Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1789: Divine guidance

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When I first saw Swallow Lord.

Lord Swallow is fierce.

"It doesn't matter if you are the same person. There is a secret method on this wall. If you are interested in enlightenment, you can enlighten you. If you can't enlighten you, you don't have to ask for it. This thing is not something that ordinary people can practice."

Chen Zheng's eyes moved, looking at the white-eyed young man standing in the rear, and he shot a mysterious light towards the white-eyed young man.


What does this mean?

"Nine innocence?"

Yin Suwan and Nu Long looked at it and knew that it was Jiu Wudao, a disciple of this ancestor. This nine innocent natural eye, like the angry dragon, is also one of the alternate devil. In addition, there is nothing extraordinary.

"You should know why I asked you to change your name to Qi Wu Dao." Chen Zheng said lightly, and then glanced at the Princess Sakura without the imperfect magic court, and then said to Yin Su Wan: "You take Princess Sakura to see , Whether her father emperor was imprisoned behind the scenes in the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect, her father emperor is the master of the imperfect magic court."


Yin Suwan responded quickly.

"Lu Ying thanks Chen Zu!"

Princess Ying showed her excitement and bowed to Chen Zheng, then she was led out by Yin Su.

"Leave your enlightenment."

Chen Zheng's eyes swept across the crowd, and he said something that came out.

Seven Princess Huaguang flew into the sand of time, the sand of time also followed, and soon returned to Chen Zhengyuan.


Everyone here froze for a moment, and the dingdong cat shook his head gently and flew out.



"The progress of the cantilever of the universe has reached 75, and it is getting closer and closer."

Chen Zheng stood on the top of Heaven Smiting Demon Mountain and smiled.

"Princess Wuxue Moting Sakura's parents have been found and have been returned to Wuxue Moting. Right now... Chen Zu stays in this world and seems to have done nothing. Is Chen Zu going back to Hongmeng? What? Chen Zu is now a mana vacuum period. I don’t know how long this mana vacuum period will last. It is not appropriate to return to the heaven now. It is said that the change of the heaven is even bigger than ours."

If the devil thought about it, it didn't understand Chen Zheng's progress.


It was at this time!

Inside a demon hall!

A white light rose into the sky!


The people around Chen Zheng and the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect all looked up and down!

That sky white light!

There is an unspeakable detachment and vastness!

"The power of God!"

Yingu, as the seventh ancestor of the Taoist Realm, only glanced at it and realized what power it was. Speaking of that, the terrible creature that the Heaven Smiting Devil Sect had also possessed the power of the heavens.

"That's Nine Wu... No, it should be said that it is Qiwu Dao, Qiwu Dao has the power of God, is it awakening at this moment?"

Yin Suwan also showed a surprised look.

"The power of God... This should be one of the top powers in the Great Reincarnation."

The dingdong cat said something.



There is another glory in the magic palace where Qi Wudao is located!


This glory is not white light!

This glory is a multicolored divine light!

There was a figure looming in the divine light!

That figure seemed to have twelve wings!


The colorful divine light flashed away!

"It a kind of guidance, it seems to point to This seems to point to a very low-end world, it seems to point to a small thousand world?"

Yin bone whispered.

"Xiaoqian World, does this mean that the life of the multicolored **** light has been reincarnated into a small Qianworld?"

Xiao bone looked at Chen Zheng.

"It should be."

Chen Zheng nodded.

"Uncle is looking for these powerful people?"

Chu Hongyi showed curiosity.


Inside the magic hall!

A figure flew out!

Instantly fell in front of Chen Zheng!

This person is the Seven Eyes of the White Eyed Youth!


The breath has changed!

Although not a ancestor!

But in terms of breath alone, it seems to be much higher than the ancestor of Yingu, the seventh realm!


Yingu and others were shocked!

"Seven no thanks to Chen Zu!"

The white-eyed youth respectfully respected Chen Zheng.

"Go get yours."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"Seven Wudao understood!"

The white-eyed youth groaned a little, then bowed to Chen Zheng again, and said that he was free from this world as a white light.


Yin Suwan, Angry Dragon, Chu Hongyi, Soul Valley Master, etc., looked up at the sky at this moment, and it seemed that they hadn't reacted for a while.

"What the **** is this guy?"

The devil asked curiously.

"One of the thirteen candidates for God." Chen Zheng smiled: "I'll go to the world of Xiaoqian, and wait for good practice. Madam Chu, if you want to find your mother, you should practice well. Your mother may be It is the daughter of a great pilgrim outside the territory."

The voice fell.

Chen Zheng disappeared directly.

"Ah?" Chu Hongyi froze, then sighed: "How uncle helped me find my mother, I just want to be a salted fish."

"That... will Chen Zu return?"

The devil asked.

"It should be possible, Chen Zu said that I was suitable for his disciples to be maidservants, saying that I have not seen Chen Zu's disciples now. Going to a small thousand world should be looking for another reincarnated candidate of the gods."

Yin Suwan said softly.

"Yin girl of Taiyin Sacred Body is a maidservant, a disciple of Chen Zu...should I have seen Xiao Gu?"

When the Ding Dang cat heard it, it showed curiosity. In its view, the Taiyin Sacred Body is already a very good practice physique. In the future, it has the opportunity to become an overlord of the era, and it can even impact the half-step detachment. It can be regarded as the ultimate practice in the Great Reincarnation. Constitution. But this physique is actually only worthy of Chen Zu's disciple as a maidservant, it is a little curious.

Of course, if she is a maidservant to Chen Zu, she is not curious at all. She once jumped out of the reincarnation, and she wants to follow Chen Zu.

"Yan Luo, the real three disciples want Yan Luo. That girl has the same physique as the master. The master calls it the strongest physique, also called the detached body!"

Xiao bone nodded at the moment.

"The detached body..."

The ding-dong cat heard these four words and was stunned!


Hearing the Yin bone reveals the color of extreme astonishment. He has never heard of this kind of practice physique, but he is detached and he has heard it!

This world!

Is there still such a physique?

"Yan Luo... That should be very powerful..."

Yin Suwan whispered The eyes are full of curiosity.

"It’s not clear what to do now, but the master has made a plan for the Holy Emperor to open the sky to Yanluo. The master has a treasure called Daotu, and the inside is a world. The master uses a lotus to produce a land and wait for the time. , Yanluo should be able to open the sky from the cut."

Xiao Gu said a few more words.

"Holy Emperor Project..."

Yin Gu heard these words and smiled bitterly. Compared with the plan of Chen Zu, the previous plan of Heaven Smiting Devil Sect was not worth mentioning. Since this era opened up, there is only one recognized holy emperor, that is, holy imperial disk.

Chen Zu even wanted to create another holy emperor, which can no longer be described by ambition. At this time, Yingu could not find any words to describe it!

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