Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1874: In the end how many means!

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"Patriarch...Great Elder...fallen..."

The Burning Gods clan strongman froze for a moment, and suddenly looked down at the underworld. When he saw that the Burning Gods clan patriarch and the elders had no flesh of the spirit of the primordial spirit, he only felt the magic of his body at this moment. It's all taken time!


As for the Burning God God ship that was cut into two halves by a sword, the rest of the Burning God God clan were also as silly as a chicken!



Great elder!

The strongest half-step era overlord of Burning Gods!

Yuanshen was annihilated!

A sword!

Just a sword!

That strange human race Daojun!

I just said one nonsense!

Just a sword just now!

The two strongest of the Burning Gods were cut!

"What the **** happened, these two people should be hiding in the depths of the soul, wait for yourself to see."

Chen Zheng received the Nether Sword Shadow, facing the air a little bit, a light curtain appeared, and a glimmer of light appeared in the light curtain. Even if it was not a person who burned the gods, he could see at a glance that it was the elder of the burnt gods. Memory reappears!

"Fu Yi... was approved by the God of Fire God's Battle. Even the Lord of the Fire God could not really conquer this day. Fu Yi is only a descendant of the blood of the Master, but at this point, he surpassed the Master. Fu Yi, this is wrong!"

"The Skyfire Scepter is related to the initial fire. The initial fire is related to the initial life between heaven and earth. It is the original source of life between heaven and earth and the origin of God! Fu Yi... he has not yet realized , He was robbed of the ancestor of the ancestor. As a blood descendant of the ancestor, he really did not realize it at all!"

"The first ancestor is defeated. The first ancestor brought the burning sun to challenge the lord of Taiyin. Even the lord of Taiyin can't take the palm of his hand. The ancestor of the ancestor is destroyed, and he needs to rebuild the body with the battle of the sky and the **** of fire!"

"After all, Fu Yi is the patriarch, and the ancestor's will is asleep, only me, the elder, will do it myself!"

"Not good! Heavenly Fire Divine Battle escaped with Fu Yi! Damn! Heavenly Fire Divine Battle also took away the reincarnated body of Mingyue Xianzun! Find! Quickly find! Find Heavenly Fire Divine Reign! Find Mingyue Xianzun's reincarnation!"


Memory reappears!

Just a few breaths!

The truth is clear!


The underworld creatures on the side of the Houtu Imperial City shook their heads secretly at this moment, and the Burning Gods clan actually still had such a show. The thin old man was really the former chief of the Burning Gods clan, but it seemed that it was because the talent was too outstanding. The true defeat of the Skyfire God's battle was recognized, but instead it was robbed and murdered by the clan!

"the truth......"

The Burning Gods clan strongman watched the light curtain disappear, whispered to the thin old man, and didn't know what to say for a while! As for the rest of the Celestial Clan, all are silent at the moment!

"I...Chen Zu..."

The skinny old man looked at Chen Zheng and shouted at the moment, he was even more confused!

Chen Zheng grabbed the earth underneath, and above the body of the elder of the Burning Gods, the fragments of the **** pattern appeared, and in a moment he condensed into a half **** pattern. Chen Zheng grabbed the half **** pattern and hit the thin old man. In the eyebrows: "The elders of your tribe should originally want to completely wipe out your primordial god, but the **** of fire has saved you, and your primordial **** is only missing a part. This half-overlord **** pattern is for you, you get it back The missing memory should not be difficult."


Half of the **** pattern entered the body, the skinny old man was shocked, the breath soared again, and directly stepped into the level of era dominance!


This scene!

Other creatures are dumbfounded!


Can you still gather God's lines to send others' God's lines at will!

"Master Master!"



Dao bite eyes thief bright shouted at Chen Zheng!

"Su Su swallowed the burning sun, and the will of the half-step era overlord's Yuanshen fragments will not be seen. You can swallow the remaining fragments."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"Thank you master!"

The Dao Bite quickly responded with a slam, the paw stepped on the Sky Beast head, swooped across a thousand miles, and then swooped down, swallowing the Avenue Fragment and the Divine Pattern Fragment!

This scene!

The spirits in the Emperor Houcheng City can see clearly with supernatural powers!

At this moment there is a look of great envy!

Overlord **** pattern!

Even if it's a broken overlord **** pattern!

It is also very precious!

"Ah! Wasted! Although this little thing is a bite beast, it can be extremely difficult to grow up, and it is not as good as our observation of the beast family. Our upper limit is much higher than that of the beast! Waste, really a waste! "

Watch the beasts sigh again and again!

"I don't know if the saints accept the human form..."

Fu Chan opened his mouth.


Tianguan Beast and Jiuli House Lord looked over.

"Um... I mean the spiritual favors of the saints are much happier than us."

Fu Chan looked slightly red and explained.



Chen Zheng raised his hand at the burning Tianshen ship in two halves!

In the blink of an eye!

The Burning Godship is intact!


Burning the **** god clan strongman, the underworld creature, seeing this scene again grew his mouth, and he screamed at the trough, can this be repaired at will!

This Nima!

Eradicate the era overlord!

Condensate overlord **** pattern at will!

Just give away the overlord **** pattern!

Repair the Godship in two pieces at once!

How does this look like it's not working yet!

"The saint... is still in a state of falling, only Daojun's mana, but this means people can only look up, make people breathtaking, and make people worship!"

"This is certainly not all the means of the holy master. The holy master must have more powerful means, just like taking out a stone egg at random, swallowing the holy relics of the **** of burning the gods, and swallowing the will of the ancestors of the **** of burning the gods. Now... that stone egg also gave birth to a god!"

"Holy many means!"

There was a whisper from the Houtu Imperial City side. When these underworld creatures realized that the saints in their eyes were currently just Daojun level mana, there was a despair besides worship!

If you accidentally stand on the opposite side of the saint, if you accidentally become an enemy of the saint, just thinking about it will make people feel desperate!


At this time!

A figure appeared in the Burning Godship!

"Dark Phoenix!"

"That's Mingfeng!"

"The Burning Gods released the Phoenix!"


The creatures on the side of Hou Tu City recognized that figure at a glance!

"Ming Feng visited the Feng disappointed the Master!"

Ming Feng fell down, originally in human form, at this moment appeared the body, and paid a deep respect to Chen Zheng!

"The spirit world is less than two years away. You have become a ancestor. How can you let me down, you get up."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"This... Mingfeng can become a Taoist ancestor, thanks to the change of the dark earth. If it is not the change of the dark earth, it would be difficult for Mingfeng to become a half-walking ancestor!"

Ming Feng got up, turned into a person, and bowed his head to respond.

"Let's go to Hou Tu Sheng Gong to see the lady."

Chen Zheng nodded.


Ming Feng led his life, another worship, and looted the Hou Tu Imperial City.

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