Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1732: Aeon Doom

"Peerless Rebellion!"

"Who wiped out the Heavenly Sect!"

"How is this possible, Juetian Religion is one of the three major demons. Who can exterminate Jue Tian Religion in the ups and downs, and the Master Jue Tian entered the realm of Dao Zu!"

"However, Juetian Religion does not exist anymore. I don’t know if it is related to the previous vision of heaven and earth. It seems that Du Guqian, the female demon head of Doom Demon Sect, has a fight with a female nun who has come out of heaven. It's all cracked, and the doomsday disc is the treasure! The female practitioner seems to be using a knife, the knife is terrible!"

"What! The sky of doom has cracked! Is it true that the female nun who came out that day is not a ancestor!"

Not in an hour!

The news of the extinction of Peerless Reach spread all over the world!


Fuhai City, the Evergreen Immortal Hall.

The native fairy was stupid again.

Because Chen Zheng only had a hand, all the immortal jade in the immortal hall were automatically unlocked, and hundreds of immortal lights instantly fell into his eyebrows. This scene, in the eyes of Tianxian, is impossible.

Fuhai City is just a small town by the sea in the ups and downs, but the Evergreen Evergreen Immortal Hall is not small. Almost every city in the world has the Evergreen Evergreen Immortal Hall. Anyone can enter the Immortal Hall to unlock the immortal jade, but no one has ever looked at this one. Unlock all the fairy jade!


At this moment, Tianxian can only use dreams to describe the scene I just saw!

"The Nine Avenues area is centered on the Evergreen Avenue. This time the sons of the heavens are choosing the final finals in the Evergreen Demon Mountain in the Evergreen Avenue. Hongmeng has left the power of the Nine Ways in this world, Also sealed a demon head, who can get the power of the nine heavens, and destroy the demon head, who is the son of the heavens. But the guy does not seem to know that there are some anomalies in this everlasting world. He also fell asleep on the body. This accident should have happened just after the battle between me and him. The guy had no time to care. The sons of these heavens were being chosen. There should have been some time before they were forced to advance."

Chen Zheng smiled.


Fu Haicheng's heavenly face is stunned!

Son of the heavens?

What is this selection?

Never heard of it!

"That Saint Royal Plate"

Ye Qingcheng thought for a moment.

"He is the person in charge of the election of the sons of the heavens, obviously knowing the anomaly of the evergreen world, I contacted him, he responded to me, but only said that he has left the evergreen world ever since." Chen Zheng looked at Ye Qingcheng, then looked at Towards the Immortal Palace: "I used to sweep this world with my implement, and only sweep out a rough outline. In this case, there is only one possibility, that is, there is an implement from the same place as my magical implement in this world. ."


Fu Haicheng Tianxian opened his mouth, his face was dumbfounded, he felt that he was listening to the heavenly book, he had never heard of the holy royal disc, but he knew that it must be an extraordinary big man.

"By the way, some girls have also come to the Evergreen Realm. When they go to the Everlasting Demon Mountain, they should meet you. When the time comes, you can meet them."

Chen Zheng thought of it a little, then said something with a smile.


Ye Qingcheng nodded. She knew what other girls were referring to. She should have been given the same guidance as Chen Zu.

"Sixty-seven progress, mana gold fairy second order, Taixu world map has got six, the master of the ancient order has got two, the universe of the four-seater **** monument has got three. This 10,000-year-old Evergreen world is so huge, how can it be I have gained a lot."

Chen Zheng looked at the fairy hall and smiled again.



what is that?

Fuhai City Celestial Immortal is even more ignorant!

"Sad Lord Xianxian, the things mentioned by Lord Xianxian haven't been heard in the next one, but there is a female demon head called Du Guqian in the ups and downs, and the female demon head is the legendary doom body. The piece of treasure is called the doom celestial disc, maybe it is something that Shangxian wants. Shangxian can rest assured that she will never dare to harm Shangxian, but the devil's head is powerful, but the fairy around him is 100,000 miles away. The sword will extinguish the Heavenly Sect, and it’s no wonder if you want to suppress the devil!"

After thinking for a moment, Tianxian's heart suddenly said.

"What is your relationship with the devil?"

Chen Zheng asked lightly.

"This Me" Tianxian's eyes dodged for a while, and finally lowered his head and sighed: "Under the Duke Gujunqing, the relationship with the female demon head Duguqian sister and brother!"


Ye Qingcheng frowned slightly.

"Since it is a brother and sister, why do you want me to suppress your sister?"

Chen Zheng asked.

"In those days, the Dugu family was considered first-class in the ups and downs, but it was later caused by a lot of troubles due to the doom of the elder sister, so that later it happened. Today, the only family is only left with the elder sister. Master Xian can let her sister turn back to the past or become a mortal, I am very grateful!"

Tianxian Fuhaicheng paid a deep respect to Chen Zheng!


Just this week!

There was a cold hum outside the fairy hall!

Tianxian Dugu Junqing heard this cold hum trembling!

Slowly raised his head and turned to look out of the fairy hall!

When I saw the tall figure outside the temple, I was stunned!


Tianxian subconsciously shouted a word!

The devil!

Du Guqian!

no doubt!

The tall figure outside the Immortal Hall is the female devil mentioned by Tianxian just now!

I just didn't expect it!

The devil came so fast!

"Doom is here, if you dare to take it, take it!"

The devil's head stared at Chen Zheng, and a black jade plate emerged with every move!

"Someone is interested in you."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


The devil's head is cold!

"Lao Tzu!"

The next second responded with a voice, Du Gu Jun Qing was stunned, the demon head was stunned, and Ye Qingcheng was also stunned!


It wouldn't be strange if a rude man said it!

But this seems to be the voice of a female doll!


In Chen Zhengmei's heart, the artificial lotus seeds flew out, the chaos disappeared, and the artificial little doll appeared. She stared at the female devil with cold eyes: "You are not a simple doom body, you are called the eternal doom body, no matter how many reincarnations you reincarnate Second, you are all doom!"


The devil's head shook!


Du Gujun Qing dumbfounded!

"This doom heaven is half of the avenue of the Yudu era, the guy who created the Yudu era is a young man of nature, from now on you will follow this nature, if you can’t beat Chen Zheng this in the future The little girls who are cultivated by you, this character will wipe you out with your own hands!"

The little doll made an indifferent and merciless opening, a small hand, a gray light shrouded Du Guqian, Du Gu Junqing has not yet recovered, whether it is Du Guqian or the doom Tianpan, like the lotus seed, it turns into a fairy light. In Chen Zhengmei's heart.


Du Gu Jun Qing opened his mouth, he felt that his brain was not enough!

"Congratulations to XIII for accepting the apprentice."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.

"The good guy is a fart, I will take her for cigarettes. You can't change it!"

The indifferent voice of the little doll sounded.

"No change."

Chen Zheng smiled and shook his head.

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