Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1852: Where's the dog

Chapter 1849 Where's The Dog (One More)


This human race monk who broke into the underworld actually knew the ancient name of Jiuli River!

And also said the ancient name!

Didn't he know that these two words belong to unspeakable forbidden words in Underworld!



Originally smooth like a mirror in the Yin River without any trace of fluctuation!

Suddenly a wave!

Although that leaf boat is not affected!

But these creatures on the shore showed a terrified look, and at this moment they all got up and quickly backed away, whispering something in their mouths!

"You are in big trouble, let's go if you can."

On that light boat, the ferry who would shudder limply seemed to remind Chen Zheng, but obviously he wouldn't shoot, it was only a reminder. In fact, the ferry recognized the Dao Eater beside Chen Zheng, and also felt the extraordinaryness of the dark ball caught on the Dao Beast's claws. The dark ball seemed to seal a rather powerful creature.


This is the moment!

Among the billowing river!

A behemoth rushed out!

This behemoth has a dragon's head, a dog's body, a gluttonous claw, and a phoenix wing. There is an unspeakable strangeness!

"Nine Li Dragon Dogs!"

"This was the first supernatural power used by the first generation of the Jiuli government to take the head of the Nether Dragons, the body of the Tengus, the claws of the gluttons and the wings of the Wings!"

"These two words are taboo. Whoever says those two words will attract Jiuli Dragon Dog. Jiuli Dragon Dog will directly kill the person who committed the taboo! Because these two words will bring Jiuli City It’s a big trouble. If you don’t wipe out the people who committed taboos, the whole Jiuli will have to go in!

Underworld whispers!

"You can escape now, young man. The Jiuli Dragon Dog was already the pinnacle ancestor before that family descended on the underworld. Now it must be a Taoist ancestor. Only Jifu can hold Jiuli Dragon Dog!"

There was a thin old man with a mahogany stick on the shore, and he shouted at Chen Zheng on the altar!


This shout!

All the surrounding creatures stared!

Those eyes are saying that the old man is too brave!

Dare to remind the young man at this moment!

If you were stared at by the Jiuli Long dog

You're done, old man!


The behemoth that emerged from the Yin River stared at him fiercely, and shouted at the thin old man!


This roar!

The skinny old man and the people beside him all shuddered and kneeled involuntarily!

"Grandpa... woo woo..."

Next to the skinny old man, there was a girl who was scared crying!


Everyone around heard the girl cry, and her face changed, because she knew that the Jiuli Dragon Dog hated the cry of the creature most. This girl was afraid that the Jiuli Dragon Dog was about to be given...not good!

Jiuli Dragon Dog really started!

Jiuli Dragon Dog caught a giant claw!


On that light boat, the ferryman raised his eyebrows, seemingly trying to stop the Jiuli Dragon Dog, but in the end he still sighed!

"the host!"

On the altar, Dao Beast's face fell a little, and his heart was secretly secret. What kind of dog is this mother? It is too garbage. Anyway, it also has the power of Dao Zu.

"Where's the dog."

When the giant claw of the Jiuli Dragon Dog fell over the thin old man, Chen Zheng spoke lightly on the altar. As soon as this sentence was said, the giant claw of the Jiuli Dragon Dog was frozen in the air!


Next second!

The giant claws snapped towards the altar!


This time the young man of the human race completely angered the Jiuli Dragon Dog!

This young human race is going to be gone!

This moment is just a sigh!


When Chen Zheng's eyes moved, and indifferent glances towards the fierce Jiuli Dragon Dog, there was a sudden panic in the fierce pupil of the Jiuli Dragon Dog, and the giant claws of the altar were to be snapped to freeze!

"Give your master a face."

Chen Zheng casually said.


The Jiuli Dragon Dog shuddered and made a whimper, and the giant claws were retracted, and the huge body swooped into the Yin River!



The water of the Yinhe River quickly returned to calm!


There is only that light boat above the Yin River!


The ferryman on the light boat showed surprise.


The underworld creatures on the shore also showed their astonishment!

Just now!


The young man of the human race just glanced at the Jiuli Dragon Dog casually!

The Jiuli Dragon Dog shivered into the Yin River!


The young man of the human race also said something to watch on the face of the owner of Jiuli Dragon Dog!

The owner of Jiuli Dragon Dog is the original owner of Jiuli!

Could it be that the young people of this human race did not know the first master of Jiuli!


This young man seems to be a man of power!

And the first lord of Jiuli was a witch who had the direct bloodline of the great witch in the flood era!

The blood lineage inherited by the first master of Jiuli is one of the purest blood lines in the Underworld!

"Your also a Malay, is it not your Matrimon, is it your Mazuki reincarnated in ancient times?"

On the Yinhe Qingzhou, the ferry man thought about it tentatively and asked softly.

"Ma people? The owner is not Ma people."

The Dao Beast heard it and glanced at the ferry. The mana of the Yin River ferry was so strange that this guy was not even Daozu. As a bite beast, he felt a threat from this guy.

"Jiuli Mansion... This dark soil is clearly a part of the ancient Honghuang after it shattered. This land boundary in the ancient Honghuang era is not called Jiuli City. This land boundary should be called Tianji Mountain. Loei."

Chen Zheng glanced at the ferry, and at this moment he turned around and asked the living creatures on the shore.


"Those two cannot be mentioned!"


The terrible creatures on the shore froze, and then one by one showed panic. They knew what Jiuli was once called and what Jiuli Yinhe was once called, but they dare not mention it at all!


Too dangerous!

No matter who said the two words in the underworld, it will be sensed by the will in the ancient temple of the underworld!

If that will come in person!

That Jiuli can be erased!

"This... Your Excellency Mo is still referring to those two words. Those two words are too dangerous. Even the three Ming Zun and even the Great Ming Zun dare not mention these two words. You mentioned the two words many times, Jiuli Dragon Dog should have killed you, but Jiuli Dragon Dog was shocked, then I am afraid that there will be a legal purpose coming to Jiuli Prefecture!"

On the light boat, the ferry's face sank, lowering his voice!



Dare to drop his voice!

There is a thunder shaking above the dark sky above!


I saw a ghost appearing out of thin air!

"The master of Jiuli government has lost his duty and he has taken back the priesthood green rune in advance, and only those who have been banned for murder will be exterminated today, otherwise Jiuli government will be completely inherited from the vocation of the vocational green rune!"


A cold and ruthless voice resounded through this land!


The terrifying souls on the shore!

The creatures in the territories of Jiuli are also horrified!

The ferry sighed at the moment!

Sure enough, the temple was still shot!

This time I was afraid to take this opportunity to completely deprive Jiuli of the qualifications of inheriting the priesthood green charm!

"Where is this dog again?"


On the altar!

Chen Zheng has no fluctuations!

Just ask softly at this moment!


Underworld creatures and ferrymen hear it!

Suddenly froze again!


This seems to be!

This seems to be scolding the messenger of that temple!

(End of this chapter)

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