Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1600: Because you have never seen it!

"Which... If Tu Mozong took the luck and swallowed the luck, and won the inheritance in the ancient ruins of Zhongtian Daoyu, it should not be as simple as the ancestors. For adults, this time the real martial arts promotion, I don’t know Will Su Tianjun return, after all, he is also the sword ancestor of the real martial arts world."

Cang Shen thought for a moment.

"Maybe come."

Chen Zheng glanced towards the sky dome.


"How do you feel suddenly hot?"

"Why did it heat up suddenly, did someone secretly cast a spell that made us fall in love with drugs?"

It was almost at the same time, everyone suddenly felt a little hot, and then looked up subconsciously, this one was dumbfounded!


Above the sky!

There are huge firebirds!

The giant firebird flew over the sky like a bright red sun!

"This is... this is... Jin... Jin Wu!"

"Lying trough! The legendary Golden Crow Bird! It seems to be an extraordinary Golden Crow Bird! This should come from Hongmeng Heaven!"

"There is a rumor that Hongmeng is in heaven, there is a Jinwu ancestor land, and there is a Jinwu country! Jinwu this kind of **** bird, in the oldest era, but once had two demon emperors who commanded the heavenly court!"



"Jin Wu...Why does this Jin Wu feel worse than me, but the breath is so terrible..."

Cangshen also showed surprise, thanks to the promotion of Zhenwu Realm to the Great Thousand Worlds, he, the master of the Cangshen Dao Realm, was divided into a part of his luck, and his ability to cultivate was soaring into the Heavenly Emperor Realm.

It was just that he was a little puzzled. It seems that the Jinwu in this world is not yet at the level of the Heavenly Emperor. At most Daojun is consummated, and he has overwhelmed him as a monk of the Heavenly Emperor Realm. And he has a hunch that if he really meets this Jinwu, he may lose miserably.

"Tai Shang Tian Di Yun is too deep. Slightly alien creatures have combat power beyond their own level. Of course, they can't be crushed casually. How much combat power there is depends on the degree of divinity. Daojun Dayuan's cultivation is complete, almost has the power of the Heavenly Emperor, you can't beat it, it is normal."

Chen Zheng casually said.

"Ah? Well... then aren't our Zhenwu monks against Tiantai to be a natural disadvantage?"

Cang Shen and the rest of the people were all sinking.

"As long as you are strong enough to defeat your opponents, it is better to make yourself stronger than complaining. As long as you are strong enough, the ancestors of the heavenly gods will also respect you."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Then... how difficult it is, the small one wants to take a destiny in this great change of heaven and earth, but so far, only those creatures appearing in the realm of Cang Shen Dao, the small one seems like a Nothing beats! In addition to Cangshen Daoyu, there must be terrible creatures coming from other Daoyus. Small ones have no chance! Oh, woo, Zhenwu Realm is promoted, chances and so on should be given to Zhenwu Realm local creatures, why is Heaven? It’s not fair to prevent outsiders from coming in!"

Cang God shouted for a while.


Chen Zheng just shook his head gently. As soon as the words fell, people disappeared.



"Where did Lord Shangxian go!"

The Cangyun tribe and the Gulin demon cried out, and the monks under the **** Cang on the simple warship were also shocked.

"It's over, I thought I found a big backer, but the grown-ups didn't take me to play, my domineering and my plans were all gone!"

Cang Shen reacted and looked at the sky for a while!

"That... Lord Cang God, he... he may have been terrible before, but now there is only Xuanxian mana, he means against the sky, in this general situation, should not be able to control the situation, right? ..."

On the quaint warship, the shadowy old man asked after a moment of pondering.

"You don't understand it at all. People like Chen Zu, even if they have no magic power, can wander between the major forces with impunity, even ignoring the powerful and terrifying creatures of the major forces."

Cang Shen hummed.

"There is no mana...and you can ignore all kinds of terrible creatures of all major forces. How is this possible..."

"This is too exaggerated..."

"Is he not afraid, if there is no mana, how different is it from mortals?"

The shady old man and the rest of the monks showed unbelief.

"You haven't seen it with your own eyes, so I don't know, I've seen it with my own eyes, so I was scared to pee as soon as I saw him! If the scene reappeared more than two thousand years ago today, let's not talk about our native martial arts creatures. Horrible creatures from the world, or those old, dusty creatures, also want to scare their farts!"

Cang God whispered, a face is very pious at the moment, there is endless worship in piety, in addition to worship, there is a flash of terror!

Two thousand years ago?

What happened exactly over two thousand years ago?

More than two thousand years ago, the real martial arts world was only a Chinese world. Even if something terrible happened, it would not be enough to scare the tyrannical and terrifying creatures present or coming today?

Everyone was even more puzzled, but no one dared to continue asking, because they did not dare to disturb the god. Even if Cang Shen was scared of urine before facing the young man, Cang Shen is still the master of Cang Shen's Taoist realm, and still they can't surpass the existence.


Zhongtian City.

The main city of Zhongtian Daoyu.

At this moment, the creatures in the city shivered.

Because just above the Zhongtian City, there are terrifying creatures fighting, that is a giant bird covering the sun against the extraterrestrial monsters, if it is not the Zhongtian City has an ancient defensive circle, I am afraid that it will have been razed to the ground!

"The devil's head has gone to the ancient ruins. It is said that he was beheaded. The headless body is kneeling outside the ancient ruins!"

"A giant ape lingers outside the ancient ruins and dares not go in!"

"Ye Zu of the Zhenwu Ye family entered the ancient ruins, and their lives are still unknown! The mysterious Feitian family seems to be staring at the Ye family. This time the Zhenwu family is afraid of a crisis of extinction! You said that the sword sword **** who passed down the ethics of the Zhenwu family Will you come back? If the **** of swordsman comes back, you should be able to suppress a world!"

The creatures in the whispered.

"It is not the right time for you to come, Zhongtian City has a big trouble recently, and even the whole Zhongtian Daoyu has a big trouble. Your lord seems not to believe me. Your lord is assured that my fortune telling is always free and I don't charge money. The reason why I remind you It is just like seeing you, so come to make a friend with you. Of course, in addition to making friends, we can also talk about other businesses. For example, some of my ancient secrets here are all from that mysterious ancient ruin. If you are interested , Just give a piece of fairy stone to choose at will."

In a pavilion, Chen Zheng originally looked at the two giant monsters on the sky dome as if watching a drama. A phase teacher walked over under the seat opposite him, glanced at him and lowered his voice.

The teacher said, throwing the three mysteries on the table like a trick, but these three mysteries also look a little new, unlike ancient things.

"Your Excellency is wondering if the three mysteries are too new. This is about the magic of the ancient ruins. Even after tens of thousands of years and even longer years, these mysteries are still preserved as new, which is more superficial. The preciousness of these ancient secrets."

When the teacher saw that Chen Zheng did not respond, the pupil smiled as he moved.

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