Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1745: Evergreen Saint


Lonely Junqing also widened his eyes, he also saw that Yanlong was broken Dao Xin, but the spirits of this level of Yanlong, Dao Xin would also be broken by a click!

"Did Chen Zu also fight against Hongmeng...and Chen Zu won... The only belief of this dragon is Hongmeng, Chen Zu showed Yanlong the reappearance of that war, The Yanlong faith collapsed so that the Tao heart broke..."

As the rabbit blinked and said, it guessed why the heart of Yanlong Dao would break. In the eyes of Yanlong, Hongmeng is the only faith, an invincible supreme being, and no one can overcome Hongmeng in this world.

And as soon as this belief reaches its extreme, as long as there is something that deviates from the belief, such as Hongmeng is not invincible, and Hongmeng will also be defeated, then for Yanlong, it is a terrible blow.

Faith collapses!

Dao Xin is broken!

No need for Chen Zu to do it yourself!

Yanlong will perish itself!

Just like yourself, if you know that the Underlord has completely fallen, then for yourself, it is almost equivalent to the terrible blow of the collapse of faith!

"Faith collapses..."

Chunyang No.1 Sword uttered these words in a low voice. His thoughts were deduced a little, and then his body shivered. He looked at Chen Zheng, but quickly moved his eyes away.

That smoke dragon!

I'm afraid it's hard to kill if you use normal means!

But Chen Zu seemed to find the fatal weakness of Yanlong!

The smoke dragon was extinguished without effort!

This vision is too terrible!

"Haha! I finally got rid of the imprisonment, and I finally got a new life! But I lost too much mana, and now I need to restore mana. You guys, I don’t dare to do anything...Hum? Jinxian? Tianxian? , Lao Tzu is in need of mana replenishment, and you, like Jinxian Tianxian waste, will come to your door.


Yanlong prison on the ground!

Those who fell from the stake to the ground!

Yi Moxiu came awake!

Mo Xiu swept around, daring not to deal with other creatures that fell to the ground from the stanchion. Looking at Chen Zheng, he saw Chen Zheng and Du Gu Jun Qing, and a grinning smile turned into a black torrent. Chen Chen is here!

"This guy is... the old demon of the bronze drum!"

The face of Chunyang's first sword sank, and when he lifted his hand, he would use his sword to cut the demon, but his sword had not yet been raised, and the magic repair that turned into a black torrent suddenly disappeared in midair!


The wind is blowing!

Nothing left!


Chunyang's first sword was dumbfounded. He slowly turned his head to look at Chen Zheng. He didn't see Chen Zheng have any action to cast a spell, but he saw Chen Zheng's somewhat indifferent look, and he couldn't help but chuck. a bit!


Chen Zu!

It wouldn't be an indifferent glance at the old demon of the bronze drum!

The old demon of the bronze drum will be wiped out!

The bronze drum old demon was the top three demon heads in the history of the evergreen world, although it was imprisoned in the history of the evergreen world. Although it was imprisoned in Yanlong prison for unknown years, although the mana was severely depleted, but The devil's body is still close to the peak state!


The Divine Condor has nothing to say.


The other creatures on the ground, no matter whether it was an immortal, a demon, a demon, or something, were all silent at the moment, looking at Chen Zheng blankly at the moment, it seemed that they could not understand why a young man who cultivated a golden fairy had a glance at the old bronze drum , The old demon of the bronze drum will be wiped out!

"This... It was Chen Zu who killed the Yanlong, and the power of imprisonment on the death pillar of the Yanlong disappeared, and all the strong men in the history of the evergreen world can be reborn."

Du Gujun Qing thought about it for a while, or he said something to these creatures.

"Chen Zu..."

"He... is he Chen Zu?"

"Chen Zu... Jin Xian Chen Zu... killed Yanlong..."

When these creatures heard it, they were instantly dumbfounded!

Smoke Dragon!

Lord of Yanlong Prison!

That terrible creature that can't resist at all!

Was it killed by the golden fairy in front of you!

Why does this sound so magical!

"The first sword of Chunyang, after that cliff, is the door to go out."

Chen Zheng only glanced at the Evergreen Saint, his eyes were taken back, and he smiled and said to Chunyang First Sword.


Chunyang's first sword was shocked!

The evergreen saints and other creatures are also surprised!

Go out!

Out door!

It turned out that the door to escape the jail of Yanlong was just behind the cliff!

As soon as he entered, he was imprisoned by the smoke dragon on the pillar, and he never walked to the cliff wall. The door to break away from this prison was a hundred steps away!

"Jin Xuanyang thanks Chen Zu!"

Chunyang's first sword pondered for a moment, holding the sword to Chen Zheng deeply, turning into a pure Yang Jianguang and passing over the cliff!


The owner of Shenji Palace moved her eyes, and she was also moved. She also wanted to leave the eternal world and see the outside world. However, she knew that she could go out without going through the jail of Yanlong. After Ye Niang was closed, she could follow Ye Niang to Ye Yun's Qingyun Realm.

"Thank you Chen Zu!"

After a moment of silence, some of the creatures on the ground moved, and after worshipping Chen Zheng, the light glanced across the cliff!

"Xie Chenzu!"

"Good luck!"

"Today's graciousness, you must report it in the future!"

Someone started, and the rest of the creatures also started one after another. After saluting to Chen Zheng, after going to the cliff one by one, less than half a hour of incense, there was only one evergreen saint left on the ground.

"Don't the Evergreen Saints leave?"

The Divine Condor asked.

"This...I...I should go back to the evergreen world forever."

The Evergreen Saint responded with a deep voice, saying that he was facing Chen Zhengyili and also disappeared, but instead of leaving the Evergreen Evergreen Realm through the door behind the cliff, he returned to the Evergreen Evergreen Realm.


The owner of the Divine Condor Palace showed doubt.

Du Gu Jun Qing is also a little puzzled.

Since the Evergreen Saint has arrived in Yanlong Prison long ago, he definitely wants to go to the outside world through the Yanlong Prison. Now that he is not imprisoned by the Dragon, he can only go across the cliff to go to the outside world. Why is the Evergreen Saint He gave up, but returned to the evergreen world.

"This guy doesn't want to go further?"

The Beast Rabbit asked curiously.

"He should be desperate."

Chen Zheng smiled.



Why despair?

Two people and one rabbit are even more puzzled.

"He is not only as simple as the sage of the evergreen world, he is afraid of me and afraid of having a relationship with me. But when I met me today, it was already a cause and effect with Although I am not contaminated with cause and effect, but he Be contaminated with cause and effect."

Chen Zheng smiled again.


Both men and rabbits blinked, some didn't understand.

"Then... Which powerful guy is the evergreen saint reincarnated?"

The rabbit's eyes rolled, and he couldn't help asking.

"Some god."

Chen Zheng said casually.


Two people and one rabbit widened their eyes instantly!

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