Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1744: Show you something good


Chen Zheng returned a word, understatement without any trace of fluctuation.

"If you see my master, you will be terrified!"

Yanlong roar again!


Chen Zheng returned a word.

"You try again!"

Yanlong froze for a moment, another roar!


Chen Zheng spoke calmly, still the word.




Yanlong roared three times!

"Please come master!"



This moment!

Divine Condor Master, Lonely Junqing, Chunyang First Sword, and Sinister Rabbit all subconsciously hold their breath!

Although I don't know who is the owner of Yanlong!

However, it can be guessed from the description of Yanlong to his owner!

That must be a terrible creature!


The time passed without a breath!

There seems to be no sign that any creature is coming to this Yanlong Prison!


Could it be!

This smoke dragon is bluffing!

"Hey! What do you think, my master is the supreme being, I am just a slave created by my master, I want to invite my master to come, it is not so easy!" Yan Long froze for a moment, seeing everyone Staring at it suspiciously, he drank coldly, and after a pause, he shouted again: "Please come the master!"

After this shout!

Yanlong stared at the sky above Yanlong prison!


Time passes by again!

Still nothing happened!

There is no sign of the coming of life!


Du Gujun sighed with relief, no matter whether the smoke dragon was bluffing, as long as the terrible creature did not come. Although this smoke dragon claimed to be immortal, there was no threat in front of Chen Zu. When Chen Zu was here, he could not hurt himself and others, and he and others could leave the jail dragon's jail safely.

"My master's supreme creature will not respond to me casually. It's normal for me to invite twice, but I'm invited again. The master must be able to hear my call and will come!" Yanlong After staring at Chen Zheng fiercely, he shouted again: "Please, Master Hongmen, the Supreme Master, comes!"

This time!

Changed the title!

Not right!

Not a different name!

Instead, he called out a complete title!

"Hongmeng Supreme Lord!"

"What kind of creature is that?"


Du Gu Jun Qing, Shen Ji Gong Gongzhu, Chun Yang's first sword show a look of surprise!

"Fuck! Scary!"

Hearing the words Honghong Supreme Lord Tribulation, the rabbit almost jumped up in place, and instinctively stepped back, seeming to know what the words Honghong Supreme Lord Tribulation meant, and now stared at the top with great vigilance!

"My master is coming soon, I have already felt that the master is already on the way!"

Although there were no signs of the coming of the creatures above, this time Yanlong was confident and stared at Chen Zheng with a grin!


This time Chen Zheng fluctuated, and there was a faint smile on his face, and he returned to Yanlong.

"You dare, my master will kill you as soon as he comes!"

Smoke Dragon Rage!

"So, how long will it take for your master to come? Yi Yixiang? One hour? One day? Half a month? Half a year? Or longer?"

Chen Zheng asked with a smile.

"" Yanlong froze for a moment, then burst into tears: "Anyway, it will come soon, you just need to stay in place and wait for death! You are a bit of a means, I can't beat you, but you can't kill me, and my master As soon as it arrives, you will be wiped out!"

"So let's wait for the incense stick time first, what do you think?"

Chen Zheng asked again with a smile.

"it is good!"

Yanlong was originally scolded, but his eyes flashed in his eyes, and he gritted his teeth back!

"Then the time starts."

Chen Zheng smiled, made a move, and lit a joss stick.

Yanlong stared fiercely at the incense stick, and then stared above Yanlong prison, waiting for its owner to come!


An incense stick burns out!

There is no sign of the arrival of creatures above the Yanlong Prison!

There is no abnormal fluctuation in the void space and time!


Du Gu Junqing opened his mouth, and he could feel it. Chen Zu seemed to know from the beginning that it was impossible for this dragon to summon its master to this Yanlong prison!

"Wait for another incense time!"

The Yimang flashed again in Yanlong's eyes, and then shouted at Chen Zheng!

"I don't think there is any need to continue to waste time. Your master Hongmeng will not come."

Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

"Impossible, why are you sure!"

Smoke Dragon Roar!

"Show you something good."

Chen Zheng smiled mysteriously and played a mysterious light.

"What? Do you want to count the emperor? Huh! You can't kill the emperor with this mana, so that the emperor can see what conspiracy you have!"

Yanlong drank coldly, then swallowed, swallowed the mysterious light!

"Huh! What did the emperor think it was, it turned out to be just a photo of the past, this is your past memory? Huh! What is the use of showing your past memory to the emperor, do you want to use your past memory to kill this book? The emperor is not successful? Haha! You are really whimsical! Is this what you used to be, you guys used to be very high, but unfortunately the height was once only once, now you only have golden fairy mana, you can’t hurt the emperor at all What is the origin of this! This is! How is this possible! Damn! Fake! This must be fake! How could you not be the owner!"


Yanlong showed great disdain!

It's just that his face suddenly froze!

Then there was a crazy scream!

"Do not!"

Another scream!

Yanlong stared at Chen Zheng!

"The emperor does not believe it!"


See you again!

"You called your master three times, and that fellow did not respond to you. Do you think the good things I showed you would be fake? Do you know why your master didn’t respond to you, because it hurt too much in that battle, It takes a long time to recover to the peak of the year. Of course, it was because of that battle that I had such a mana. In fact, I used to be the mana of the Yuanying level. It took a lot of time to restore the mana of the golden fairy level. Your master It is quite strong, and I admit that this is my only opponent in this world."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.

"No! No! It's not like this! It can't be like this! No one can beat my master! He is the supreme master! He created the supreme creation of everything between heaven and earth!"

Yanlong Roar!



Its body split at once!

A terrible crack appeared on its body!


A burst of sound sounded!

The dragon body in the cliff suddenly turned to ashes!




Yanlong prison!

Those souls nailed to the stake!

At this moment, there is no mana binding of Yanlong!

One by one fell to the ground from the stake!


Chunyang's first sword opened his He was full of surprise in his eyes. He was very curious at the moment. What did Chen Zu show to Yanlong, and the heart of Yanlong Dao was broken!

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