Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1807: God in the Cloud

Chapter 1804 God Capital in the Cloud


When I watched a mountain cross over, the spirits of Luoxiancheng showed terrified colors, thinking that it was the Thunder Beast family who had killed again, but when they saw that the mountain fell ten miles away, and it still landed steadily, the spirits of Luoxiancheng appeared The color of doubt.

The great **** Thunder is shrouded, it seems that it is the ancestral land of the Thunder Beast family. The Thunder Beast family has moved the ancestral land. Is this to guard the Fallen City? Suspicious thoughts came up, and I saw a cyan warship flying out of the mountain. When I saw Chen Zheng on the cyan warship, the spirits of Luoxiancheng were even more shocked.

that is not!

People in Luoxian Temple!

Isn't the young man headed that young man who fell out of thin air before?

What's going on!

Luoxian TempleThis is a family with Thunder Beast...

"You can rest assured that from today, the Thunder Beast family will be the guardian family of Luoxian City."

At this time the voice of Su Yi Taoist sounded.


The creatures in Luoxiancheng are completely dumbfounded!


Could it be that the young man went to the land of the Thunder Beast family!

Suppressed the Thunder Beast family!

Surrendered the Thunder Beast!

"That Chen Zu... If you need a source of power similar to Lei Chi, then the gods in the cloud should be a good place. There is the power of Wuxing Avenue above the **** of cloud, which is left over from the ancient times. Because the power is too large, it takes a start to move the whole body, so even the strongest of the four major domain masters dare not try to devour that power."

On the cyan warship, the Purple Thunder Beast, who had turned into a human form, thought in his heart and whispered.

"Huh! You guys are afraid to go to the gods in the cloud to see what a foreign dance!" The child Taiyi snorted softly, and then his eyes turned and he looked at Chen Zhengdao with a smile: "Brother Chen, this guy suggested good , You swallowed the Nine Nether Thunder Pond casually, there should be no problem to swallow the power of the five elements condensed above the gods in the cloud! Actually, the younger brother also heard that rumor recently, saying that there is a fairy fairy, A kind of exotic dance called driving a train is said to be charming and unparalleled. The younger brother actually wants to see it!"

He was sealed by Chen Zheng and looked like a mortal kid. Without the trouble of the atmosphere, he felt that he could look around. Of course, the most important point is that following Chen Zheng, he feels very safe. He had a feeling as if he had seen Chen Zheng in ancient times, and he had such a familiar breath, but it is not yet certain.

"Take the train... the name of this dance is really weird..."

The Su Yi Taoist whispered, in fact, he also wanted to go to see the gods in the cloud.

Aside Luo Xian said nothing, she was not interested in the dance of Fairy Shi Qing. She was not interested before, but now she was awakened and even less interested. But since the gods in the cloud have a power of Wuxing Avenue that no one in the world can devour, it is also a good choice for Chen Zu to devour the power of Wuxing Avenue in the gods in the cloud.

"Driving the train... is it humming humming."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"This... It seems that the beginning is woo woo woo... It is said that the soundtrack when Shi Qing fairy is dancing is released by a special instrument, it sounds very exotic!"

Purple Thunder Sovereign nodded quickly.

"Then go to the gods in the cloud."

Chen Zheng nodded his head and touched the city of Luoxian, and a formation was instantly formed.

"Huh? This formation?"

The children Taiyi and Zilei Beast Master were shocked, but the blue warship disappeared without looking at the formation carefully.


"Unexpectedly, the Thunder Beast family has become the guardian race of Luoxian City..."

"This is really unbelievable, it should be the credit of the mysterious young man. He re-deployed a guardian formation for us in Luoxian City. More than one trick! By the way, you noticed that his mana seems to be a real fairyland, a ninth-order real fairy!"

The spirits in Luoxian City froze for a moment, and then a sigh of emotion rang out.


"When the full moon rises tonight!"

"Fairy Shi Qing will dance!"

"Don’t worry, as long as you enter the God of the Clouds, you can see the fairy charm of Wu Qing’s exotic dance, so as long as you buy a ticket, you can enter the God of the Clouds from our special channel of Yuanshen Sect! Price Justly, how can you make money? How can our Yuanshen Sect lose money, don't miss it!"

The entrance of the gods in the cloud is not ordinary bustle.

The cyan warship has been taken away by the Suyi Taoist. At this moment, the children are too Yi, Zilei Beast, and the Suyi Taoist have an inexplicable excitement. It seems that they can't wait to enter the gods in the cloud.

"Huh? Purple Thunder Beast Venerable? How did you get involved with this kid and the monks of Luoxian Temple..."

Only then flew onto the platform where Yuan Shenzong monk was located, and the voice came over when there was doubt!

"Nine Mo Ancestor!"

Su Yi Taoist glanced, his face sinking slightly!

"Ao Shimeng?"

Purple Thunder Beast Sweeped in the past, and his brows sank slightly!

"Ao Shimeng... In addition to the strongest tradition of the domain master family, Nantianyu almost came out of that place when I escaped..."

Tai Yi frowned and whispered, but he didn't worry about finding out, because he was wearing Tianlingjia at first, and it was not the same as it is now, and the atmosphere of God was also sealed, those guys would not notice themselves at all.


I feel very uncomfortable hearing the words Ao Shimeng!

"You have become a true immortal... Your mana is growing a little bit faster. You were a mortal half a day ago. You also survived the robbery when you killed Yan Wusheng. At this moment, it is already a ninth-order true immortal. Not in a few hours, you are Xuanxian Jinxian and even Daojun. However, Daojun’s mana, in this cloud, the gods can not turn over the storm. The young people remind you that the gods in the cloud are prohibited from fighting, unless It is the death of both sides in the ancient ring."

Jiu Mo ancestor swept a few looked at Chen Zheng several times and seemed to laugh.

"Huh? Yan Wusheng was killed by this son?"

A middle-aged Jian Xiu raised his eyebrows next to Jiu Mo's ancestor, staring indifferently, as if he was going to pierce Chen Zhengyuan God!

"Wait for Elder Hong Guyi to come and talk." Jiu Mo ancestor smiled and swept the Suyi Taoist and Luo Xian: "Your two monks in Luoxian Temple dare to come to the gods in the cloud, and they are also brave enough You shouldn’t be able to go back this time, I’ll tell you, the family that killed you, the Fuming ancestor of Luoxian Temple, has also come to the gods in the cloud, and I have got the news, waiting to appreciate today After the fairy charm dance of Fairy Shiqing, the family members will go to you in the fairy city, so good luck."

When the words fell, Jiu Mo Ancestor brought the people around him into the God Capital in the cloud.


Su Yidao's face sank, and his fists clenched at the moment, but he could only helplessly sigh. Knowing that the enemy has come to the God Capital in the Cloud, it is impossible to revenge Fu Ming's ancestor by doing this.

(End of this chapter)

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