Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1731: Ten Thousand Miles Beyond Heavenly Teaching!

"Huh? Is this the order?"

On the city head, Ye Qingcheng raised his brow slightly.

"Tian Ling?"

Chen Zheng looked at Ye Qingcheng.

"Within ten days, we must rush to the Evergreen Fairy Mountain in the Changqing Road, otherwise we will be eliminated directly, and the other candidates for the sons of the heavens should get the same order."

Ye Qingcheng nodded.

"The Evergreen Daoyu is a sue to the Immortal. It is the oldest Daoyu and the most central Daoyu in the Evergreen Evergreen Realm. As for the Everlasting Immortal Mountain, it is also a place known to the creatures in this realm. Confucianism, which later became the Devil Mountain due to the invasion of the outer demon! That place should be the most dangerous place in the evergreen world! Although I haven’t walked out of the ups and downs of the realm, as long as it is a creature in this world, you should know the Everlasting Mountain !"

Immortals groaned on the ground.

"Eternal Magic Mountain."

Chen Zheng said these four words softly and thought of a guy with the word Wan Gu in his name.

"Eternal Magic Mountain is rumored to be shrouded in devil qi all year round. At that time, the monks of the Taoism were all transformed into demons, and the weakest demon was also the ancestral realm!"

Heavenly immortals on the ground focused on his head, let him go to the ancient magic mountain, he did not dare to go, that place is too terrible, the weakest devil is the old ancestral realm, such an immortal that he has gone, one photo is gone!

"In this everlasting world, there is indeed a seal."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


Celestial celestials on the ground were stunned, and other creatures in the city were also stunned, because I had never heard of any powerful demon seals in this realm. It was related to the nine huge phantoms that appeared on the sky dome before. Is the ghost shadow suppressing the devil's god?


At this time!

Above Fuhai City!

Another warship crossed over!

The whole body is dull!

The power of Black Sha is surging!

Although not the previous Raksha boat!

But it can be distinguished from the power of Hesha alone!

This warship is also from Peerless Sect!

"Who killed Elder Bai!"


A Tsing Yi man on the warship swept apathy!

"You are the Green Demon Emperor of Peerless Sect!"

On the ground, Tianxian saw the man in Tsing Yi and instantly thought of someone, shouting with a shaking voice!

"Tianxian? The ants are like ants. Elder Bai wasn't killed by you, then it could only be these two little things on the city head! A golden fairy, a sword repairer with a hidden breath, it seems that you are a hidden breather The woman killed Elder White! Good! Species! You killed Elder White, the emperor can not kill you, you cut off the golden fairy boy around you, obediently follow the emperor to go to heaven, and listen to the leader!"

Tsing Yi people swept the heavens on the ground with cold eyes, and then stared toward the side of the city head, and there was a fierce pressure on the invisible!

"Shang Xian"

Heavenly celestial trembles on the ground, at this moment the eyes are full of panic, which provokes the Peerless Religion, Fu Haicheng is afraid that it will be finished!

"Where is Peerless Religion."

Chen was indifferent and asked the people in Tsing Yi.

"Huh? Your kid doesn't seem to be afraid of the emperor's fierce prestige. Your kid now asks where Jue Tian Jiao is. Don't you want to go to exterminate it? Young man, maybe you are a descendant of some top tradition, however Your kid is too ignorant that the sky is a little thicker! Peerless Religion is one of the three demon ancestors in the Ups and Downs, and not to mention the Taoism in the Ups and Downs, it is the other top-level sect in the Evergreen Realm, and you dare not say that it can exterminate the Heavenly Church. Does the kid think he is the incarnation of heaven!"

Tsing Yi people look disdainful!


Next second!

Chen Zheng raised his hand!

Tsing Yi's body suddenly shocked!

Then it didn't move like a stone carving!



"What did you do to Lord Green Demon Emperor!"

On the dull warship, the Peerless Master froze first, then snarled!

"Peerless Heaven Mountain is beyond the 100,000 mile, Peerless Heaven Mountain, you can cut this Peerless Heaven School directly."

Chen Zheng withdrew his right hand, and Xuanguang struck Ye Qingcheng's eyebrows.


What do you mean?

Cut it?

Ten Thousand Miles Beyond Heavenly Sect?

Is this possible?

Fu Haicheng's souls were stunned!

"You just forcibly searched the emperor's Yuanshen. From the emperor's gods, you know the location of the Peerless Mountain Gate. Your boy, your boy does have the means to use the Jinxian Xiuwei to forcibly search the emperor's ancestral monk. Soul, but your kid let this woman cut off the heavenly religion from a distance of thousands of miles, purely dreaming! Does your kid think that the peculiar religion doesn’t guard the mountain, do we think our leader is a waste, and our leader is already above ordinary saints? , Has half stepped into the realm of Taoism!"

The Tsing Yi people recovered and stared at Chen Zheng with a low voice!



Above the city!

Ye Qingcheng slashed with his sword in the northwest direction!


Han Mang flashed!

Seems to cross thousands of miles in an instant!


Nothing seems to happen!


What happened?

Did the sword just threaten the Peerless Mountain Gate 100,000 miles away!

There are doubts in the city!



"What about tricks? Haha! This woman will trick, and her looks are stunning. If the leader doesn't like it, the Son will love it! Hey!"

After a short silence, on the dark ship, the monk of the apocalyptic laughed and laughed!


The Tsing Yi people are silent!


He secretly connected the leader of Jue Tianjiao with Yuanshen, and found that the leader did not respond, not only the leader, but also the elder sons and others did not respond!


He flew out with a divine thought, spread his magical power, crossed 100,000 miles within a few interest, and reached the extinct mountain where the extinct mountain gate is located!



Completely silent!


Peerless Mountain is gone!

Tiantianshan turned into nothingness!



Tsing Yi Rennian received it, and at the moment his body shook and he retreated involuntarily. This refund almost stumbled to the ground!

"Master Blue Devil Emperor!"

"What's wrong with this?"

"You Lord Green Demon"

On the dull warship, the faces of the priests who laughed and laughed all changed, and they suddenly shuddered!

Is it!

Is that woman's sword really annihilating the Peerless Religion that is 100,000 miles away?


Tsing Yi people are silent!

Peerless monks are also silent!

The creatures in Fuhai City are also silent!

right now!

There is only one problem!

What happened to that sword just now!

"Who are you!"

After a moment, the voice of the Tsing Yi people was reduced to the extreme, staring at Chen Zhengyi forever!


Chen Zheng shouted casually.


The face of Tsing Yi has changed!

The other peculiar monks on the dull warship have not yet reacted!

The Tsing Yi people turned into a blue sky!



Something is faster than him!

Just listen to Jianming!

A cold mountain engulfed the dull warship instantly!

Instantly caught up with Qingsha!


A face-to-face!

Qingsha annihilation!


The creatures in Fuhai City looked at the At this moment, there was a blank in my mind, and there was nothing!


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