Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1647: Can you hide Chen Zu's eyes!



Two voices!

Successively sounded!

One is the sound of the blood-mans sharp gun drawn from the body of Changgeng Daozu!

One is that Chang Geng Daozu fell to the ground!

The monsters only felt a palpitation in their hearts, their heads instinctively shrank back, and stared at the body of Chang Geng Daozu on the ground!


The third ancestor from the outside world!

He was stabbed to death with one shot!


this is too scary!

Even if the young man is the murderer, the ancestor is reincarnated!

But he only has Xuanxian mana!

"This thing is actually pretty good. I thought it was useless. It turned out that it was quite useful to kill the lower-level Taoist ancestor. 35xs"

Chen Zheng glanced at the blood-mans sharp gun in his hand, commented, and threw it to Mo Xin.


This is a Dao ancestor from a foreign domain who is dead. Do you not evaluate your opponent? According to the normal process, shouldn’t you comment on your opponent? Why not comment on your opponent, but comment on that **** gun!


Since the Scarlet Gun is quite easy to use!

Why not keep it for yourself!

It was thrown at that little girl!

Shouldn't this level of artifacts be kept by yourself!

The demon were startled and stunned!

"Ancestor Rao Fate! Ancestor I'm wrong! I shouldn't provoke alienation! I shouldn't provoke the ancestor! Please pray for the ancestor's life!"


Turtle Heart Kneeling!

Not only kneel!

It also directly appeared in its original form!

It turns out that this body is a turtle!


Seeing this scene, the demon almost kept silent. Those demon clan who had spoken badly before were now pale and their bodies shivered involuntarily!



Mo Xin raised his hand and shot the **** gun sharply, and directly destroyed the original turtle heart surgery!

So cruel!

There was another trembling in the hearts of the monsters!


There was also a surprise in the eyes of Princess Nine. In the ancient city of Yanhuang, I had never seen this girl next to the ancestor. This girl looks afraid that it is only twenty-eight years old. On the surface, it is just mysterious, but it has just been supported just now. After Daozu's prestige, at this moment, he killed the peak Daojun, the turtle heart technique, most of which was of special bloodline and special constitution. 35xs

Moreover, the ancestor gave the young girl the gun that killed the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands more than two thousand years ago, indicating that the young girl is the heir of the ancestor, at least the blood mands.


Although I am the fairy nine princess!

Also known as the proud daughter of heaven!

Compared with this girl, there is more than one level!

And my own dad!

Once the first hero of the monster!

Now it has become indecision!

It is also inevitable that the demon decay!

Even if this time the Eight Wastelands were upgraded to the monster land, they couldn't catch the chance!

"You know, I come from the Zulong dynasty, one of the three dynasties outside the region. My grandfather and my father are the celebrities in front of Zulong Di, the lord of the Zulong dynasty. Uncle Chang Geng, Uncle Chang Geng is my lieutenant general's deputy. Believe it or not, today, my Hejia Shenbing slayed into the Eight Wilderness Ancient Lands, and slaughtered the entire monster wilderness, even the entire Eighter Wilderness. Slaughtered!"

The young man in white robe recovered at this moment, took a deep breath and stared at Chen Zheng to drink!


His body is still shaking!

He couldn't help himself!

"Slaughter monsters and spirits!"

"Slay all the wilderness creatures!"

"The extraterritorial ancestral dragon dynasty really can do this!"

The demon were trembling with cold eyes and stared at Chen Zheng, seeming to be ready to persuade!

"He family? Never heard. 35xs" However, Chen Zheng only shook his head gently, and did not look at the white robe youth, but walked step by step to the demon master: "You are an extra-territorial son of a noble family, but only the peak quasi-sanxiu, Not even Daozu, you should not have much status in your family. Of course, whether you have a status is the same in my eyes, don’t threaten me with the celebrities in front of Zulong Emperor, I just want Zulong Emperor to be here, just Take the blood of his ancestral dragon."


Desperate Zulong Emperor came in person!

To take Zulong Emperor Zulong true blood!


Ancestor of the murderer!

Is ambition so big!

Who is Zulong Emperor?

That is the master of the three pilgrimages outside the region!

It is said that half of the foot has stepped on the level above the Taoist ancestor!

"You are so brave, you dare to say such a rebellious word, Lord Zulong Emperor cultivated to be a world, already above the Dao Zu, he must have sensed what you just said, you are dead! Lord Zulong Emperor has billions Wan avatar, just come to an avatar, you can kill you!"

The young man in white robe raised his hand and pointed angrily at Chen Zheng!

"Mo Xin."

Chen Zheng had already walked to the demon master, and now he shouted lightly.


Mo Xin responded, and the eyes of the demon stared at him instantaneously. The young man in the white robe choked, and suddenly the light turned into the sky!



It's too late!

The blood-mans sharp gun is faster than him!

In an instant!

The white robe youth was killed!

A whole body of blood is swallowed by the blood gun!


The monsters shuddered!

The monsters are terrified!



The reincarnated body of this murderous ancestor!

Even the holy princes outside the domain dare to kill!

Although not his own hands!

But it is no different from his own hands!

This fierce prestige is really a world!


Just now he said that he would take Zulong Emperor Zulong true blood!

It seems that killing a bloodline descendant of the general family under Zulongdi is nothing!


It seems that he is not bragging!

He really wanted to take the real blood of Zulongdi!

The thoughts flashed through the hearts of the monsters, and the more terrifying they felt, the more they stared at Chen Zheng's back. Seeing Chen Zheng looking at the demon master, at the moment, the same thought came out of his mind!

Could it be!

Do you want to kill the demon next?

"That old ancestor, I, Wood Wolf, hasn’t done anything that I’m sorry about, but the wood

The demon gurgled.

Princess Nine's brow frowned, and Princess Suxin's brow frowned as well. In the past, the demon master was not like this. The former demon clan had a sharp and unparalleled spirit, but since he became a ancestor of Taoism, that sharp and unparalleled spirit disappeared!

"Do you think you can hide my eyes? Are you coming out by yourself or I'm asking you to come out?"

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


What do you mean?

How do you feel that this wasn't said to the demon master?

The Nine Princess and other demon clan were stunned!


The demon lord shuddered, daring to avoid staring at Chen Zheng, his body suddenly lit up with a demon awn, and immediately rose into the sky!


The demon lord has escaped!

The demon were surprised!


Chen Zheng snorted, his eyes turned into nothingness, and he swept at the demon rising from the sky, only to hear a scream from above, and a figure appeared in the demon's eyebrows!


"what is that!"

"Succubus? How could there be a succubus in the succubus?" So is the succubus' anomaly related to this succubus?"

"There are too few things in this banshee. Although our flower banshees are charming, they don't wear much, but this banshee"

"Which race is this!"

The demon below exclaimed!

Because the figure flying out of the demon's eyebrows turned out to be a banshee!

A banshee of a race they have never seen before!

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