Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1799: I don't know where my upper limit is

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It's just that there is something wrong with mana!

"No! This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible! How can there be such a monster between heaven and earth, how can the Hongmeng universe supreme allow this kind of monster to exist! I know, you cat wants to lie to me, you want to lie to me, right? !"

The demon man shivered and roared at the ding-dong cat!

"Your brain is only worthy of being a younger brother!" Ding Dang Cat smiled disdainfully: "The supremacy of this universe does not allow the existence of such powerful creatures as Chen Zu, but Chen Zu exists, so why do you need to think deeply about it, It must be that the Hongmeng universe is supremely unable to deal with Chen Zu, and there is no way to take Chen Zu. At most, he will do something about Chen Zu mana! You can’t think of it, you are really a younger brother!"


The demon man was stagnant again!

"This idiot, now taking advantage of Chen Zu's body after checking Yunluo demon, can escape if he wants to escape, but this idiot is stupid in the same place, it is completely brainless. When Chen Zu's physical examination is finished, waiting for Yunluo demon After waking up, this guy couldn’t escape. If he met a guy who couldn’t beat him, he ran directly, otherwise how could he survive to the present.”

The ding-dong cat saw the demon man standing like a stone carving, shaking his head secretly in his heart, too lazy to look at this younger brother again. Its metal pupil looked at Chen Zheng and the lying Yunluo demon, and saw that there was a reincarnation between them, and the shock of the metal pupil flashed by.


What happened?

Why do you feel the power of this reincarnation!

It is more mysterious than the power of reincarnation when he was detached!

Is this Chen Zu connected to another great reincarnation through the blood power of Yunluo demon?

In other words, it is connected to a transcendental creature outside of heaven!

The Jingle cat is really right. At this moment, Chen Zhengyuan and Yunluo demon Yuanyuan are already in a very special space, an unreal to ultimate galaxy!

On the opposite side is a sitting creature, a vaguely distorted figure, who can't clearly see the face and can't tell whether it's a man or a woman!


Be sure!

This figure must be a heavenly creature!

"Strange... Although this girl has part of the blood of our family, the cultivation base is too weak, it is impossible to survive the rebirth of the Great Reincarnation, this girl will definitely die... And you strange creature, your primordial spirit is a little special, it seems that it is only a little bit worse than my primordial are a transcendental realm Is it really just the native creatures in that vast universe?"

The twisted figure spoke, an old man figure, he was asking Chen Zheng.


After Yun Luoyao Yuan Yuan opened her mouth, she actually wanted to reply, but when she thought that she didn't know much about Chen Zheng, she didn't know what Chen Zheng really came from, and she listened silently.

"Master, this guy should be a creature close to the three major reincarnations, but this guy is just thinking about the connection. Various kinds of universe may have sensed the primitive spirit behind this Yunluo demon, so we can't perceive our existence!"

At this time, in the spirit of Chen Zhengyuan, Macross Roulette Spirit sounded.

"Well? There is... a tool of transcendence in your Yuanshen!"

The twisted figure suddenly freezes, and then a startled voice sounds.

"No, it was discovered by this guy, this guy is stronger than I thought! Master I don't speak anymore, this guy is amazing!"

The Macross Roulette was also shocked, and it went silent for a while.

"You are really strange, I perceive the situation of your physical body through this girl, there is no mana in your physical body, but your physical body and Yuanshen... in addition, you actually have beyond Artifact..." Whispered figure whispered, it seems that after frowning, after a moment of pause, the figure twisted and said: "Let's make a deal, your primordial spirit is only weaker than mine. But you shouldn’t have got the advanced third-level complete reincarnation brand, and I’ve got the third-level complete reincarnation brand! You saved this girl, there are few people in our family, and there are only hybrids in different universes. Only this girl has survived the rebirth of samsara, so I will give you a joss stick time to see the triple complete samsara brand. If you can survive a joss stick time, then you don’t have to pay anything. If you exceed a joss stick time, Open your primal spirit to me completely, I want to see what is in your primal spirit!"


Yun Luo Yao was stunned for the first time. What was the triple complete reincarnation brand, she heard it for the first time, but she could hear it, it was definitely beyond the scope of Hongmeng heaven and earth. Do you want to persuade Chen Zheng, maybe this is this unknown creature The next game!

"The deal."

Chen Zhengyuan Shen nodded gently.

"Huh? Don't you think about it? Since you have nodded, then I will brand this third complete complete reincarnation, I will lend you a reference!"

The twisted figure didn't think Chen Zheng promised to be so fast. It seemed that he didn't think about it at all. His twisted hands pinched a weird method, and a jade die appeared.


Yun Luo Yao froze for a moment, and this Yu Die reminded her of something, that is, Yu Da Yu!

"let's start!"

Distorted figure sinking voice!


Chen Zheng glanced at Yudie!

Yudie Guanghua flashed!

Suddenly it seems to have become a lot more transparent!

"Huh?" The twisted figure was startled, and after a deep whisper, asked Chen Zheng in a very uncertain tone: "Did you... have you realized the complete third reincarnation?"


Chen Zheng smiled slightly.



The twisted figure is silent!

"Haha! This guy suffered a big loss. This type of jade die marked with a complete reincarnation is used for a number of times. The master used it just once, and the number of uses of the jade die was consumed once. The master this time is equivalent to Bai Chen. Now it’s time for triple reincarnation!"

At this time!

Chen Zhengyuan God!

The sound of Macross Roulette reminds me again!

Now don't worry about being discovered by that guy!

Because that guy's spirit is not as good as the master's spirit!

The host is too averse!

With just a glance, you can see the complete third reincarnation brand!

"Did you know... even when I was enlightening this thing as if I were reading a heavenly book, I should have gotten this thing for tens of billions of years, and every enlightenment was careful I cherish it very much, and I haven’t really been able to penetrate it after so many years. But you freak, you can penetrate the three major reincarnation marks with just one glance, and your talent is too scary. I want to know where your upper limit is. , Your primordial spirit has reached this level, you should be able to sense it."

For a long time of silence, the twisted figure received Yudie, and then sighed.

"Upper limit? I don't know where my upper limit is. The secret method between heaven and earth, I basically see it at a glance. The great reincarnation brand is no exception. Before the chance coincidence got the first and second major reincarnation brand, also It’s all a glance. Does your Excellency have the fourth major reincarnation brand, or will you lend me insights or test my upper limit?"

Chen Zheng thought for a moment, then smiled back.


The twisted figure suddenly freezes, and there is nothing to say at this moment!

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