Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1798: You really are a younger brother!

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"Forcing? Grade? Huh! The winner is the king, the loser is the invader, you say to me the forcing grade, what kind of illusory things are going to come. You quiet girl, Yun Luo, she can't escape the reincarnation. , This is the destiny of our family. Do you know why I will be abandoned, because the existence of a man of our family will accelerate the arrival of the reincarnation. So although I am her brother, I am not in Yunluo Palace After many days of staying, she is a selfish person in the end. She thought that preventing me from returning to Emperor Yunluo's palace would avoid the rebirth of reincarnation. But the rebirth of reincarnation is still here, and she deserves it!"


Inside the imperial palace!

Green Mang flashed!

A man appeared!

"This ratio is a bit too green, even the hair is green, is it intentionally dyed green?"

The dingdong cat blinked, and the man in front of him was almost green all over his body, even his hair was green.

"This is ancient demon divine power, you cat understands fart! Well, I am too lazy to talk nonsense with you, I am not high-cultivated, but that is because I was sent out of the imperial palace since I was a child, and did not get our family. Real inheritance! But fortunately, my bloodline awakened, even if I haven't participated in the inheritance secrets in the bloodline, I can already control the Yunluo Emperor Palace! So although I can't cut you, an indestructible Chen Zu, I want to suppress you It’s not difficult! Of course, I didn’t even think about killing you. Your relationship with Yunluo is unclear. In this case, I will suppress you and let you watch her fall into reincarnation forever! Haha! Hahaha!"

The man laughed and said that raising his hand, the emperor's palace was shocked, and chains appeared!


Su Youyou looked cold!

"It's bad enough to think, if it's not too bad for me to fix it, you can't live like this for a second in front of me!"

Dingdong cat's face is also cold!

"Unfortunately, your cat's mana is too weak, and you have to be suppressed by me. No matter how struggling you are, you can only be incapable of anger, come and come and make a few more calls, I like to see the enemy incapable of struggling in front of me! "The man smiled with evil spirits, and said a hook, and the chains in the imperial palace flew over. These chains were about to move. The man looked at Chen Zheng again and said with a smile: "The chains are very special chains. It’s called the era shackles. I believe Chen Zu knows what the era shackles are. I can’t control the era shackles, but I can control these era shackles by emperor Yunluo. Although it can only maintain half the incense at most, it suppresses you. Chen Zu, who has no mana, should still have no problem! Then, please let Chen Zu enjoy this shackle!"



The man's complexion suddenly became indifferent!

That chain of yoke slammed toward Chen Zheng and others!

"This thing is a bit powerful, the girl avoids it first!"

Ding Dong Mao raised her eyebrows to remind Su Youyou to avoid first!


Su Youyou did not retreat!


Can this girl resist the shackles of this era?

A hint of curiosity flashed in the jingle cat's heart!



Just when those chains of yoke had been thrown in the first half of the three people, all the brains of those shackles poured into Chen Zheng's body, and the demon man was slightly stunned, but the next moment showed a smile!


Chen Zheng was covered with shackles!

Chen Zheng was **** with shackles!

"Oh!" The demon man chuckled: "When I saw the shackles pouring into you, I thought you Chen Zu had extraordinary means, and I wanted to devour and fuse the shackles of these epochs. It turned out to be the same. Sure enough, there was no mana, no matter how strong the body was, That's it. Although it doesn't die, it will be suppressed. Chen Zu, Chen Zu, I heard Yun Luo mentioned that the most terrible creature in your world seems not to be the case. Come on Chen Zu, follow me to the emperor Gong, let's watch Yun Luoyong fall into reincarnation!"

Enchanting man!

Raise your hand!

Just nothing happened!

Chen Zheng stays where he is!


The strange man raised his brow!


He raised his hand again!


Still nothing happened!

"You really are a younger brother." Chen Zheng chuckled, and the chains of his body were directly integrated into the body. He walked step by step toward the imperial palace, just like no one walked by the strange man. Too lazy to look at the strange man again.


Dingdang cat saw this scene, hehe smiled and flew in. Su Youyou seems to have known for a long time that the shackles could not hurt Chen Zheng, so she didn't evade just now. Seeing that Chen Zheng entered the imperial palace at the moment, she quickly followed.


Enchanting man!

A person was left in place!

"..." The demon man turned sharply, and sullenly shouted at Chen Zheng: "Well, you ignore me, can you swallow the era shackles, right? You can't help me to see what you do Save Yunluo! Yunluo's reincarnation robbery is not an ordinary robbery. Our family is very special. Our family involves immortality and only secret, that is true immortality, which is the secret of detachment! Do you know why, because Our family is not just the creatures of the Hongmeng universe, but our family also has the blood of extraterrestrial beings!"

"It's just that the power of the bloodline will only appear in the female descendants, and that the power of the bloodline will not appear in the male descendants like me. However, to truly awaken the bloodline, you have to go through the reincarnation! And this reincarnation The robbery is called the robbery of the Great Reincarnation, that is, the robbery of detachment! Even if Yunluo has the power of Daozu, and the blessing of Yunluo Emperor's Palace, it is impossible to survive the robbery of the Great Reincarnation! It is the yoke of the supreme supremacy of Hongmeng universe on our family!"

"Haha! Hahaha! Chen Zu Chen Zu, you can't save her, you can't save her at all, unless you are detached...!"


One after another!


Suddenly stuck in a flash!


The demon man saw a scene he couldn't believe!

Imperial Palace Center!

Chen Zheng easily wipe it!

That chaotic reincarnation force suddenly dissipated!

A woman appeared!

A woman with an indescribable description appeared!

"Lady Queen!"

Su Youyou shouted!

"This woman... looks a bit powerful..."

The dingdong cat glanced at the woman lying on the The metal eyes also blinked, it was not interested in human beings, but at this moment it also felt that the woman in front of him had a beauty that exceeded the racial limits.

" don't have a bit of mana, and you are not a supernatural being, how could you resolve her reincarnation robbery!"

The demon man froze for a moment, staring at Chen Zheng's back, screaming at the moment!

"Brother, of course you can't see it. Chen Zu's flesh and Yuanshen have long been detached, but there is something wrong with the mana, which is what you understand in a narrow sense! So Chen Zu is right, you really are a younger brother !"

The dingdong cat turned his head and stared at the strange man with disdain!


The strange man shivered, and his face was completely dull!

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