Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1669: Cut the spirit of Yuan Yuan!

?not good!


Isn't the Nine Great Lords also in danger!

Nine Venerable Kings in the air seem to be the only Daozu who is the real one!

None of the rest seem to be!

Not even Daozu!

Not as good as the ten ancient giants!

Doesn't that mean being cut by the guy like melons and vegetables?


Hei Ling Zun opened his mouth, his gaze fixed on Bai Ling Zun, Bai Ling Da Zun fixed his eyes on Shi Ling Da Zun, Shi Ling Da Zun stared at Ethereal Da Zun, Ethereal Da Zong stared at the fire Ling Dazun!


Jin Ling!

Mu Ling!

Earth Spirit!

The eyes of the three spirit clan also stared at the fire spirit clan!


There was a chill in my heart!

Only now understand!

Why didn't the kid at the top of the Ten Spirit Holy Mountain cut himself first!

It’s not that the kid is so tall and so arrogant and naive!

It's naive to wait for others!

In the eyes of that guy, he and others are nothing more than stolen goods!

Mocking this guy before waiting for someone!

It turned out to be just mocking myself!

at the moment!

Only Lord Fire Spirit can invite Lord Yuan Ling to come!


Nine of them must be destroyed!


On the deck of Xingcha, the little girl Shui Bingyue's eyes widened, all eyes were small stars!

"Your girl should be able to understand what happened to you, my mother, when I saw the murderer's ancestor taking pictures of the necromancer."

Shui Qingyi smiled slightly.

"How can it be so strong!"

The little girl couldn't help but ask!

"I don't know why your ancestor can be so strong."

Shui Qingyi sighed, secretly not only did she not know, but the person who had seen the murderer's ancestor, I am afraid that no one knew, why the murderer's ancestor was so strong, why did one casually kill the eight wild lands Too.

"Please Yuanzun!"


Huo Lingzun roared to heaven!


Yuan Ling Zun!

Shui Qingyi heard these four words changed!

Yuan Ling Zun!

It is said to be the real master of Linghuang!

It is also the creature that created the Spiritual Wildness Clan!

and so!

The reason why the Fire Spirit Lord and others dare to imprison and suppress the Water Spirit Lord, and the reason why the murderer ancestors such as came to the Ten Spirit Holy Mountain, is this actually the legendary Yuan Ling Lord's law?




A pure white light penetrated the sky dome!

When the pure white light is gone!

There is an extra figure in the sky!

"Worship Yuan Ling Zun!"

"See Lord Yuanling!"

"Master Yuanling is invincible!"

Great spirits such as Hei Ling, Bai Ling, Shi Ling, etc., saw the figure above, and instantly showed a happy look, facing the figure in the air is a worship!


Lord Lingling is here!

That kid is more powerful!

That kid's sword is weird again!

It is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of Lord Yuanling!

Lord Yuanling!

But the creatures above Taoist ancestors!

Even stronger!

At this moment, even just the incarnation of the will comes!

But there is also the ninth state ancestors combat power!

Can this kid get the ninth state ancestor no matter how strong he is!

"How does Yuanling grow like this"

Xingcha took a look at the little **** the advent figure, and subconsciously murmured, but her mother covered her mouth only half of the words!

Yuan Ling!

It looks weird!

Face half male half female!


As a spiritual person!

It’s better not to talk about it!

In fact, Shui Qingyi was also very surprised. At the moment, she saw the legendary Yuan Ling Dazun. As a spiritual alien, she has an instinctive fear, but Yuan Ling Da Zun's face is too weird!

Yuan Ling Zun!

Is it male or female!

"Chen Zheng!"

The advent figure stared down, staring at Chen Zheng was a cold drink, and directly called out Chen Zheng's real name!

"Meet again, hello yin and yang people."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly and responded.



"You dare to disrespect Master Yuanling!"

Huo Ling Zun waited to hear the three characters of Yin and Yang people, and instantly glared over them. As for those spiritual races in the Ten Spirit Holy Mountain, all of them were dumbfounded, they were all scared!


Yin Yang people!

This murderous ancestor dare to call Yuanling Lord like this!

This guy is too brave!

Although it was only the will of Lord Yuanling coming in this moment!

But that breath feeling is already the ultimate of Daozu!

Does this guy still want to use the power of Xuanxian to cut off the ultimate ancestor of the realm!

How can this not be done!

"This seat does not want to engage in a verbal battle with you!" Yuan Ling will stared at Chen Zheng for a moment, then sneered, and paused a little, then chuckled and said: "Chen Zheng, Chen Zheng, you have to cultivate to restore the level of Xuan Xian. Why do you want to use your first sword of heaven and earth to slash my will incarnation? Do you think that the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands was the world of the Holy Spirit? The last time in the Holy Spirit world, this will incarnation came, you After robbing the saint and sarcophagus of this seat, you have also forced this seat, because this seat is restricted by the heaven and earth, but today is different, today this will avatar comes in the ancient land of the Eight Wastelands, how can there be the ninth state ancestor You can’t cut this incarnation of strength!"


The world's first sword!

It turns out that the sword is called the world's first sword!

The major spirits are surprised!

"World's First Sword World's First Man"

Shui Qingyi whispered, and suddenly thought of a sentence she had heard.

"give up!"

"Yuan Ling's volition incarnation is the ninth level of Taoist ancestors, you can't cut it!"

"In front of Lord Yuanling, you still admit defeat!"

Hei Ling and Bai Ling, several spirit venerables, stared at Chen Zhengli to drink!

"Chen Zheng, Chen Zheng, I could cut my will incarnation with the first sword of heaven and But what about that? This spirit and wild spirit family is a creature created by this seat, you cut it This volition is incarnate, this one can still absolutely control the spirit clan, you want to save the water spirit venerable, she is just the creature I created, no matter how many times the reincarnation is reincarnate, you can’t escape the control of this seat, because this seat is the Yuan spirit, This is ah! There is a suspense in this seat. In your eyes, this seat may just be an era overlord. Unfortunately, you are wrong! So today you cut the volition of the will of the seat, cut the nine spirits, and cut the ten spirits. The spirit races in the mountains are also in vain! To remind you of this seat, some guys in the first life are not dead. Those guys have been recovering one after another. Guess who hates those guys the most!"

Yuan Ling laughed again, meaning something between words!

"It's like that, it seems that it's really useless to cut you off, but I still want to try it. I kept this sword for a while, and it was just washed by years, reincarnation, and destiny, so your luck is not good."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.


Yuan Ling raised his brow suddenly!



The sword sounded!

Sword world!

Billions of swordsman!


The ultimate sword of the Nine Sword World!

"you dare!"

Yuan Ling's will incarnation suddenly screamed!

"Why not dare?"

Chen Zheng smiled again!


The ultimate sword of the Ninth Sword Realm broke out!

Yuan Ling's will avatar bursts in an instant!


Nine Great Lingzun faces instantly solidified!

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