Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1851: Meihe River

Chapter 1848 Nether Earth Yin River (five more)


In the heart of Chen Zhengmei's heart, a flash of seven-color divine light flashed across the thousands of worlds demolished by the devil ancestors, and nodded with satisfaction: "Although it only increased by two points, it is considered to be eighty-one."


What is eighty-one?

Primitive Heavenly Demon, etc. showed doubtful colors, did not understand what Chen Zheng said, but Chen Zheng also did not explain, swept the original Heavenly Demon, Heavenly Witch, Heavenly Demon Shuangyan, and Heavenly Demon Commander, and finally looked back to the original Heavenly Demon face: "I I don’t want to see you wear women’s clothes. You can use this thing to see through. After seeing it, you will pass it on to the celestial witches.

"Ah? Women?"

The primitive Heavenly Devil was stunned, and then a hint of embarrassment appeared. I didn't expect Chen Zu, his hobby, to have known for a long time.


The witch raised her brow slightly.


Chen Zheng struck a divine light into the eye of the primitive Heavenly Demon, then Xingcha flashed away from this world transformed by the Heavenly Devil Ancestral Land, and the Daoist Beast was naturally taken away. The daughter of the daughter stayed!


That woman was dumbfounded!



He left this world?

"Chen Zu... is still very popular... It is difficult to find an opportunity to intoxicate Chen Zu..."

Sky Witch sighed.

"Chen Zu..." The primordial demon accepted the divine light, and at the moment his eyes flashed across. He whispered and looked at the woman in the air. After looking at the woman in the air, he also sighed: "You are the daughter of Ruan Xiang Well, Ruan Xiang, she... how is she..."

The woman looked at the original Demon, but did not respond.


Chaotic time and space.

Xingcha crossed.

Seeing that Xingcha is about to tear the chaotic time and space again.

A transparent torrent suddenly struck Xingcha.

"If you want to invite me into the depths of time, then you just come over."

Chen Zheng only chuckled and was too lazy to fight back.


That transparent torrent burst!

"This is a long time?"

The bite beast was originally playing the gloomy ball. At this moment, he looked at the transparent torrent re-condensed in the distance, watching the transparent torrent roll away, and the small face showed a surprised color!

Time is long!

Is this thing aimed at the owner!

It is said that this thing is terrible and carries the past, present and future!

"What stinky fish rotten shrimp, but also want to use the power of time to deal with you!"

In Chen Zheng's mind, the indifferent voice of the little chemical doll sounded!

"This method has appeared more than once, but it should have been done by the same person."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Which idiot!"

Inquiry by the little doll.

"It should be the Immortal King, one of the seven immortal kings under the Supreme seat of Immortal Realm, but this life has entered the Taixu."

Chen Zheng mentioned one person.

"Mature Xianwang? Ma's broken Xianxian dared to use characterization. He was really tired. Anyway, the old lady didn't care. After entering Taixu, the first one would destroy him! If you don't do it, the old lady will do it yourself. You shouldn’t have to do it! When you enter Taixu, the old lady should be almost awakened!"

The little chemical doll snorted and Yuanshen disconnected.

"Master, this future master must be wary. Although her primordial spirit is not as strong as the master's primordial spirit, although the speed of enlightenment of the Great Reincarnation is not as good as that of the master, she seems to have successfully re-engraved the second major reincarnation. Yes, the master, there is one more point. This future robbery makes me feel uneasy, not only I feel uneasy, but also the Great Reincarnation of the Holy Lamp, the dark top, and the creator Qingzhu! She may not be as simple as the Hongmeng universe. , She may be related to a certain fallen creator! Although the cantilever of the universe is recognized as the first transcendence, after all, the master’s cantilever of the universe is still incomplete and still in the stage of self-repair, and as far as I know, some creatures even face The complete universe cantilever can also be concealed from the perception of the universe cantilever. Although only one creature has ever been born, the master still needs to beware!"

As soon as the little doll was disconnected, the sound of Macross Roulette sounded in Chen Zhengyuan's gods. This sound had its own isolation, and only Chen Zheng could hear it.

"She is related to the extreme creator who caused the great annihilation of the creator, and she cannot escape the palm of my hand."

Chen Zhengyuan God replied that there was also the power of isolation, and only the spirits of a few transcendental objects in his Yuanshen could be heard.

"It's fine, it's fine, I have the reassurance of the master, the other fuse of the Great Destruction was actually..."

Roulette Ling responded, just talking and silent.

Chen Zheng guessed something, and did not delve into it, because he had absolute confidence, no matter how awakening the little doll, if he did not nod, then she could not break free.


At this time!

Xingcha tore apart the chaotic time and space, did not pass the bridges of the heavens, and forcibly poured into a mysterious place outside the world!


The light is dim!

Because that's Wraith!


"Who's coming!"

"Who is so courageous that he can control the warship to break into the underworld? Isn't it killing me?"

"Don't care who he is, someone will come to arrest him naturally, I will continue to beg for the ferry. If we can't catch the opportunity to cross the Yin River this time, then the lives of our Jiulidu in the next 100,000 years will be completely sealed off. God has nothing to do with it. When the priesthood of the Jiuli government leader is recovered, we will have no chance to rise in the next 100,000 years!"

"Come! The ferrymen are here! Hurry up and offer sacrifices!"

A yin river separates one side of the land. At this moment, before the yin river, there were no fewer than 100,000 souls gathered. Although these creatures all saw Xingcha, although they were a little surprised at the first time, it was only that moment. He looked away and stared at the Yin River without any fluctuations! And in the dark fog across the Yin River, a leaf of light boat floated out, these creatures showed a very excited color, it seems that the leaf of light boat is related to life and death!

"Master, these guys are so strange..."

Dao bite grabbed the gloomy ball in one paw and aimed at the creature below, lowering the voice. It is a Daoist beast. In theory, as long as it belongs to the Three Thousand Avenues, it can be swallowed. But the breath of the creatures before the Yin River makes it feel threatened. It seems that it is a kind of breath that naturally restrains the Daoist beast family.

"Yinhe... This river should have been called Tianji River..."

Chen Zheng glanced at His brow was slightly wrinkled, he picked up Xingcha, and landed on the highest altar in front of Yinhe with his bite eater!


Those creatures in front of Yinhe saw that someone suddenly fell on the altar!

Lift your head instantly!

See the human race monk who is driving the warship into the underworld!

One by one, anger and open mouth will scold!


Chen Zhengyi spoke!

These creatures were stunned!

Apology review, tomorrow will definitely make up for the three owed.

(End of this chapter)

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