Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1668: Cut the ancient giants!


The spirits inside and outside the Ten Spirit Holy Mountain are in doubt!

A ghost sword shadow rushed out of Chen Zheng's body!


All eyes are on!

Then silence!

"Go ahead, I just use it after washing the sword. 35xs"

Chen Zheng smiled at the huge phantom.


After washing the sword is just right to use!

The look of the Fire Tribe and other Ling people has changed!

Just a little eyesight!

You can see that the ghost sword shadow is extraordinary!

That is at least a treasure!

"Want to use it against us? Okay! This seat is waiting for you to cut!"

Fire Ling Dazun thought in his heart, with a cold mouth!

"It turns out that this sword is good, my will left in the spirit wasteland will wash the sword for you once, but only once. In the future, you will force me, and I will not help you again. The last destiny boat I have already compromised once."

The huge phantom stared at the ghost sword shadow for a moment, and the sound of Shen Shen spread out at once, turning into a majestic breath, as the same torrent washed around the ghost sword shadow, and the ghost sword shadow could be seen vaguely between them. Something was washed away!


what's going on!

The spirit groups in the Ten Spirit Holy Mountain continue to be forced!

can not read it!

I don't understand at all!

Wash the sword!

Why wash the sword!

What kind of creature is this phantom called fate!

It seems that it is just a will incarnation of a certain creature left under the spirit wasteland!

and also!

After washing the sword, did the murderer ancestor of this realm want to rely on this sword to deal with all Lord Lingzun!

He Xuanxian mana!

Just rely on a sword!

Would he be too naive!


"Fate is supposed to be one of the incarnations of destiny. Destiny is unpredictable. Destiny dominates all the creatures in the world, and I am no exception! This child can even be called the incarnation of destiny. This child is probably not that simple! Fire Spirit Master, you The realm is the strongest, let’s first tell Lord Yuanling, and at the same time let the ten ancient giants control the warship, we can have one more bargain!”

"Humph! Venerable Ethereal, you look up to this kid. This kid might have been strong before, but now he only has the magic power of the Xuanxian. Even if it is the flesh of the Taoist level, where can he go against the sky! The sword wants to cut us off, not to mention that the Yuanling Lord can come at any time. There are ten ancient giant spirits here. Ten ancient giant spirits are ten Taoist ancestors. He can cut ten Taoist ancestors with one sword!"

Great respect of the spirit race, secretly exchange ideas!

"I have done what I should have done, and all Taoists are assured that today this murderer ancestor can't turn over! Not only do we want to kill him, but Master Lingling wants to kill him!"

Fire Spirit Lord Yuanshen responded!


The other spirit clan stared at Chen Zheng while snorting!

Since Lord Yuanling wants to kill this son!

Then this child must absolutely fall on the Ten Spirit Holy Mountain today!

Can't turn over!

I can't turn it over anyway!


The majestic breath condenses into a huge phantom!

The huge phantom glanced at Chen Zheng and then shattered!

This is left!

"The sword has been washed. It's your turn to perform. Come and open your eyes to see if you, the murderer ancestor who has only Xuanxian mana, can still suppress my spirits with fierce power!"

Fire Lingzun's mouth is a roar!


"Please cut this seat!"

"This venerable venerable master is a space avenue. Although this seat is not a Taoist ancestor, it is also a half-walking ancestor. The combat power of this seat may be average, and the life-saving means is first-class. You can try to cut this seat!"

One taunt from the spirit clan!


Chen Zheng did not look at them!

Chen Zheng only looked at the ghost sword shadow!

"The years, reincarnation, and destiny have washed my sword one after another. This sword has also been washed almost. It should be much easier to use than before."

No one chuckled beside him!



"Keep loading!"

"Look when you can pretend!"

"You thought it would scare you!"

The Lingzun sneers of the spirit race!

This time!

Chen Zheng still did not glance at them!

This time!

Chen Zheng's eyes swept ten ancient giant spirits!

"Huh? Giant spirit? Your kid wants to cut the giant spirit? Haha! Ten ancient giant spirits, any one is comparable to the Dao ancestor. This is the heritage of the spirit clan. You have cut the spirit clan's heritage, you think more!"

"Don't cut me and wait, want to cut the ancient giant spirits, do you look down on me and the spirit clan?"

"You are just a joke!"

Seeing this scene, the major Lings of the Ling clan immediately understood Chen Zheng's intention, and then laughed out loud one by one!

Don't cut the spirit clan!

Want to leapfrog but cut the ancient giant spirit!

This kid is too crazy and naive!

"Take down that warship!"


Fire Lingzun ordered!


Ten ancient giants roared, and giant hands grabbed towards Xingcha!

"My dear!"

Xingcha's little girl Shui Bingyue exclaimed and hugged Shui Qingyi tightly!


Shui Qingyi stayed in place, staring coldly at the giant hand that was only caught!

Mo Xin also stayed in place, staring at the big hand with a cold face!


"Take down your warship first, add a bargaining chip to us and see how you turn over!"

"Do you save or not!"

Black Spirit, White Spirit, Time Spirit, Ethereal Spirit, Soul Spirit, several spirit clan masters are laughing wildly at this moment!

"It turns out that your murderer ancestor is just a paper tiger."

King Jinling saw Chen Zheng at the top of the Holy Mountain of Ten Spirits motionless and shook his head at this moment!

"Don't do it yet? If you don't do it, your warship will be won!"

Mu Ling Da Zun laughed!

"Hands on? The murderer ancestors who once used to be powerful, the myth is still broken. After doing all kinds of things before, it turned out to be just a bluff. The murderer ancestors, your time has long passed!"

Tu Ling Da Zun laughed out loud!


There was a sword!

Chen Zheng started!

Only one raises his hand!

I saw the ghost sword shadow move!

Just a thought!

All ten ancient giants are frozen!


Several great respects of the spirit race!

The major spirits in the ten spirit holy mountains!

At this moment, I just felt that time and space were still!


Next second!

All ten ancient giant spirits are destroyed!

In one breath!

Destroyed into nothingness!


Ten ancient giants!

Ten ancient giants comparable to Taoist ancestors!

It's all gone now!


Endless silence!

The spirit clan and all the spirit clan are silent at the moment!

The Ten Spirit Holy Mountain is silent!

"Sure enough, after this sword was washed by them ~ ~ is much easier to use than before. Before I used the sword, I had to raise it for a period of time. Each time I used it, I had to raise it for some time. Now I kill some low-level ancestors. I don’t have that trouble. By the way, why didn’t I think that these guys who asked me to reincarnate my destiny to wash my sword."

After a moment!

The top of the Ten Spirit Holy Mountain!

A light voice fluttered!


The throats of the spirit people in the ten spirit holy mountains stirred a while, although some did not understand, but one thing they understood, that is, this murderer ancestor can now kill the lower-level ancestors at will!

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