Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1755: Temple of innocence

Chapter 1752 The Temple of No Mistake (four more)


What happened?

Why are the dead eight ancestors gone!

The dead eight ancestors are dead ancestors!

Almost all creatures stared blankly at Chen Zheng!

This moment was scared!

No one can say anything at this moment!

Who killed the dead eight ancestors!

Is Yin Mo Quan Mo Ling or that young man!


The same doubts!

At this moment, no matter whether it is Yin Tianzong and others, or Lu Zi, etc., they are very eager to know this. It is just that Yin Tiandao and other Nine You Sen Luocheng creatures are scared, but in fact they have been relieved invisibly, because no matter How the dead eight ancestors died is a good thing for the side of Nine You Sen Luocheng! As for the God of Green Death, etc., it is even more uneasy at the moment!

"The undead silkworm has already selected a host. This girl has good luck and can be selected as the host by the undead silkworm."

Chen Zheng ignored anyone and looked at the woman transformed by the immortal silkworm. He said softly at the moment.


After waiting for a while, Yin Tiandao recovered, and his heart was even more shocked. If this young man really killed the dead eight ancestors, it would be too scary. Kill a corpse ancestor. It seems that he just did one in his eyes. A trivial thing!


Could it be!

In his eyes!

Isn't there any difference between corpse ancestors and ants?

"You... even if you have been to the peerless power of the dead, I don't believe you can be the opponent of the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect! If you have a species, just let me wait and let me wait for the report, and then come An upright showdown!"

Lu Zi Shenzi's thoughts flashed frantically, and he gritted his teeth at Chen Zheng with a cry!


The dead corpse was stunned for a while, and then the Yuanshen were tense, waiting for Chen Zheng's response!

"Ji Ji Fa? Ha! You see Chen Zuli, don't you! You little vagrant, weren't you crazy before? How are you dying now? Do you want to rely on Ji Jiang Fa to escape?"

The demon looked disdainful!

"You dare!"

Lu Zi Shen Zi stared at the demon, and shouted at Chen Zheng again!

"These flies don't need me to shoot myself."

Chen Zheng didn't look at the God of Lv Sha, only a glance at Yin Tianzong.


Yin Tianzong was slightly stunned, and then his face sank, and there was an ancient magic pattern on his face, and the whole body was black and surging, and the next moment was a roar!


This roar!

Moqi turned into a black torrent!

Instantly crush corpses inside and outside the city!

"you dare!"

Lv Shao screamed, Yuan Shen wanted to catch the cracked sacred lance, but he was swallowed by Yin Tianzong's black torrent before he even flew to the sacred lance.

"Do not!"

Lvshen Shenzi screamed again, but could only scream incompetently. Yin Tianzong's face sank again, and he tore the Lvshang Shenzi Yuanshen directly! After all, he is the owner of the Nine You Senluo City, and the goddess of the Green Death has no killing blessings, and he is not his opponent at all!

"Brother..." The middle-aged man in black robe shook his head, shouted at Yin Tianzong, then raised his head violently, and knelt down to Chen Zheng in the air: "Peerless Master Chen Zu Rao Ming, Yin Lord Moquan, Lord Dao, let me know that I was wrong. What I did was wrong! Please, Chen Zu and Lord Maeren, for the sake of my Master, suffering and true Taoist, forgive me! Lord Ma, the most distressed is my second apprentice. Master Master Tiantian Demon Mountain was seriously injured, and now he claims to heal himself! If Master Master’s distressed second apprentice is gone, he will definitely be hurt!"

"Huh! If the bitter old man wakes up, he must have personally cut you traitor, and you will not do it!"

The devil snorted!


The middle-aged man in black robe screamed, and suddenly turned into black mang to escape!

"Descendants of Yinpan!"

The demon stared at Yin Tianzong with cold eyes!


Yin Tianzong sighed, hitting a black torrent, that black torrent instantly swallowed the black robe middle-aged man Yuanshen!


Old Qin Yuanshen shuddered!

He snapped his teeth and ruined Yuanshen!


The spirits in the Nine Nether Forest are silent!

"Alas!" Yin Tianzong sighed again. After sighing, his hands clenched deep into Chen Zheng and the Demon Spirit: "Yin Tianzong, Lord of the Nine You Sen Luo, thanked Chen Zu and Lord Mo Ling for their life-saving grace!"

"Thanks to Chen Zu and Lord Demon for their life-saving grace!"

"Thank you Chen Zu!"

"Thank you Lord Demon!"

The creatures in the city reacted and immediately worshipped!

"If it weren't for the sake of the old Kuzhen and this girl, this baby wouldn't do it! Of course, you should be most grateful to Chen Zu, if not Chen Zu, you are done!"

The demon hummed!

"Thank you Chen Zu!"

Yin Tianzong hurriedly prayed again!

"Thank you Chen Zu!"

The creatures in the city shouted in unison!

"The descendants of Yinpan follow me into the Temple of Intemperance."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly, and shot a mysterious light into the eyebrow of Lanbaoer transformed by the immortal silkworm. Lanbaoer instantly became an undead silkworm, and then he caught the immortal silkworm and turned into the Jiuyou Senluo City. Shrine.

"Not keeping up!"

The demon stared at Yin Tianzong and flew into the temple with a swish.


Yin Tianzong responded and entered the temple.


All the creatures in the Nine Nether Forests looked at the temple at this moment. At this moment, they only felt like they had experienced a bizarre fantasy dream, a fantasy dream that was really hard for people to think of as reality!

Jinxian Mana!

Spike the dead ancestor!

This method is too dreamy!


After half a scent of incense.

Inside the temple of innocence.

"The old and the bitter really meet Chen Zu, and see the demon plus Duobao!"

The Kuzhen Taoist opened his eyes, first stunned. When he saw the figure sitting above the temple, the Kuzhen Taoist kept tears in his eyes and bowed his head as a gift!


Yin Tianzong shouted aside.

"Jadobbo... You won't call this title in the future, either call me Master Demon, or call me Master Baby."

The demon frowned slightly when the demon heard it.

"Have Yin Pan, Jiu Niangniang and Yao Xianji all fallen."

Chen Zheng asked lightly.

"Yin Pan...this... the ancestors failed to break through the border thousands of years ago and fell under the sky."

Yin Tianzong responded quickly.

"Yin Pan fell under the Niang left the dark sky with a mysterious woman five hundred years ago. At that time, I asked the ultimate female devil and learned that the mysterious woman was A volition of a strong spirit outside the realm, so Nineteen Niang should be in a certain lineage outside the realm. As for Yao Xianji, who fell in love with someone who shouldn’t be loved, he was deceived into a mana and origin, and finally fell into a mortal." The Kuzhen Taoist sighed, and suddenly thought of a humanist: "Right, there is Lu Wuxiao, and he left this world, and he didn't know where he went."

"The last time I saw him in the Forbidden Land, the guy was reincarnated. I don't know if I will return to the dark sky."

Chen Zheng said something.

"The Land of Denial...Is Lu Wuxang even reincarnated... I heard that Wuxian Demon had a new master, and I don't know if it was Lu Wuxian." Suddenly, he said in a deep voice: "Chen Zu, you should know the changes in this realm. The changes in this realm are all due to the Heaven Smiting Demon Mountain. Since that day, the Heaven Smiting Demon Mountain fell into this world. The ultimate female demon had half-closed the magic palace before the Heaven Smiting Demon Mountain fell into this realm. After the Heaven Smiting Demon Mountain fell into this realm, the ultimate female demon completely sealed the magic palace. The old speculation should have fallen into the Heaven Smiting Demon Mountain. Before, the ultimate witch had already fought with the big demon of Heaven Smiting Devil Sect!"

(End of this chapter)

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