Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1682: 3000 Emperor Corpse Formation


The fog is vast.

"This... how is the breath of the corpses, the Wu and the corpses have joined forces?"

In the mist, Tianlong Emperor stared at the Wuhuang Tiankeng, which was faintly visible in front of him, and murmured the fog. The Wuhuang Tiankeng was the same place as the witch holy land. At this moment, only flashing flames could be seen in the past. Although the fog obscured Shen Nian, Emperor Tianlong's nose was very sensitive, and he smelled the breath of the corpse.

And one thing is certain, the Wu people in the Wuhuang Tiankeng already knew that they and Chen Zu were coming, not only themselves, but also the creatures from the other races must have been discovered by the Wu people.

I just don't know what the reason is. The Wu people don't seem to care at all. It seems that as long as they don't really step into the Wuhuang Tiankeng, as long as they are not close to the core of the Tiankeng, the Wu people are too lazy to ignore outsiders.


More than a dozen monks fell!

Less than three miles from here!

"God is coming?"

Emperor Tianlong stared at him, frowning. Although obscured by the strange mist, they could not see the faces of the monks, but the nose smelled the smell that made the Dragon Emperor disgusted.

Those guys are gods and gods!

Those guys are still here!

It seems that the leader is a god!


There was a cold hum over there, and the leader clearly felt the people over there, but from the cold hum, you can hear that the leader of the gods there was extremely disdainful to the three Chen Zheng here!

"These guys don't seem to be able to see our faces... this mist can actually cut off Daozu's mind..."

Emperor Tianlong secretly heard.

"Go to the theater."

Chen Zheng did not fluctuate and said two words softly.


Emperor Tianlong responded, and once again looked at the misty Wuhuang Tiankeng. This was just the past. Only a few fires were faintly visible in the Wuhuang Tiankeng. At this moment, the fires suddenly increased!




In an instant!

Thousands of fire lights up!

"what's the situation!"

"What are the witches to do!"

"Is this a ritual ceremony?"

Outside the Wuhuang Great Pit, people from all ethnic groups were surprised!


Next second!

Thousands of roars in the Wuhuang pit sounded at the same time!




I saw thousands of fires rising into the sky!


"Emperor Corpse!"

"It's still all emperor corpses, no more, no more than three thousand emperor corpses. Is this all the emperor corpses in the ancestral land of the corpses?"

"Witches and corpses have joined forces, what is this planning!"

"Huh! There are so many corpses of the Matriarchs, the deity is in the pit of Wuhuang, no one came out to greet them, and they dared to ignore the deity in the presence of the deity, and the two groups really did not. Put Lord God in your eyes, you are really brave enough!"


Drink cold!


"Which **** is coming?"

"I can't see clearly, this mist is too strange, basically people can't see clearly after more than a hundred steps, and Shennian can't penetrate, I don't know which **** is coming!"

Hearing that cold drink, another cry of exclamation sounded.

"Really a god..."

There was a flash in the eyes of the Dragon Emperor. The dragon and the gods, the dragons and the gods and gods, had already forged a life and death revenge. They could not kill this god, but if this **** respect jumped a little, if it caused Chen Zu , Then surely die!


No matter whether it provokes Chen Zu!

This deity is sure to die!

It's just that Chen Zu is too lazy to ignore that deity!

"let's start!"


The core area of ​​Wuhuang Tiankeng!

A low voice sounded!


What started?

The people outside the Tiankeng froze for a while, and then their faces changed, because the three thousand emperor corpses that hung in the sky raised their heads at the same time, and all of them exploded at the same time!

Although it was covered by fog, the emperor corpses could not be seen clearly, but the people of all ethnic groups who felt the power of self-explosion felt it!

What is this to do!

Three thousand emperor corpses!

This can be said to be the inside of the corpse!

The corpse digs out all the emperor corpses buried in the ancestral land to collect the three thousand emperor corpses!

But now the three thousand emperor corpses explode above the Wuhuang Tiankeng!

The corpse lost all the family's heritage to what is this for!


Between the surprises of the people of all ethnic groups, above the misty sky pit, a strange flame reappeared, no more, no less than three thousand! At almost the same moment, a white light rose into the sky in the core area of ​​Wuhuang Tiankeng!


Three thousand strange fires in the air flooded into the white light!




Wu Huang Da Hang suddenly died in silence!




this moment!

People from all ethnic groups suddenly discovered that their heartbeat suddenly became extremely clear, and almost everyone gave birth to a very bad hunch!

"Damn! What the **** are you doing!"

A hundred steps away, the leader from Shenhuang came to the core location of Wuhuang Tiankeng with a cold drink!


Did not get any response!

be quiet!



There is still silence in the Wuhuang Tiankeng!

Wuzu and corpses seem to be hidden!

"It seems that the **** deity is asking you to open your mouth and you will answer!"

The leader of Shenhuang was snorted again, turned into a purple divine light and shot towards the core area of ​​Wuhuang Tiankeng. At this moment, this purple divine light was extremely visible in the rolling mist!

He seems to be a beacon!



The purple light of his incarnation looked like it was about to fall in the core area of ​​Wuhuang Tiankeng. In the mist, a giant hand suddenly stretched out and slapped on the light!


Just listen to a scream!

Don't slap the lantern out of the Wuhuang Tiankeng!

"Sovereign Lord!"

"Fearless God!"

"Sir, are you okay!"

On the cliff of Wuhuang Dakeng, Shenhuang came and exclaimed, watching the purple lights fly over them!


It is at this moment!

The strange mist that shrouded the Wuhuangtiankeng disappeared!


Intrepid God Sovereign stabilized his body and slammed back to the cliff where the gods came from, only to scold, and the next second was silent! Not only his Dao ancestor, but the people of all races were silent at the moment, all staring at the core area of ​​Wuhuang Dakeng without the fog!

Wu clan!


You can recognize it at a glance!

One of them is Wuzu!

This generation of Witch Emperor is also here!

Except for Wuzu and Wudi!

The ancestor of the corpse is also there!


They are not talking about what they are planning!

But all kneel on the ground!

Pay homage to a giant with black and white air!

That giant!


The breath released invisible makes people shudder!

"What... monster..."

Even the fearless is a genuine Taoist ancestor, and it trembles at this moment! This thing made by the two corpses and witches seems to be at most the level of the first state Taoist ancestor, but the breath absolutely crushes the first state and even the second state Taoist ancestor, because the fearless deity is the second state Taoist ancestor!

this moment!

He was scared!

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