Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1601: Shang Xian Rao Ming!

"You will never lose money when you buy it!"

"Your Excellency is now Xuan Xian. After practicing the ancient secrets, cultivation will surely skyrocket within half a month! If you cultivate as a skyrocket, then you will have the opportunity to enter the ancient ruins, and if you get the true inheritance of the ancient ruins, then You will have the opportunity to become the master of this world! Isn’t it a good deal to think that a fairy stone can trigger such a terrifying chance, what are you still thinking about!"

"It's not that I'm a bragging master, how can I be a mystic immortal, my basic mystery is not an ordinary sought-after! Finished... The people of the Shangguan family are here, I will slip away, and I will see you next time!"

When the teacher saw that Chen Zheng was still intact, he lowered his voice and said several words in a row, but he paused for a while, then his face changed, and he picked up three secrets on the table and prepared to slip away.



With a cold hum!

The teacher was forced to come back!

"True Prime Minister, don't come unharmed!" Yi Baipao stared at Xiang Xiang. He looked at Xiang Xiang with a smile, and looked at Chen Zheng with a move. Seeing that Chen Zheng only had Xuan Xian Xiu Wei, he didn't. In my heart, I stared at Xiang Xiang again: "According to the rules of Shangguan's house, shouldn't you overdo it?"

"That... Master Shangguan Yi, the secret method I sold to you is indeed the ancient secret method. I really didn't lie. I really picked up this basic secret method outside the ancient ruins."

The teacher responded quickly.



Above the sky!

A loud noise!

"very scary!"

"The trough is bloody!"

"Golden blood!"

In an instant, there was exclamation!

The two giants in the battle above the sky doomed to a very tragic stage. At this moment, the golden blood flew, and the horror breath madly oppressed the ancient formations of the heavenly city, and the creatures in the city were terrified!

The huge sun bird!

Great demon that day!

This is about to win and lose!

"That... Master Shangguan, the terrifying creatures in the sky are fighting so hard, we are all true martial arts people, I think we should not fight inside, we should ignore the previous suspicions, and join hands to guard against these terrible creatures from these days. !Shangguan son, what do you think, if you don’t think so, all three of the ancient secrets I picked up can be given to the son!”

The teacher's eyes turned, and then he looked right.

"Do you think it's possible?" The white robe prince smiled: "Zhongtian City has the ancient formations guarded, although these two terrible giants are extremely strong, they can't break the ancient formations. The Zhenwu Realm is promoted, and our native creatures are also promoted. Can naturally follow the skyrocketing, so the truth master does not have to worry, we still continue our affairs between us. If the truth master thinks it is too cruel to abandon one hand, then just take out your compass, The grievances between you and me will be cancelled out naturally. Truth Master, do you want a hand or a compass?"

After listening to the teacher, his face sank instantly!

"Can the two go downstairs to solve the problem."

At this time, Chen Zheng's eyes came back from the sky and swept lightly from the faces of the two.


The teacher's face is changing again!

The appearance of Master Baipao and the monk behind him also changed, and all his eyes were on. After staring at him for a few times, only Master Baipao chuckled: "You Xuanxian is very born, isn't he in Zhongtiancheng, even It may not be from our real martial arts world. If you are a powerful monk from other big worlds, you can do whatever you want, but you are a mysterious immortal, I suggest you keep a low profile as well."

"Huh! In the Zhongtian City, apart from the Ye family, it is the largest of Shangguan's family! Before the promotion of Zhenwu Realm, Xuan Xian was what we could only look forward to. However, when Zhenwu Realm was promoted to a large world, Shangguan's family had no less than 20 mysteries. Immortal, Prince Yi has even entered the golden fairyland directly! You are an alien immortal and dare to pretend to be in front of the son!

"I don't know how high it is!"

"Do you really think we have no one in the real martial arts world!"

The monks behind the white robe also yelled!


At this time!

Above the sky!

Another loud noise!


This time, in addition to the tremendous loud noise, there was also a terrifying tearing sound. At that moment, the ancient array protecting Zhongtian City suddenly cracked a hole, although it was also repaired in an instant, but Zhongtian City was instantly dead.


Guzhen seems to be a bit unsustainable!

If the two giant monsters in the sky beat again!

Zhongtian City is afraid to be finished!


Behind Guanyi in the white robe, a strong monk was still scolding Chen Zheng the moment before, shivering and shouting at the moment.

"The ancient array... is not so easy to break, we are still safe, not to mention... there are still people from the Feitian family, and when the Feitian people suppress the Ye tribe, they will naturally drive the sky. Two murderous creatures." Shangguan Yi frowned slightly, then released it, stared at Xiang Shi, and then stared at Chen Zheng: "It seems that you don't know what the situation is now in Zhongtian City, so I will try to make it difficult for you. Talk, now Zhongtian City..."


Only half of Shangguan Yi's words!

Suddenly there was another loud noise above the sky dome, followed by another horror tearing sound.

"Hum! Wait for the ants, add blood to this seat!"

Only the big demon roared outside that day, his big hand caught in the city, and in the exclamation and scream, at least Shang Wansheng was forcibly caught in the sky!

"It's over! Hurry!"

The teacher shouted!

"Run away!"

"It's over, the ancient formation is broken, and the great demon is about to eat people!"

"My God, Zhongtian City is going to suffer!"

The rest of the creatures in the city reacted and fled frantically at this moment. As for those who were caught in the air, apart from screaming, there was only despair! Seeing that all the living creatures were going to be swallowed by the great demon outside, suddenly something rose up to the sky, almost instantly exceeding the upper living being caught in the sky, and pierced through the body of the great demon!


Golden blood splatter!


Big demon howling!

The tens of thousands of spirits caught in the sky were all stunned at this moment. Not only did they froze, but the rest of the creatures in Zhongtian City also froze!


That hole wears the big demon flesh!


It seems to be a chopstick!

What magic weapon is that!

How can there be such a magic weapon!

Who hurt the demon with this magic weapon!

"People...People...he...the chopsticks in front of seems less!"

On the Shangguan Yi, the strong monk suddenly trembling and opening!


Several people in Shangguan Yi moved their eyes!

Instantly stared over!

Just glanced!

One by one like a stone sculpture!

There were originally two chopsticks in front of this mysterious Xuan Xian. At that moment, there was only one left on the table, so where is the other chopstick?


It seems to be in heaven!

"Shang Xian Rao Ming!"

The strong monk recovered!

With a thud, he kneeled directly!

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