Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1683: Congenital Chaos Demon Collapsed!


The eyes of the giant who was in black and white all around!

Indifferently stared at the fearless **** on the cliff of Wuhuang Tiankeng!


Fearless God's mouth is the blood of God!


"Sovereign Lord!"

"It doesn't seem to be right... Lord God, let's withdraw!"

The gods trembling around shouted!



The voice just started!

The air of black and white from the giant is pouring out!

In an instant, an enchantment was formed to seal this witch crater!



"Wuhuang Big Pit is blocked!"

The people of all races perceive it, and their complexions change drastically. There is a chance to escape the moment before. At this moment, they can’t escape!

"This creature... crushed the fearless deity... The fearless deity is one of the few deities of the gods, it seems that it is the Taoist ancestor of the second realm, and there is no resistance in front of this creature. ..."

On Chen Zheng's side, Emperor Tianlong whispered.

"This seat is a godless and fearless deity. He came to the Wuhuang to investigate on the orders of the Emperor of the World, Wu Zu and the Emperor. You have been to the Gods and have seen the Emperor of the World. You should be very clear where the Emperor of the World is. What’s more, the Emperor Geisha also has that extraterrestrial artifact. You joined forces with the corpses today to get out a monster. Do you want to be an enemy to my gods and want to be an enemy to the Emperor Gods!"

On the cliff over there, the fearless deity covered his heart and stared at the witch ancestor Wudi where the Wuhuang big pit was kneeling!



Only a sneer chuckled and responded!

The Emperor Wu kneeling on the ground looked at the fearless deity with great disdain, then moved his eyes, swept over the people of all ethnic groups on the cliff of Wuhuang Tiankeng, and finally stared towards Chen Zheng, skipping the Tianlong Emperor and Mo Xin , Eyes directly locked on Chen Zheng: "You are also here, you should be the murderer ancestor, right, no matter if the state fell or reincarnated, you should be the murderer ancestor. You have come, then so Don't go away, your physical body is just right for the innate Chaos God and Lord to add something."


Ancestor of the murderer!

Who is the murderer ancestor!

The eyes of the people of all ethnic groups on the cliff immediately came over!

Among them there are spirits, people, monsters, ghosts, and ghosts coming from people, but they are all old things that cannot be seen in the world, so although Chen Zheng has been to Linghuang, people, monsters, and ghosts, the holy mountain of the ancestral city, There was too much movement, and these old things were heard, but in fact, I have never seen Chen Zheng! Some of them have heard of the murderer ancestor more than two thousand years ago, but they have never seen Chen Zheng at that time. At this moment, he heard that the witch emperor said that a young humanoid Jinxian was the murderer ancestor.

Ancestor of the murderer!

Why doesn't it look fierce at all!

On the contrary, it is somewhat elegant and easy going!

Was this young man really the ancestor of the murderer who had pierced the ancient land of Bahuang?

"The murderer ancestor? Hm? Emperor Tianlong! You are the murderer ancestor!" The fearless **** stunned for a moment, thought in his heart, secretly sacrificed the magical instrument given by the **** emperor, and dared to sacrifice the magical instrument, the law The device warns! His thoughts were changing rapidly, and he suddenly thought of the task given by the Emperor Shige to himself. He used the magical magic method to imprint Chen Zheng's appearance, and wanted to pass back to the gods!



The enchantment of the giant cloth summoned by the two corpses has cut off the outside world!


The fearless deity stunned, and the thought flashed quickly in his heart, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Witch Emperor Wu Zu, if this son is really a murderer ancestor, then we can join forces. You also know that the murderer ancestor is a god, a witch. The common enemy of the barren and corpse barren was our **** barren, the corpse barren was the second, and the witch barren was again. If I remember correctly, the witch emperor was killed by the ancestor of the murderer! What's more, it seems that your witch clan's absolute witch emperor did not even report the name, just like an unknown **** died in the hands of the murderer's ancestor, this should be right!"


Is there such a past!

Was the witch's extinct witch emperor falling like this?

It is said that the unique witch emperor is the strongest generation witch emperor in the history of witch history!

It turns out that the name of the ancestor of the murderer was not reported, just like an unknown pawn, just like a ants on the ground was trampled to death!


I didn't know before!

In the eyes of the old things from all ethnic groups, a horror flashed through!


Wuzu sneered!

Witch Emperor snorted!

The faces of the Wu people in the Wuhuang Tiankeng are extremely ugly!

The fearless **** is equivalent to uncovering the scars and humiliation of their family!

The strongest witch emperor in Wuhuang history!

At that time, like an unknown soldier, he was trampled to death by the murderer's ancestor!

"At that time... the same was true of our corpse's corpse-free ancestors, who were killed in a single face, and even the name was not even spoken. Like the ants, the ancestors were randomly killed by the murderer's ancestor." Suddenly smiled, but only a little infiltrated, he stared at Chen Zheng: "But that is all a thing of the past. After today, your murderous ancestor left us the shame of the two dead corpses, we two corpses The clan hand-washed it! There are gods and gods outside the gods, can’t we dig out the gods of the two clan corpses! The congenital chaotic god-devil lord you saw is something that our two clan dug out. The Secret Array is summoned! This is a congenital chaotic demon, one of the congenital demon born in Chaos before Pangu Shenghuang opened the sky! Maybe it was once not strong enough, but with the blessing of that god, now this one has It is a congenital chaotic **** and demon! I killed your murderer ancestor today, and I will go to calm the gods tomorrow, and then go to level the sky! Haha! Hahaha!"



The emperor said the origin of the giant himself!

It turned out to be one of the innate gods and demons!

It turned out to be so powerful with the blessings of gods!

"Shen Wu..." The face of Intrepid God changed, the innate gods and demon sounded very bluffing, but in fact it was not as arrogant as it sounded, otherwise the vast majority would not be chopped to death when Panhuang opened the sky, However, the congenital gods and demons now reincarnated by the relics found by the two corpses and witches, and became congenital chaotic gods and demons, much stronger than the legendary congenital gods and demons.


If it is limited to this!

Then the emperor is also dreaming!

Can the artifacts excavated underground be comparable to the gods and gods' supernatural creatures!

of course!

It would be better if the murderer ancestor could be destroyed today!

and so!

You only need to arch the fire!

Lord Emperor, aware of Wuhuang Tiankeng's abnormality, will surely come to save himself!

Wait for the two corpses and witches to fight against the murderer ancestor!

Then Lord Emperor comes to harvest again!

"The murderer ancestor please die!"


The Witch Emperor screamed!

"The murderer's ancestor, you deserve to die!"

Wuzu angered!

"Send you on the road today!"

The emperor grinned!


The innate chaotic **** and demon roared, and his big hand shot towards the cliff where Chen Zheng was, the black and white gas turned into chaos, and it was overwhelming with the terrible power of annihilation!


The fearless deity saw this scene and couldn't help laughing!

"Chen Zu!"

Emperor Tianlong frowned!

Mo Xin stayed in place with a cold face!

The rest of the people were holding their breath and staring here!

Innate Chaos Divine Strike!

It seems to have surpassed the prestige of the third realm!

Only the murderer ancestor of Jin Xianxiu took what to take this blow!

"Innate chaotic gods and demons...what's the use of things that have died long ago."

On the top of the cliff, Chen Zheng smiled faintly, and he seemed not prepared to fight back at all!


"Keep loading!"

"Look how you pretend!"


Witch Emperor!

Corpse Emperor!

At the same time grinning!


That innate chaotic **** and demon took pictures!

This moment!

The gods of the two corpses and the fearless gods came to show their joy!


This palm will definitely die!



Next second!

Suddenly there was a tear!


Then the tearing sound followed by one!


That congenital chaotic **** and demon was fragmented between the extreme coercion!

And then!

Turned to ashes!

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