Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1816: Fleeting Ao Shimeng!

Chapter 1813 A fleeting world alliance! (Four more)

"Lying trough!"

After a long silence!

On the mountain-like Kuijia warship outside the gods in the clouds!

Kuixinghe broke the silence with a cry!


The silence is broken!

Everyone came awake and sucked in cold breath!


Almost everyone is crying in the trough!


Really gone!

The leader of Aoshi League completely disappeared!

Some people couldn't believe it and rubbed their eyes fiercely, thinking that the scene they saw just now was an illusion, and after confirming it again and again, they finally made sure that the leader of the Aoshi League was indeed pinched to death by that guy!

The death method of the leader of the Aoshi League is exactly the same as that of the elder Hong Guyi. The only difference is that the young man was just a golden fairy a few hours ago. At this moment, he is already a Taoist king!


This gap is not big at all!



A Daojun pinched the leader of the Aoshi League!


This is too scary!

"Chen Zu... this is too... a little bit of leather..."

In the gods in the cloud, the Purple Thunder Beast respected the sky dumbly.

"Dao come you have so much fighting power..."

The child was too easy to show his thoughts, he suddenly remembered some past, it seems that listening to a buddy mentioned that some creatures seem to be cultivated, but the real combat power is terrifying, as if it is a special race, that race I have practiced special boxing techniques, which deal specifically with God.

Could it be!


If Chen Zu really is from that race!

I must have killed myself and the girl Luo Xian!

"Dao Jun... is he really Dao Jun?"

Feng Luotian frowned on the Fengjia warship, Shen Sheng asked at this moment.

"This...I can only see that his flesh is indestructible, and his mana is only at the level of Daojun. As for combat power... Feng Shao just saw it with his own eyes, this kind of person should It’s an ancient race, and it’s the top race in the world.”

The middle-aged man's brows behind him are also locked.

"Is it possible that he came out of the abyss of the sky...a certain abyss? Our Fengjia teamed up with the Tianshou Liu's family, and the weapon that had suddenly flew out of the abyss of the abyss Qi Ling found some news there. There are living gods in the abyss of the sky. Could this guy be one of them..."

Feng Luotian suddenly thought of something.

"Heaven...should not be Shangqi, Sifang Jue itself is a prison cage, the existence of Sifang Jue is to suppress Shang, Shang Qian Jue is the first prison, and Sifang Jue is the second prison. If any of the gods dare to release their power in the Sifang Extremity, the real prohibition of the Sifang Extremity will be launched."

The middle-aged man thought and shook his head.

"Then... if I tell you about the prohibition of Sifang Juejie, it was actually destroyed by the emperor of the emperor mountain many years ago?"

Feng Luotian said again.

"What! This! The ban was turned on!"

The middle-aged man showed surprise, but he soon understood that the secret that Feng Shao said was probably only known to the four main domain masters and the Tianshou family. In this way, then this mysterious young man is indeed very likely to be a creature who escaped from the abyss of heaven.


He is so high-profile!

Do you think you are strong enough to be able to defeat all the roads in the Quartet?

"Leader... it's gone!"

"The lord... was wiped out!"

"The leader... was wiped out by a Daojun!"

"Escape! Hurry!"



Ao Shimeng monk came back!

Jiu Mo ancestor scream!

The rest of the elders exclaimed!


Secretly urge the secret method!

Nine huge warships turned and fled!



Only then disappeared!

Nine huge warships will be wiped out!

All the monks on the nine huge warships also turned to ashes!


What an ancestor of nine ink!

What Taoist elder!

All the Aussie monks on the nine warships are gone!

There is blood mist before the leader of the Aoshi League falls!

These monk monks fell and left nothing!

Not even a trace of blood!


The sky is clear and clean!



Only the wind is left inside and outside the gods in the cloud!


There is also sound!

That is Chen Zheng's light laughter!

"Sure enough, the mana at the Daojun level is much easier to use. When will the mana of the Heavenly Emperor Realm be used better?"


Hearing Chen Zheng’s light laughter, not only the exogenous spirits of the gods in the cloud, but also the master of Qingyuan, the **** in the cloud, Luoxian, the children in the courtyard where Luo Xian is located, the children of Taiyi, the people of the plain clothes, and the Purple Thunder Beast, several people shudder!


The Fengjia warship disappears directly!

"Less... Master... do we want to run, he... he looks harmless, but it seems like a big devil!"

On the Kuijia warship, the maidservant of Kuixing River shuddered with a crying cry!


Kuixinghe's throat agitated for a while, clenching his teeth to secretly urge the secret method, and the Kuijia warship also disappeared!




Yundu God is outside!

Almost instantly, there are less than half of the creatures!

"Your stuff comes out to breathe."

Chen Zheng made a move, and a purple beast emerged. This purple beast was a bite eater.

"Woo woo, the master finally remembered others."

The bite beast whined, but soon he sniffed his nose, smelled the power of the broken avenue in the air, and whizzed into purple light, flying around within a hundred miles inside and outside the gods in the cloud!


After returning, the Dao Biting Beast sat on Chen Zheng's shoulder. At this moment, his small paw patted his belly, meaning he was already full.


The gods in the cloud are silent.

"Road Eater..."

In the courtyard below, the child took a glance at the purple beast and frowned slightly. It’s not too much for a bite beast to grow up, but once it can reach the last step, it can threaten the gods, but basically no bite beast has reached that step, because the bite beast was ancient , Is the pet that God brought up from a mysterious place.

So before the bite eater grows up to that step, it will be wiped out!


Right now Chen Zu raises a bite beast!

This Dao bite beast may have a chance to grow to that step!

"Chen Zu!"

"Chen Zu!"

Chen Zheng fell into the A few people from Luoxian stepped forward to worship Chen Zheng.

"This sister is very beautiful and smells delicious."

The purple beast looked at several people and blinked at Luo Xian.

"My taste is delicious too, do you smell it?"

The child moved too easily, and subconsciously wanted to tease the purple beast, so he opened his mouth and asked.

"Cut! I'm not interested in little farts, you can play with them!"

When I thought of it, the little purple creature glanced at him with great disdain, and then flew from Chen Zheng's shoulder into Luo Xian's arms.

"..." The child too rolled his eyes, and the underworld really has what kind of spiritual pet it is. This Dao bite is proud. After thinking about it for a moment, the child Taiyi asked in a low voice: "Brother Chen, where is your physical body?"

(End of this chapter)

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