Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1817: Turbulent

Chapter 1814

Which situation?

The three Luoxian also showed their curiosity, and subconsciously raised their ears. Chen Zu’s display of combat power was too unimaginable. Daojun’s mana wiped out the leader of the Aoshi League. Explanations are already difficult to explain.

and so!

The real reason should be Chen Zu's flesh!

At this moment, the skylord Qingyuan also raised his ears!

He also wants to know why a Daojun's combat power is so terrifying!

"Do you really want to know?"

Chen Zheng looked at the child Tai Yi mysteriously and smiled.


Too much focus on the head!

"You feel it yourself."

Chen Zheng raised his right hand.


Tai Yi froze for a moment, but he soon understood Chen Zheng's meaning. He lifted his small hand and put it on Chen Zheng's hand. At this moment, he urged the ancient mystery to begin to perceive Chen Zheng's body.



Tai Yi looked curious and looking forward!

But suddenly a scream!

Swish to take back the little hand!

The small face looked at Chen Zheng with horror!


Fainted and fainted!


Luo Xian looked at each other. Was it scared and fainted? What did Tai Yi perceive? Yi Taiyi used to be the identity of God. Did he see something terrible beyond God?


Qingyuan Chengzhu, who raised his ears to listen to it, froze for a moment, and honestly he also wanted to perceive it, but he was just thinking and courageous.



The Gods in the Clouds are the Oriental Sky

There is a bright divine light!

After the dazzling divine light illuminates!

A huge phantom appeared on the dome that day!


Although it just passed away!

But all the creatures in the Quartet have sensed it!

And the creatures who saw the huge phantom showed shock!


That's the breath of God!

Is there a **** appearing!

Did God escape from Sifang?


Qingyuan Chengzhu glanced in that direction and whispered.

"That direction is Donghuangyu, it seems to be Donghuangshan, Donghuangshan is the ancestral land of the Ji family in the four major domains. It should be what happened to the Ji family, there may be... The **** escaped from the abyss It’s also possible that the Ji family has a god..."

Zilei Beast Master's eyes came back, and he glanced at Taiyi who fainted on the ground, lowering his voice. To be honest, if it were not Chen Zu, he would never know that the ancient spirit that helped the rise of the Thunder Beast was a god. Today, the huge phantom appeared in the Ji family ancestral land of the Eastern Emperor Territory. It is very likely that the Ji family, like the Thunder Beast family, may have been given the guidance of God.

"Ji Jia, I know someone."

Chen Zheng smiled.


Luo Xian several people showed doubtful color.

"It must be a woman!"

The purple beast in Luo Xian's arms opened his mouth!


Before they came back to the gods, they were wrapped in Xianguang. The Qingyuan City Lord above subconsciously wanted to say something, but it was too late. Chen Zheng and others in the courtyard below had disappeared.

"What are you... who are you?"

The lord Qingyuan whispered that he had received a summons from the land of the Lu tribe, the battle of the Lu tribe had been quelled, and it was this mysterious Chen Zu who quelled the battle of the Lu tribe.

And I got a message that the first ancestor of the Lu nationality had already woken up, and it was also related to this Chen Zu.

"The Sifang Extremity was still calm before. Now, the main families of the four major domains, the Tianshou clan, and the main roads seem to have begun. All this seems to have happened after this Chen Zu came in. The secret should be found this time."

Qingyuan Chengzhu thought of something, and now whispered again.


Then a sweet laugh sounded, and a tall figure appeared beside him.

"Fairy Shi Qing?"

"Fairy Shi Qing appeared!"

"How can fairy fairy Shi Qing appear at this moment!"

The gods in the cloud are all creatures inside and outside. As soon as they saw this figure, their eyes lit up!


The Qingyuan City Lord laid a barrier to cut off the outside world!

"But what about the adult."

Qingyuan City Lord lowered his head slightly, as if he knew the origin of Fairy Shi Qing very well!

"Brother Yun knows who Chen Zu is. Brother Yun has seen Chen Zu. Chen Zu was stronger than Chen Zu. If the city owner came to Sifang, what kind of ambassadors, what are the four major domain families, and what kind of ancestors? , What sect, what gate, what palace, when Chen Zu slammed that Sifang Juejie would be turned into ashes! Even Yu Cangjue could not escape it! Therefore, Qingyuan City Lord had no worries, there was Chen Zu and Brother Yun is here, the Feng Family and the Tianshou Liu Family have other Confucian traditions that can't turn over the waves!"

Fairy Shi Qing said with a smile.

"Snap your fingers...Sifang's extinct turned into ashes...The first generation king of the stroke home of the Sifang is still alive, the first generation king is a half-step overlord, can't a half-step overlord also resist the pinnacle Is Chen Zu a snap..."

The Qingyuan City Lord froze for a moment, and lowered his voice to ask. He had already turned up the stormy waves in his heart. He could kill the Quartet with a snap of his fingers.

"Half-step overlord, it is not worthy to lift shoes to Chen Zu, let alone half-step overlord, take Chen Zu's repair as an example, just snap a finger, and era overlord will also be turned into ashes! All major avenues should have gathered in front of the Abyssal Abyss recently, then Qingyuan City Master only needs to be an audience! Brother Yun has recently made a fun thing, I will go back and play that thing!"

Fairy Shi Qing laughed again, and then disappeared silently.


Qingyuan City Lord fell into silence.


Eastern imperial domain.

On the top of a mountain dozens of miles outside Donghuang Mountain.

Luo Xian, Su Yi Taoist, Tai Yi who has woken up, and Purple Thunder Beast Master are all looking at the ghost of the soul floating beside Chen Zheng at the moment.

"Back to Chen Zu, this Donghuang Mountain is just a coincidence, it has nothing to do with me."

Soul phantom looked at Donghuang Mountain for a moment and replied slightly.


Chen Zheng nodded lightly and sent the ghost image back to Yuanshen.

"Just that was... could it be the one in the ancient legend of Hongmeng Taitian... Honghuang demon Emperor Taiyi?"

Purple Thunder Beast Vendor couldn't help asking. Although he is a family of thunder beasts, he has extensive coverage and is very interested in the ancient deeds of the major worlds outside the Quartet. Therefore, when Soul Veil said that, he instantly thought of the number one character.

"East Emperor Taiyi... The name is pretty good. It's much more domineering than my real name Taiyi and the current name too Yi, but when it comes to Taiyi, there didn't seem to be one called Taiyi in the thirteen gods. I didn’t think it used to, but now I feel a little strange."

The child looked at Chen Zhengdao thoughtfully.



Among the Eastern Huangshan Mountains shrouded in divine light!

Suddenly came a loud noise!

"Damn! The Mysterious Law! Where did you girl learn this Mysterious Law!"

Then there was a roar!

(End of this chapter)

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