Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1583: Reincarnation of the Holy Light

Ji Xiangang is very excited!

The ancestor has now been repaired!

And most of the ancestors will follow this son Chen!

Then you and the annihilation gods can finally be freed!

Now I have the Eternal Light Divine Water!

I believe that it will take a few days to resume cultivation!

Then annihilate the **** clan ancestral land can break free of these three realms and return to the outside world!

"Zhouguang Shenshui can restore mana, Yuji Shenglu has better effect, one drop of Yuji Shenglu is equal to 100 drops of Zhouguang Shenshui, Chen... After Brother Chen opened the jade bottle, he took it directly ."

Givenchy smiled.

"The old man went to retreat first."

Ji Xiangang worshipped Chen Zheng and Huaguang entered the inner hall.

Chen Zheng glanced at the jade bottle in front of him, and opened the jade bottle at once. A mellow fragrance suddenly burst out. The people in the hall except for Chen Zheng and the spirit of the ancestor, almost all showed intoxication.

"Try the effect."

Chen Zheng sucked in his mouth, and three drops of Shenglu flew out of the jade bottle and was swallowed directly by him.

"Brother Chen's mana should be restored to at least the fifth level of Taoist ancestors."

Givenchy looked at Sheng Lu flying into Chen Zheng's mouth with emotions.


No effect!

Chen Zheng's mana seems to have no improvement!


Has improved!

There is a minimal improvement!

It seems that from the ninth level Xuanxian level to the Xuanxian consummation level!


Givenchy dumbfounded!

"How could it be... so much improvement? Three drops of Yuji Shenglu, if it was served by the ancestors of the ancestors, I might be able to recover to the ninth state ancestor mana within a scent of incense. Brother Chen... ....what's the situation?"

Givenchy blinked.

"I'm used to it." Chen Zheng smiled and looked at the spirit of the ancestor: "I helped you repair the body, should you repay me?"

"How about the body?" The ancestor's spirit eyes moved suddenly and said with a smile, but shook his head at the next moment: "I'm talking and playing, don't take it seriously, I only dedicate my body to the real Those who are qualified to be my masters, whether they are men or women, should be truly qualified to be my masters."


Givenchy glanced at the ancestor, the metal shape of the ancient lamp is the spirit body of the ancestor, and he secretly said that this metal gadget is not normal. Men will be treated as women, even if this metal gadget can really be one day. Transformed into a woman.

"You repaired the body for me, I borrowed a mana, but I have not fully recovered, so the borrowed mana surpassed the great reincarnation. Of course, it is much stronger than the mana contained in the three drops of holy dew. You broke through."

The spirit eyes of the ancestor moved again, and then flew into the ancestor, and the next moment heard a loud sound, and a huge amount of mana among the ancestors poured out!

"So strong!"

Givenchy exclaimed!

The spirit of the ancestors did not lie!

This random mana is stronger than the power of the three drops of Holy Dew!



Three ways!

Nine ways!

When the ninth magnificent mana flowed out of the ancestors, the ancestral artifact flashed, and then dimmed. It was also at this moment that the spirit of the ancestor appeared again. Although it was just an artifact, it could be seen. She looked pale.

"I borrowed mana from that particular field, which is beyond the Great Reincarnation, and it has to pass through more than one heavy crystal wall of the universe, so it is very expensive. You quickly absorbed these nine mana, I am afraid that the creatures in that special field It was discovered that the mana was forcibly withdrawn!"

The spirit of the ancestor reminded Chen Zheng.

Chen Zheng opened his mouth and swallowed nine magnificent mana. In an instant his breath skyrocketed, Givenchy showed a surprise color, but at the next moment, Chen Zheng's breath deteriorated, still at the level of Xuan Xian!


Givenchy couldn't help but burst a swearing, which was completely incomprehensible. He swallowed three drops of Saint Lu, and swallowed nine ways of mana that were more magnificent than Saint Lu. Environment, is this not really absorbed?


It seems that it is not not absorbed at all!

But Brother Chen's body is like a bottomless hole!

Filling with mana is not enough!

"What... what happened to Brother Chen's flesh?"

Givenchy couldn't help asking.

"got used to."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"You flesh... wait a minute, let me take a good look at your flesh. Let go of the flesh and let me go in and see!"

The spirit of the ancestral artifact was full of doubts, staring at Chen Zheng several eyes, and suddenly turned into a divine light, directly immersed in Chen Zheng's body, the time of the three breaths was not reached, and the shock of the ancestral spirit came from Chen Zheng's body. Scream!


"How can this be!"

"Your physical body is detached!"

"I am obedient, what freak you are, let me look at your primordial spirit again! What! You you you! You have mastered the complete second major cycle of reincarnation! My father and mother, this great reincarnation How could there be a monster like you in this, you would not be the reincarnation of the creature in that special field! I am not referring to the transcendental field, I am referring to the special field that is more than one level stronger than the transcendental field!"

"Wait a minute, why is this thing in your Yuanshen familiar, this thing is not... what kind of cantilever! I drop the sky, you, a creature in the reincarnation, have this thing!"


One after another!

Jiang Huan!


Liuyu ancient immortals!

Ancient Buddhism!

It's all very mad!

"Removal... isn't it..."

Givenchy suddenly thought of a bit, thought of an rumors heard, staring blankly at Chen Zheng.

"Master, please accept my offer!"


The spirit of the ancestor flew out of Chen Zheng's body!

There was a chaos directly on Chen Zheng's face!


A few Jiang Jiang suddenly dumbfounded again!

the host?

Does the spirit of the ancestor recognize the Lord?

Will this be too fast?

"Master, my body is the Holy Lamp of the Great Reincarnation. In addition to being able to connect with that special field to borrow mana, the true meaning of my existence should be to guide the creatures out of the nine major reincarnations! Maybe in the eyes of those creatures, I am not so cantilevered. , But those who really want to challenge the Ninth Reincarnation will definitely choose me! Although in the past years, none of the creatures chose me, but that is because none of those creatures are willing to challenge the Ninth Reincarnation, and those creatures dare not dare to Take a step forward!"

The spirit of the ancestors retreated to the body at this moment, bowing their heads to Chen Zheng.

"Great samsara..."

Jiang Hua whispered, although he has never heard of such a magical instrument in the world, but listening to the name alone knows that it is extraordinary, and it is definitely more than one level higher than the so-called saint treasure.

"That... the spirit of the ancestor, if you are so powerful, why would it be damaged and fall down from the sky? That I am just curious, don't worry about it!"

Givenchy's eyes moved, he couldn't help asking and he quickly explained after asking.

"Humph!" The spirit of the ancestor snorted softly: "The master just said that my body has not been damaged, but there are some problems in the vein. At first, those creatures gathered together to besiege me, and want to destroy me completely, also I can’t destroy my body, it can only cause some problems in the context of my body."

"This... Since your old man is the holy lamp that guides the path of the Ninth Reincarnation, although I don’t understand what the Ninth Reincarnation is, it should be a very powerful state, why do those creatures want to destroy What about you?"

Givenchy thought for a moment and couldn't help but ask again.

"Because those creatures are afraid, those creatures are afraid to take a step forward, and they are afraid that some people will surpass them too much. Anyway, they can't get it. It is better to destroy the ascending road and block the ascending road completely!"

The spirit of the ancestor responded coldly!


Givenchy is silent!

Because it exceeds his cognition too much!

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