Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1754: Spike the dead ancestor!

Chapter 1751: Killing the Corpse Dao Ancestor in Seconds! (Three more)


Undying silkworm!

Is this immortal silkworm!

How did you form a girl who looks like at most 28 years old!


Why is that girl familiar?

"How could it be this girl, wasn't this girl closed down before, how could you go down to the temple, how could it become an immortal silkworm!"

The middle-aged man in black robe shouted dumbfounded!

"Master... Is this Master's plan..."

Yin Tianzong, the master of Jiuyou Senluo City, was also dumbfounded. He also recognized the undead silkworm girl at first glance, and then she was disappointed. Although the girl was not a disciple of Master, Master said that the life of the girl is very special. , Master returned to Heaven Smiting Demon Mountain and was seriously injured. It seemed that she had seen this girl before retreating. She turned this girl into the temple.


Master is to let this girl merge immortal silkworm!

"Chen Zu Chen Zu, this girl is the girl I mentioned before. At that time, this girl came to Yin Moquan and said that my name Jiaduobao was a kind of herbal tea. I put this girl, but I didn’t expect this girl to become Undead silkworm! No! This should be the idea of ​​a bitter old man, let this girl merge the immortal silkworm and absorb the immortal silkworm! This girl is called Lan Baoer, I remember very clearly, because there is also a treasure in the girl's name!"

The demon recovered, and shouted at the woman who was transformed by the immortal silkworm!

"Blue girl!"

"It's really blue baby!"

"How come, what the **** is this, how can the immortal silkworm become the blue girl!"

Nine You Sen Luo whispers in the city!



The black shadow that rose from the sky of the Nine Nether Forests just now rushed towards the woman transformed by the immortal silkworm. It seems that she wanted to forcefully absorb the immortal silkworm!

"Old Qin!"

Yin Tianzong's face sank!


In an instant!

A cold hum rang!


Everyone's face changed!

Because this cold hum has a terrible majesty!


The old Qin in the main entrance of Jiuyou Senluo City, before he rushed to Lanbaoer, his body exploded into blood mist!


What happened?

Everyone's face is changing again!


The black shadow called Lao Qin, only the broken Yuanshen left at this moment, suddenly raised his head and stared at the top!



Where is Daozu!

Who is that Yin Demon Spring Demon?

"Everything is over here!"

At this time!

Lv Di Shen Zi sneered!


A figure appeared before him!

This figure is green corpse circling!

Every green man's corpse is terrible!

"Congratulations to the Eight Ancestors!"

Lv Shao Zi Zi's face was happy, and it was a worship to the figure!

"Meet the eight ancestors!"

On the battleship surrounded by green mans, all the dead corpses also showed their joy, and respectfully bowed to the figure!

"Eight dead ancestors..."

"Have even the eight ancestors become Dao ancestors..."

"It seems that this is really over..."

The spirits in the city of Jiuyou Senluo were all white. How could they never hear the names of several dead ancestors? Became a Taoist ancestor, didn't the dead ancestors also become Taoist ancestors!


Once the strength and death of the Nine Nine Forests could not be said to be five or five, but it could be four or six. I am afraid that it is nine or nine!

Is it!

Turned to Heaven Smiting Devil Sect!

Can you become a Taoist ancestor!

Is it!

Is it really the only way to go to Heaven Smiting Devil Sect!

"The undead silkworm... is really the legendary undead silkworm. It is said that a peerless power came to us thousands of years ago, and took away the undead silkworm. The silkworms stayed in Jiuyou Senluo City! Good! Very good! Great! Haha! Hahaha!" The dead eight ancestors didn't look at anyone. They only looked at the woman transformed by the undead silkworm, and laughed when they felt it!


Yin Tianzong is silent!

The middle-aged man in black robe is silent!

The Moxiu Yuanshen called Lao Qin is also silent!

Can't beat it!

I can't beat this dead ancestor!

Even the bitter Zhendao woke up to beat the eight ancestors!

Is it!

Do you really want to watch the undead silkworm being taken away today?

Did you even watch the Nine Nether Forests be destroyed!

Thoughts flashed in Yin Tianzong's heart. He suddenly raised his head and looked at Chen Zheng and the demon above. When he saw that Chen Zheng and the demon were both indifferent, the demon looked back at the dead eight ancestors. With disdain, he froze for a moment, and then he did not know why the suspended heart fell!

The demon hasn't really shot yet. Besides the demon, the young man hasn't really shot yet. Although the young man has only gold fairy mana, the combat power is definitely not just the gold fairy level, maybe he can create a miracle!


Yin Tianzong can't think of anyone else!

Can only pin hope on Chen Zheng and the demon!

"It also means something about the peerless power. I came to our death in the beginning. I had never seen the peerless power while I was asleep. I only heard later that the power of the peerless power is terrible and the most deadly. He can go in and out of the forbidden land at will. By the way, it seems that the Peerless Power is also accompanied by the Yin Demon Spring Demon, Yin Demon Spring you know, you have heard of Yin Demon Spring Demon, and the ultimate female devil failed to surrender That demon, but Yin Demon Spring Demon should also be taken by the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect. As for the peerless power, I heard that the failure of the Tribulation has fallen and it is impossible to appear in our world again. In fact I wanted to see that peerless power. At first, he suppressed our death alone. Now that I have become a ancestor, I want to try how many pounds he has. Unfortunately, there is no such opportunity."

Eight dead ancestors smiled as they looked at the woman transformed by the immortal silkworm.


He said this once!

Almost everyone's face has changed!


Whether it is Yin Tianzong and other souls from the Nine Nether Forest, or the dead corpses such as Lvshen Zizi, his eyes involuntarily looked up, toward Chen Zheng and the demon!


What the dead man said just now!

The power of Yinmoquan and the peerless power that has been here for thousands of years!

That peerless Nengdu robbery failed!


How does this feel to match the young man above with the demon!

Isn't that the demon according to the middle-aged man in black robe?

Wouldn't that young man be... a peerless power that failed the crossover!


This should be just a coincidence!

"Huh? What's the matter? Waiter God, what are you looking at, is there anything good in the sky?"

The dead eight ancestors noticed the change of the crowd at this time, raised a brow and asked the **** of green mortal a little, raised his head and looked upwards, only then noticed Chen Zheng and the demon!


A human race golden fairy!

A slap-sized demon!

What combination is this!

The dead eight ancestors swept subconsciously!


It seems something is wrong!

The human flesh of that human race is a little strange!

How does that kid's flesh feel immortal!

"Eight...Eight ancestor... The slap-sized demon above is the Yinmoquan demon..."

At this time!

Lu Zi Shenzi lowered his voice!

"Are you!"

The eyes of the dead eight ancestors condensed, and a body of dead bodies locked Chen Zheng!

"I didn't fail in the robbery, I just had a fight with a guy."

Chen Zheng smiled good!

Suddenly there was a chuckle in the dead eight ancestors' hearts!

He has an extremely bad hunch!


next moment!

His new corpse ancestor!

In a state of shock, it will die out!


This moment!

Inside and outside Jiuyou Senluo!

Almost all creatures are dumbfounded!

Almost all creatures are breathing cold!

(End of this chapter)

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