiangang. Ji Xiangang opened the jade bottle and sniffed his nose to focus on the head: "It is indeed Zhou Light God Water!"

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