Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1648: 9 days demon phoenix

What is this banshee!

Is it because of this banshee that the demon-lord's women behave the same way?

And this demon is too demon!


Princess Nine came back to her and exclaimed at the moment!

"You broke the main event of this palace, this palace remembers you!"

The Banshee stared at Chen Zheng fiercely, turned into a demon awn and penetrated the psychedelic enchantment above Jiutian Yaohuang Mountain, but this time Chen Zheng did not block it and let the Banshee escape!

"What's wrong with me, why can't I remember, Su Xin A Jiu and why are you here?"

At this moment, the demon lord fell from the sky and swept across the crowd with doubts. When he saw Mo Xin's blood-mandated sharp gun in his hand, his face became very serious!

"Daddy, you were invaded by a weird banshee. It was the ancestor who helped you pull that banshee out!"

Princess Nine quickly spoke.

"Ancestor? Um, the murderer, the ancestor!" The demon stunned for a moment, and suddenly seemed to remember what happened just now. His eyes were fixed on Chen Zheng, and after seeing Chen Zheng a few times, he sighed: "Di Mu Lang Let the ancestor laugh!"

"The banshee comes from the abyss, and your strokes are normal."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.



"What! Banshee comes from Tian Yuan! Those creatures in this Tian Yuan"

All the monsters exclaimed in excitement, showing fear one by one. There are many legends about the Abyss of the Eight Wastelands. Almost every one of them is terrifying. The female demon turned out to be from the Abyss. Are all ethnic groups!

The gods outside the heavens that caused the change of the heavens and the earth in the Eight Wastelands are not from heaven, but from heaven! Are the changes in the Eight Wilderness Ancient Lands and the changes of the various races actually the layout of the spirits in the Abyss!

For a while!

All kinds of guesses!


The demon whispered, fell into the pondering color, and finally could only shake his head. At 35xs, he remembered clearly that the ancestor of the murderer had a **** gun to kill the Eight Wilderness Ancient Lands, suppressed the Eight Wilderness Ancient Land tribes, and finally went to the Heaven Abyss, but did not enter the Heaven Abyss.

I don’t know the specific reason. I only circulated a saying that the murderer’s ancestor gave a face to a creature in Tianyuan, so he didn’t enter Tianyuan. Now, the murderer’s ancestor returns to the ancient land of the Eight Wildernesses. Demon, but the Banshee did not know the murderer's ancestor, so the truth of the year did not seem to be the legend.

"In the legend about the ancestor, the ancestor killed the ancient land of the Eight Wildernesses, almost leveled the ancestral land of the holy land of various ethnic groups, but finally did not enter the Tianyuan. Did the ancestor know a creature in the Tianyuan and give face to that creature?"

Princess Nine thought of this and couldn't help asking at the moment.

"Tianyuan Yuanshen wasn't given a face to anyone. It was the people who were in trouble that didn't go to Tianyuan, but took away the two brothers and sisters who covered the world."

Chen Zheng said casually.


"Is this the truth?"

"Is it the last two bloodlines of the first strong clan of the Eight Wildernesses?"

The monsters whispered, and there was another startling flash in the demon pupils.

In the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands, there was once a strong race, known as the first strong race. That family was once not in the sky, but it also surpassed the various races of the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands. It is said that the last two bloodlines were taken away by the ancestor of the murderer. It really is!

"Eight Battles"

The demon lord thought of something, and at the moment read four words.

"Eight Battles!"

"The first treasure of ancient land!"

"It is said that the ultimate secret of the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands is involved!"

The demon were shocked again!

"It must have become terrible creatures," the demon lord groaned, looking at Chen Zhengyou again: "The ancestors returned to the ancient land of the Eight Wildernesses. It was also the time when the ancient land of the Eight Wildernesses changed too much, and I was lucky to recover the spirit. Became a Taoist ancestor, but I did not expect that the Yuanyuan Banshee had invaded the Yuanshen. If there were more than one Banshee Banshee, there were more than one, if the other seven wasteland corpse owners, Divine Emperor, Human Emperor, Linghuang Great Venerable The class is also invaded by this kind of banshee. Isn't that the eight wild ancient land?"

Speaking of which, the demon lord is silent.

"It doesn't matter, that the banshee looks at you, it should be that you have the blood of the ancient red demon, and you want to use your blood to open that place."

Chen Zheng smiled.


The demon stunned.

Red dust ancient demon?


Why don't you know!

Isn't your own vein called Qiqiao Linglong Demon!

"The ancestor used to open a place with the Eight Wild Ancient Wheels."

Princess Nine thought a little.

"A place has indeed been opened, but it is still better to keep the place sealed, which is not good for all ethnic groups in the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands."

Chen Zheng nodded.

"Why wouldn't our family be stared at, if the female devil in Tian Yuan is not dead?"

The demon whispered.

"Her body can't break away from the abyss, the only thing that invades your Yuanshen is a distraction. As long as the body can't get out, she won't be able to open that place even if she has invaded your Yuanshen and then controlled you. "" Chen Zheng said, looking up, revealing a smile instead of a smile: "Nine Heavens Demon Phoenix, you have eavesdropped for so long, are you satisfied with the information I have disclosed to you?"


Nine days demon phoenix!

Who is Nine Heavens Demon Phoenix!

Is it!

The demon lord, princess nine, princess Suxin, etc., were shocked at the moment, and they looked up at the psychedelic enchantment above. I saw that the psychedelic enchantment suddenly cracked a hole, and a figure appeared!

And this figure is the banshee who left before!

and many more!

The ancestor said that the banshee is the Nine Heavens Demon Phoenix!


The Banshee is the Nine Heavens Phoenix!

The legendary Nine Heavens Demon Phoenix Mountain is a legendary place related to the Nine Heavens Demon Phoenix!

Nine days of demon phoenix can be said to be the same as the first ancestor of demon waste!

how could this be!

Is this banshee really a nine-day demon phoenix!

For a while!

Suddenly there was a blank in the mind of the demon!

As if the faith collapsed!

"The ancestor of the It turns out that you are the ancestor of the murderer, but unfortunately you are reincarnated, you have only the magic power of the Xuanxian in this life, even if the flesh is still the Taoist ancestry, even if you rely on your blood-mandant gun. Killing the third ancestor of Taoism, but this time it can't stop this palace, and it can't stop the forgetting adults!"

The cold and ruthless voice of the Banshee sounded!

The demons shudder!

no doubt!

Banshee admitted!

She really is the nine-day demon phoenix who is regarded as the first ancestor by the demon wild demon clan!


Whether it is the demon lord Di Mulang, or the princess Suixin and other people, the demon clan at the top of the nine-day demon Phoenix Mountain is completely silent!

"Forgetfulness? It turned out that the thief-like guy was called forgetting. Wasn't that servant so powerful? After so many years, he hadn't stepped out of Tianyuan." Chen had no fluctuations and smiled faintly: "Yes Huang, although I haven’t been in Tian Yuan, but I know there are at least two forces in Tian Yuan. The forgetting master in your mouth, that is, the guy who will avatar like a thief, seems to be the weakest head."

"You! Huh! Two thousand years have passed. Will the forgetting master not make any progress, not to mention Shenhuang those gods are ready to join hands with the forgetting master. With that extraterrestrial god, Tian Yuan has imprisoned this palace and Forget adults and others!"

The face of the Banshee changed, she stared at Chen Zheng fiercely, and disappeared in the next moment!

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