Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1808: Shi Qing Fairy Exotic Dance

Chapter 1805 Shi Qing Fairy Exotic Dance (One More)

"This power is good. After enjoying the whining dance of Fairy Shi Qing, then devour it."

Chen Zheng didn't look at the people of Ao Shimeng at all, and looked at the power of the majestic Five Elements Avenue above the gods in the cloud, and nodded lightly at this moment.

"This...If Chen Zu swallowed the power of the Five Elements Avenue above him for some years, would he become the public enemy of the strong Orthodox system in Nantianyu, after all, this force is so powerful The top creatures in the domain are all heart-twitching, but they are afraid to move the whole body and destroy the gods in the cloud...but those creatures should not want to see anyone devour this power."

Zilei Beast Master thought a little, lowered his voice, fearing that he would be heard by others.

"Oh! It's ridiculous!" Don't say that someone really heard it. It was a young brother in a luxurious fairy costume. The younger brother just heard what Purple Thunder Sovereign said. Looking at this side, he showed disdain: " If you really swallowed the power of the Five Elements Avenue above the God Capital in the cloud, after I walked the Kuixing River, I walked my head backwards towards the ground, and I did everything in the future."

"What about the cave?"

Taiyi's eyes turned around and asked.

"Huh? Cave room? Huh! Little fart boy, this 9th-order true fairy can really swallow the power of Wuxing Avenue above, and my son will reverse the cave in the future! But my son needs to add a premise, that is, devouring Wuxing Avenue. You can’t have any influence on the gods in the cloud when you are strong, but if you destroy the gods in the cloud a little bit, the son will not recognize it! There is only a bet, the son will not ask you to do anything, the son will only enjoy The feeling of winning! Well, my son has entered, and when he begins to devour the power of the Five Elements Avenue, he can call him in Qingtianyuan!"

Brother Gongzi glanced at Taiyi and smiled disdainfully, and then took the people around him into the God Capital in the cloud.

"Quixing River, this person I know, is the three sons of the Kui family of the four main domain families. The Kui family controls the North Zunyu. This Kuixing River is not bad, just like to bet, as he said, enjoy the feeling of winning. "

Purple Thunder Beast Lord whispered.

"There are such people?"

Taiyi frowned slightly.

"There are so many wonderful people in heaven and earth. Let's go in."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly and flew to the platform where Yuan Shenzong was located.

"A true fairy...leading... strange things..."

Yuan Shenzong disciples saw Chen Zheng leading a mortal little fart boy, two Daojun and a Daozu. He was stunned for a while. It seems that Daozu led low-level monks. But he didn't think much, after collecting Xianshi, he opened the passage.

For a moment, Chen Zheng and several others were already in the **** of clouds.

"These hours are too difficult to see. Have you seen the Shengxiantai? When the hour arrives, Fairy Shiqing will rise to Sendai. When the magical powers are opened, as long as they are the creatures in the gods in the cloud, No matter from which angle you can see the fairy charm Wushuang Wushen's exotic dance."

"I have wiped out my savings, just to see a fairy dance of Shi Qing fairy, I hope not to let me down!"

"Relax will never let you down, you will be surprised!"

There was a lot of discussion, basically talking about Shi Qing Fairy.


Purple Thunder Beast looked up at Shengxiantai and smiled.


Taiyi is also a smile, it seems that they can't wait to see the fairy dance of Shi Qing fairy.


After a few hours.

The gods in the cloud are all dark.

Of course, this is not that the gods in the cloud deliberately extinguished all the lights and fires, but to cooperate with the fairy fairy Shi Qing. At this moment, in this huge cloud god, whether it is the native creatures of the Southern Celestial Territory, no matter what kind of creatures, whether it is the evil capital Looking at Shengxiantai.

"Shiqing Fairy, I love you!"

Some young people have started shouting!

"Finally, it's about to start. When the dance of Fairy Sister Fairy Warriors ends, with the strength of the Feng Family, the city master has to give Feng Shao face, forcibly expel the kid and the people in Luoxian Temple. There is no problem, and the gods in the cloud are all prohibited. If you are out of the scope of the gods in the cloud, you will be killed regardless of life or death. This time you don’t need Elder Hong Guyi to personally take action, and all means of seeing less wind will do."

In the Pavilion on the first floor, Ao Shimeng Jiu Mo ancestor chuckled.

"Yan Wusheng's sword body itself is a part of my plan. That kid ruined a part of my plan. He must pay the price."

The old man with white hair in the seat nodded lightly.

"Luo Xian Temple...Oh, let's watch the performance of Fairy Shi Qing first. In addition to the Ji family, the Feng family, the Kui family, and the Lu family all came here. Although the Lu family is the master of the Southern Celestial Territory, , But rarely show up, it seems that she came to Miss Lujiasan today, I heard that she is a little beauty. It is said that the Lujia bloodline is very special, extremely old and not weaker than the last bloodline, I really want to take a little Lujia blood Come to identify."

The Tsing Yi man, who was called Feng Shao, smiled.

"This...Unfortunately, our ally has not been able to refine that secret law. If that secret law is cultivated, it will not be impossible for the Southern Celestial Master to change his surname."

Nine Mo Pao whispered.

"That mystery... I have heard of it, it seems to be a mystery related to a certain god? Speaking of the mystery of heaven, I got a message that Ji Yun of the Ji family has suddenly risen recently. Her 2nd brother was defeated. His 2nd brother was the candidate of the Sifang Envoy or the No. 1 candidate. Feng Luotian had to shout when I saw him. This woman is not easy. The man followed her to a world of thousands, and he never came back. This woman, standing behind some god, might not be standing behind her."

Feng Shao frowned, Han Mang said in his eyes.

"Ji Started! Fairy Shiqing started!"

Nine Ink Patriarch frowned, but when a fairy light reflected in his pupils, his eyes lit up and stared at the Shengxiantai!



A beam of light hit the Shengxiantai from the sky!

A tall figure appeared at the moment!

"Fairy Shi Qing!"

"What a nice view!"

"So beautiful!"


The gods in the cloud are boiling!

"This... what is this dress, will this dress be too bold..."

In a courtyard, when the Purple Thunder Beast Lord saw the figure on Shengxiantai, his eyes straightened!

"This sister...It's great!"

Taiyi's eyes also straightened!

" is this dressed so...less..."

Su Yi Taoist also widened his eyes!

"Dangdang Dang... woo woo woo woo..."

it has started!

In Luo Xian's somewhat surprised eyes!

The sound of woo woo started!

This is not crying!

Instead, it is a very rhythmic and cheerful voice!


Almost at the same time the sound rang!

Thousands of Shiqing Fairies appeared in the sky centered on Shengxiantai!

These fairy poems are like avatars separated by secret methods!

At the moment, she dances exactly the same as Shi Qing Fairy on Shengxiantai!

And this mystery is very special!

Looking at the past from any angle seems to be looking at the front of Fairy Shi Qing!

"Shiqing Fairy, I love you!"

"Ohh Ohh ohh!"

"Aoao! Aoao!"


The **** in the whole cloud is crazy!

Howling wolves!

(End of this chapter)

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