Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1790: Xiaoxuanjie

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Outside the Six Soul Mountains.

"Can you give me a decent way to die? How can I be considered a big man!"

Qi Hao gritted his teeth, and secretly said that this time it was really bad luck. I heard that there was a nine-leaf spirit dragon grass in Liuhun Mountain. I thought that I could easily pick up the nine-leaf spirit dragon grass, but I did not expect to encounter the sect of the enemy.

Oh shit!

The hostile sect is a monk priest!

This sneaky guts of the Six Soul Mountain is also big!

It's a pity that I was imprisoned by the flesh and Yuanshen!

Otherwise, summoning back to Zongmen will make a great contribution today!

What a pity!

Now I think these are useless!

I finally awakened the plug-in, went to the place where the mystery stopped, and saw the real fairy, the ancestor who was stronger than the quasi-sage, the Taoist ancestor who could not imagine the creatures in this world, and even the mystery. Unpredictable Chen Zu!


It's useless!

Today I am going to be finished!

"Big man? What big man, Yuanying old monster or Huashen mighty? You, a foundation student of Danyang Sect, have seen Yuanying old monster!"

The other party's monk Dan Dan scorned!

"Yuanying old monster? God of power? Huh! That's a hammer, the big man I've ever seen, that's a shocking big man you guys can't imagine in his life! Do you know the real fairy, that's a monk during the robbery? We can only become true immortals after we have passed through the immortal robbery. We, the strongest in Xiaoxuan Realm, are also monk monks. The monk monks must fly to the Zhongqian world to have the chance to become a monk to cross the robbery, and to have the chance to become an immortal! In front of the big guys I saw, there were little ants on the ground! Not to mention the true fairy, even the quasi-Saint was just a little ant in front of that one!"

Qi Hao gritted his teeth and secretly said in his heart that he was going to be finished anyway. It would be better to fight one by one, and he might be shocked by the other party!


"True immortals are all ants!"



This trick is really effective!

Several disciples next to Brother Jiedan showed astounding surprise. Although the true immortals were so far away from them, they could basically know about the realm of spiritual practice from the moment of entry!

"Haha! Ridiculous! You are a foundation-building kid, afraid to be talking about dreams, you know what the concept of true immortals, you can know what the concept of quasi-sacred! The quasi-sacred is weaker than the ancestors, it can be said that it is already between heaven and earth The top creature, that kind of creature can't be a ant in front of any creature that is more arrogant!"

Monk Jiedan was silent for a moment, and then there was another sneer!




He just sneered!

Above the sky!

Suddenly thundered three explosions!


The subconsciousness of the souls inside and outside the Six Soul Mountains looks towards the sky!

This look!

Nothing at all!


Around Qi Hao, a figure suddenly appeared!


Qi Hao felt it, and his body shook, thinking that it was the monster at the top of the foundation in the Six Soul Mountains, and he turned sideways with a sudden, just dumbfounded with a glance, he couldn't believe it!


"How could this boy with no power suddenly appear outside the Six Soul Mountains?"

"What a mortal!"

Monk Jiedan and several disciples also stared at it, and at the same time they all showed a strange look. The young man who appeared silently had no mana at all!

"Lying trough! Brother Chen, are you here to save the younger brother? The younger brother is so happy! Woo oh, Brother Chen, the younger brother knows that you must remember the younger brother!"


Qi Hao shouted!


What do you mean?

Brother Chen?

Brother Jiedan frowned with a few disciples, and then hummed: "Qi Hao, your elder brother Chen has no mana, I am afraid I can't save you!"

"Haha! Real man Liu, you're bad luck this time! Didn't I tell you just now, have I ever seen a terrifying big man, did Zhun Sheng just a little ant on the ground in front of that terrifying big man? Congratulations, you have met That kind of amazing person, this big brother Chen is just there!"

Qi Hao was confident, and now his waist was up!



But this silence did not last long!



"Fool, you are really a fool. He is clearly a mortal. You actually say that he is a big man, and he is a kind of big man who is like a scorpion ant when he sees it! Qi Hao, you are frightened! But you two guys, a fool and a mortal, are really suitable to die together!"

laughing out loud!



"Waste time in this seat, send you on the road!"

Monk Jiedan looked cold and said to raise his hands one by one, he played a secret method, but this secret method hadn't hit Chen Zheng yet, it broke in the air! After the monk Jiedan was stunned, Zhang Kou wanted to say something. Chen Zheng gave a hand, and the monk Jiedan and a few disciples disappeared!


Qi Hao shuddered, he was scared! But when he suddenly remembered the scene he saw in the mysterious place where he stopped, he took a deep breath and calmed himself down. He secretly said that this was nothing, a monk monk, only in the eyes of Brother Chen. Little ants make no difference!



Brother Chen really seems to have no power!

its not right!

The last time I saw Brother Chen at a time when I stopped!

Brother Chen seems to be Jin Xianxiu, right?

What happened?

Why did Brother Chen lose his mana!

"Brother have mana..."

Qi Hao asked carefully.

"I used a special secret method, and now it is a mana vacuum."

Chen Zheng said with a faint word, the seven-color light flashed in his eyes, and he instantly swept across the world.

"Then... Brother Chen suddenly came to Xiao Xuanjie, wouldn't it really come for the younger brother? Um... It should not be, but Xiao Xuanjie is just a small world, in all Insignificant in Tianwan Realm, the strongest is the **** monk. There seems to be no powerful magic weapon in this realm. Even if there is a powerful magic weapon, it seems that it can’t enter the eyes of Brother Chen... Could it be Chen Big Brother came to Xiao Xuanjie to find a reincarnation of a big person?"

Qi Hao was shocked in his Dark Brother Chen must be fighting with a very powerful character, so he would fall into a mana vacuum. With a thought in his heart, he spoke his own guess again.

"You're smart."

Chen Zheng nodded.

"Hey, after all, I have passed through, how can there be memories of two lives... Hey? Two memories? Brother Chen, would you like to see me and see if I would be a reincarnation? My last life It is a mortal in another small world. Although this life is not a spiritual genius, it may be that the previous life is a big man!"

Qi Hao grinned and touched his head, suddenly thought of a little, his eyes lit up, looking forward to Chen Zheng very much.

"You're not a human being."

Chen Zheng glanced at Qi Hao, casually.

"Ah? Not a person? What is that? Won't it be a pig?"

Qi Hao blinked and asked again.

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