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Dark Sea!

The waves are breaking!

Not far from the shore, the ferry people of Nutao Mountain were all sullen at the moment!

The sea of ​​turmoil caused a turbulent wave!

There will only be one reason!

That is the power of anger in the temple!

The Temple of Nether Earth is located in the depths of the Nether Sea. The Nether Sea is a natural defense. After the alienation caused by the sacred objects of the Celestial Clan, the Nether Sea directly isolates the souls under the Daozu!

"Benyuan rushed to Houtu Imperial City, and there are six reincarnations in the world. What happened in Houtu Imperial City?"

"This is the temple's three old angers, or the temple's will is angry, if it is the temple's will, let's evacuate the Nutao Mountain first!"

"Huh? What's that? A warship was killed in the sea!"

The ferrymen whispered, but suddenly they saw a star burst from the sea, and a vast warship emerged out of thin air!


The shocking sea wave was like a dragon of Huangquan rushing towards the vast warship in an instant!

More than one!

But there are so many ways!

If any one of them is calling towards Mount Nutao!

Nutao Mountain will be turned into powder in an instant!

Who is on that warship!

How dare you break into the sea like this!

Can you withstand the horrors and waves at this moment!


The scene that made the ferry people stunned happened. The waves of terror and storms hadn't really flowed to the body of the vast warship, they were all destroyed!


Between the consternation of the ferry people, there was another huge wave in the sea, the huge wave turned into a giant face, and it was a roar at the vast warship: "Go!"

One word!

The sea is boiling!

Mount Nutao screams!

The ferry family shivered!

Elder Tianwu!

The face transformed by the giant wave is the elder Tian Wu, one of the three elders in the temple!

"Elder Tian Wu... is not a Wu clan, it seems to be an alien who came to Nether Earth a long time ago..."

The vast warship is Xingcha, and the master of Jiuli whispered.

"The three elders of the temple... are not Maori."

Fu Chan was there, too, and whispered.

"No matter what race he is, just pinch to death!"

Dao bite hummed.


Among the ferry people in Nutao Mountain, some people just heard two people and one beast with supernatural powers, especially when they heard the word pinched to death, the body shuddered involuntarily!


Crush the Elder Witch!

What is the origin of the creatures on this battleship!

and many more!

It seems that one of them is the master of Jiuli!

The other few people seem to be not even Daozu!

How could this be pinned to death by Elder Tianwu!

Somewhat ignorant!

The ferry people are a little ignorant!

In fact, some people of the ferry people know who is on the warship, but they are in Houtu Imperial City at the moment, and have not returned from Houtu Imperial City!

"This large sea formation is a bit horizontal."

On Xingcha, Chen Zheng didn't look at the face transformed by the giant waves, but swept across the fat sea and commented with a slight smile.

"You... you human race Daojun also deserve to comment on the large formation under the will of the temple!"

The face turned angry by the huge waves!

"I'm a little curious about what it is, so I not only commented on the large array under it, but also went to the temple to see its true appearance."

This time Chen Zheng looked at the face transformed by the giant wave.

"You do not deserve!"

The face transformed by the giant wave was angry again, and it turned into a torrent of avenues and crashed towards Xingcha!



Chen Zheng lifted his hands freely!

The torrent of the avenues turned by the giant waves broke down!

this moment!

It seemed like it was raining above the sea!


In the raging mountains!

The ferry people's eyes widened!


That human race monk!

The human monk of the talented manpower!

Actually broke the magical powers of the Elder Sky Witch!


Between the horror of the ferry people, another huge wave rose into the sky, and the huge wave again turned into a human face, and the magical power of the elder Tianwu in the temple came again! This time, not only its magical powers, but also two other huge waves turned into huge faces!

"San Lao Quan appeared!"

Jiuli Prefecture whispered!

"Three old temples!"

Fu Chan is also whispering!

"Elder Tianwu! Elder Feihuang! Elder Li Quan!"

"The three magical powers are the same!"

"This... is this something terrible!"

The ferry family in Nutao Mountain, their eyes widened again!

in the past!

What is the purpose of the temple!

The elder disciples are sent to Nutao Mountain!

It's still the kind of disciple who is not a high student!

Want to see the three old temples!

It is rare to see it for thousands of years!

But today!

Three old magical powers are coming together!

Even if the ferry people are the patriarch, the patriarch is the Taoist ancestor, and the strength of this family is at the bottom of the underworld, but they all feel it at this moment, and there will definitely be a big event next!


It's impossible!

That human race Daojun can still single out the temple!

This should not be possible!

This should be more thought of waiting for others!

"You never want to enter the temple!"

Tian Wu elder magical magic stared at Chen Zheng!

"The Great Sea Formation has been urged, you can't even see the temple!"

Feihuang elder supernatural powers drink cold!

"We already know who you are, and we know what you did in Hou Tu Imperial City, but you are reincarnated and rebuilt after all. Unless she comes in person, you..."

Elder Li Quan's supernatural powers spoke in a deep voice, but just said that the sound suddenly disappeared!


Chen Zheng ignored them!

One raised his hand and grabbed the deep sea!


Between the stormy waves!

A gloomy and huge temple came from the depths of the sea!


Not coming!

It seems that the temple was forcibly taken over by the Great Sea!


The temple is hanging!

Dull and vast!

An invisible prestige pressed down!


this moment!

Whether it is the master of Jiuli, Fu Chan, or the ferry people in the raging mountains or the three old gods in the temple, they are all stupid!


This means!

What is this means!

A raised hand!

Forcibly ingested the temple from the depths of the Nether Sea!

This scene!

No one ever thought about it!

This scene!

It is really unimaginable!

Even the master of Jiuli and Fu Chan had already seen Chen Zheng in the Hou Tu Imperial City with his own eyes, and he was deeply shocked at this moment!


Underworld Temple!

This is the Temple of Underworld!

In the underworld!

I'm afraid no one thought that someone would directly grab the Temple of Nether from the depths of the sea on the edge of the sea!

after all!

There is the will of the shrine in the Temple of Nether Earth!

How could the will of the temple be the level of the Great Deity!

"This is completely different from what I thought...I thought this human monk would first defeat the three old magical powers~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then break through the large sea formation again before entering the sea. I saw the temple in the depths, and finally defeated the three old deities to enter the temple...but he caught the temple directly..."

In the raging mountains, a ferryman murmured and whispered!

When the other ferrymen listened, their bodies were shocked, and at the same time they showed a sudden enlightenment. At this moment, they understood why there was a shocking shock in the scene just now, because that scene and their cognition and what they thought were opposite of!

To see the temple, the souls of the underworld need the approval of the three elders of the temple, and they need to enter the depths of the sea, and the human monk grabbed it directly, as if the temple came to see him!

in short!

That is the magical power of this human race monk just above the temple!

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