Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1866: Worship!

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God pattern!

Overlord **** pattern!

Only then came out of the palace, only the figure of the ancestor Xiu Wei!

It took less than twenty breaths to condense the overlord **** pattern!

This cultivation rate is too scary!

This simply does not conform to the laws of spiritual practice!

In the Imperial City!

In addition to Chen Zheng!

The rest are stupid!

"Lying trough, how can this practice speed be so fast, this is faster than sitting on a rocket!"

Dao bite widened his eyes!


Fu Chan read these two words subconsciously. She thought of arrows that ignite fire. Although the arrows are fast, if the magic weapon is faster, it seems that it is not the ultimate speed!

However, she did not know that the rocket in her cognition was not the same as the rocket mentioned by the Daoist Beast. Of course, at this moment, she just gave birth to a thought, which was soon replaced by another thought!

she was!


Know who the figure is!

"Six reincarnation... this is..."

The reincarnation made his eyes widen, and at this moment he thought of a person, and only that person could make the origin of the underworld come from all directions!

"Emperor Queen Earth..."

Nine Yan Mingzun shouted four words!


The other two Ming Zun beside him tremble, and Master Fu Chan trembles too. At this moment, they all think of the same person!

"Huang Tian Hou Tu... Hou Tu Huang Tian... She... Is she...?"

The elders of the temple above the crown of the moon also showed a terrifying look!



The figure over the Hou Tu Imperial City fell!


Everyone subconsciously retreated!

Subconsciously lower your head!

And the master of Jiuli, Fu Chan, bite beast, skinny old man, Fu Yi, looked at the figure now, fell in front of the giant god, watched the shadow of the mangling scattered on the body, looked at the figure Step by step towards this side!

Chen Zu!

This figure is coming towards Chen Zu!

"Oh my god!"

When the shadow disappeared from the figure, there was a real appearance at this moment, and some people couldn't help shouting!

"Oh my God!"

"It really is!"

"This and this...!"

The rest of them also showed great excitement!


At that moment, the figure that showed the true appearance was 90% similar to the appearance of the giant god!

"Meet the lady!"

Nine Yan Mingzun took a deep breath, and now fell from the sky, and looked at the figure solemnly!

"Meet the lady!"

The rest of the air also fell down and knelt down on the ground to respectfully worship!

"Meet the Houtu Niang!"

Originally on the ground, the masters of the major cities, the people from the major earth boundaries, and the local creatures in the Houtu Imperial City, all paid their respects to that figure at this moment!

"Meet the lady!"

Even the elder of the temple with the crown of the moon kneeled at this moment!


Seeing the Daoist Beast, except for the host and Mingyue girl, there is only one left to worship. Although I have never heard who this is before, but these guys almost all kneel, it must be a big man with a good future!

That question is coming!

Would you like to worship it too?

"Huang Tian Hou Tu... This turned out to be Hou Tu, one of Honghuang's ancestors and witches, as well as the saint saint who created the six reincarnations! According to legend, she is a saint, although the saints of the Thousand Worlds are nothing in my eyes. However, some saints are very special. This seat was once the ninth state ancestor, and it would not be easy to deal with that kind of saint, that is, the saints involved in the primitive flood, such as the saints in the heavenly heaven! This saint's heritage is too terrible. Then, it involved Hongmeng too heaven. For example, after this, the mother of the earth was only an ancestral realm before returning to the dark earth. You can return to the dark earth. The original strength of the dark earth blessed itself. One point... This point is really against the sky. I heard that Hongmeng Taitian has also undergone divine changes. The background of Hongmeng Taitian has been released. It can be inferred that the saints in Hongmeng Taitian are at least now. Half-step era dominance level!"

In the dark ball of the bite eater, the elder of the sleeping moon **** clan that was suppressed and sealed, and secretly transmitted a sound to the bite beast, it is also shocking at the moment!


Never seen before!

An old ancestral creature condensed the overlord's **** pattern in just a few moments!

This almost directly crossed the ancestral realm and became the era overlord!

I am afraid!

Since the dawn of the Hongmeng era, there has only been one in front of us!


These ancient creatures involved in Taishangtian are too deep!


Not so much the inside!

It is better to say that it is destiny!

The destiny of these creatures is too unnatural!

"Too high...What's not to dare? My master used to be too high!"

Dao bite hummed secretly!


The elder Yuan, the elder of the Mianyue clan, was silent, and he suddenly remembered that the reason why he was still was because of his words in the big world transformed by the Heavenly Demon Ancestral Land that day, if the man had something to let himself see That man wiped out the Sleeping Moon Protoss!


If you can do it again!

I would rather fall on the spot!


A sigh!

The elder **** of the Mianyue Protoss is silent!


And at this moment, the figure came to Chen Zheng and performed a salute to Chen Zheng!


Although Zhuo Tian Da Ming Zun has already revealed the identity of this Chen Zu!

But at this moment, after seeing this scene, the creatures in the Emperor's Heavenly City still showed great shock!


One big event after another in the Imperial City today!

It’s all about the saints!

I didn't understand it before!

Understand now!

All this is under the control of the saint!

The saint has already done everything!

"Since you have returned to the Underworld, keep the Houtu Imperial City. As for the other ancestors and witches, the Honghuang Demon Emperor Demon God and the like, wait for me to destroy the Burning Gods and the Underworld Temple, and I will talk to you again."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"it is good."

The figure nodded in response, then turned around and swept across the people kneeling on the ground. The people raised their heads and looked at them and immediately lowered their heads!

For a while!

No one dared to stare at this figure!


Kneeling on the ground, the elder of the Underworld Temple shivered. At this moment, he fully understood that the saint in the legend of the Underworld Witch clan, even if there was only Daojun's mana, his magical means was beyond heaven!

If the Holy Master really wants to destroy the Temple of Underworld, let alone the three old temples, I am afraid that the will of the Underworld will not be able to stop it!


The Underworld Temple has managed the underworld over the years without any hard work or merit!

Maybe you can still ask the mother!

"Houtu is..."

So the elder of the temple gritted his teeth, raised his head and shouted at the figure, but only shouted a word, and the person directly vanished and disappeared, and then disappeared!


This seems to be!

It seems that the elders of the temple were directly involved in the reincarnation!

Everyone trembled!

Among them, Fengtian Mingzun's inner heart is very uneasy!

I thought about my connection with the Burning Gods!

At this moment I am afraid that I will be beaten into reincarnation!

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