Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1875: Because I was drained

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Holy Palace of Houtu.


There was a whisper in Hou Tu, and scenes of the battle of the Lich Wars in the ancient flood period emerged. I thought that the twelve ancestors and witches had fallen apart except for themselves, but today it is known that the fallen ancestors and witches have all come back to life. Not only ancestors and witches, but also great witches, demon emperors, and a group of demon gods were resurrected in this era.

"The Nine Winds...Is it possible to be summoned to Immortal Realm...and where is Immortal Realm, in the Taixu?"

Ming Feng thought for a moment and whispered.

"Immortal Realm...I know some things. Immortal Realm is not in Taixu, but whether it is in Taixu is not much different. Immortal Realm can be regarded as a mysterious place similar to Taixu. All are the creatures of the previous era, that is, the creatures of the eleventh era, the Supreme Realm should be the master of the eleventh century."

The sky beast's eyes lit up and raised his short paws!

"Eleventh Century..."

Hou Tu also showed doubts again. She spent many years in the **** reincarnation hall. She didn't really know what happened between heaven and earth. What she knew best was the period before and after the ancient Lich War.

Chen Zheng took it easy, and a divine light broke into Hou Tu's heart.

"Thirteen Era... Hongmeng Era... The holy emperor Pangu is just... the holy emperor who created the earth and earth, the real creator is the Hongmeng robbery... The surviving souls of the Era of Destruction or the resurrected creatures are basically in the Tairui...indestructible Taoism, era dominance...the saints are just the entry for real immortality..."

After absorbing the information in the divine light, the color of surprise in Hou Tu's eyes flashed again and again.

"Holy Master... Ming Feng has a question, why are the maidens and Ming Feng and other creatures, before the change of the underworld, the strongest is only close to the level of the Taoist ancestor, and cannot become the Taoist ancestor at all. But after the change of the underworld, many of the underworld The creature stepped into the level of Taoist ancestor with ease, and as soon as the lady returned to the nether earth, she directly became the overlord of the half-step era.

Ming Feng thought a little, could not help asking.

"This question... I can't answer it, only Chen Zu will answer it!"

The eye of the heavenly beast moved, looking at Chen Zheng with a smile.

"Shut up without knowing!"

The paw of the Daoist Beast lifted up and stared at the Heavenly Beast. The Heavenly Beast showed a sense of grievance. The secret road I just wanted to pat the horse fart to please Chen Zu. Isn't that okay? I am really wronged!

"This point should be the Hongmeng robber... deliberately suppressing the world level evolved from the original flood."

Chen Zheng thought a little.

"Deliberately suppressed the world level?"

Ming Feng is puzzled.

"It is a very contradictory creature. Perhaps at the beginning of the world, it had compassion for the creatures born in this era, so it formulated various rules to limit all the creatures that survived the era of destruction in the past to Taixu. Inwardly, forbidding those creatures to affect the primitive flood. Perhaps later the compassionate heart became a deformed love, wanting to live this period of life in the primitive flood forever, as for the battle between the dragon and the phoenix, the war between the two groups, and so on, As long as there is no primitive flood, then it does not care. But then it slept for a while, that is, the time when I dreamed that the flood turned into a green lotus, it should be in a sleep state. After it woke up, the primitive The Honghuang has been broken, and it has evolved into the heavens and the world. Maybe during that time it came into contact with something outside the sky, and with some new ideas, it did not integrate the heavens and the world. Evolve."

Chen Zheng thought about it and said in a relaxed tone.

"Dream in the flood?"

Watching the beast showed curiosity.

"Dream in the wild..."

Ming Feng also showed curiosity.


Was it a dream into a primitive flood?

The original saint was not the saint's body?

Where was the body of the saint at that time?

"The original body of the saint..."

Hou Tu asked softly.

"On primitive earth."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Prime Earth?"

"Earth? That seems like a small world..."

Hou Tu and Ming Feng are both stunned!

"Primitive Earth? The question is coming, since the primordial flood was the world created by the Hongmeng Tribulation Lord, except for the place left by the past destruction era such as the time and rivers in the chaotic realm of Taixu, the rest should be chaotic time and space, and there is no small world This is the small world, it should be derived after the primitive flood was broken, but Chen Zu said that your body is on the primitive earth, and Niangniang and Ming Feng said that the primitive earth is a small world, which is not contradictory. Is it possible that the primitive earth, like the Taixu and Chaos spheres, was also left in the past era of destruction?"

As soon as the eyeballs of the beast watched, a moment came to my mind!

"Huh? You guys seem to have some sense!"

The Dao Beast slightly stunned, but soon understood what Guan Tian Beast said.

The worlds of the heavens are derived from the primordial floods. Before the primordial floods were broken, there were no worlds of the heavens, only the mysterious land left by the past ruin era, such as the Taixu and Chaos spheres, but the primitive earth was a small world. , This makes no sense!

"Master, master, will you remember it wrong?"

The Dao Bite blinked and asked.

"How could I remember it wrong?" Chen Zheng chuckled lightly, seeing everyone in the temple showing doubtful colors, and gently shook his head: "Maybe this era, the primordial flood was not the original heaven and earth, maybe the primitive earth was the original heaven and earth. Of course, there is also a possibility that the primitive earth, like the Taixu and Chaos spheres, was created by the supreme power of the era of annihilation, survived the era, and has survived."


Hou Tu and Ming Feng showed their thoughts.

"Wait!" The eye of the beast watched a moment, and then thought of a moment: "Chen Zu Chen Zu, I am more inclined to the second possibility, but there seems to be a contradiction! That is if the original earth and Taixu, chaos The field is the same, and it survives the era, and then it can’t be transformed into a small world!"


Several people looked at Chen Zheng again!

"Most of that was the hidden power of the primitive earth, which I was drained by billions of years ago."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly and gave an answer.


In a word!

All dumbfounded!

Watching the beast blink wildly!

Maybe Hou Tu Ming Feng bite the Dao beast for a while, but it understands now! If the primitive earth was at the same level as the Taixu and Chaos spheres, the power contained was terrifying, and it even absorbed the power of the era, and Chen Zu absorbed the power of the primitive Earth, which is equivalent to the Taixu or Chaos spheres. The power is sucked up!


This must be more fierce than the Hongmeng Tribulation at the beginning of this era!

In a word!

Chen Zu was invincible billions of years ago!

"Of course this is just a In fact, before me, there were already creatures on the primitive earth, she is older than me, maybe the primitive earth is a breeding place she pinched out."

Chen Zheng added another sentence.

"Who is that!"

Watching the beast!

"She... 90% or more is the zero."

Chen Zheng smiled.


Watch the heavenly beast!

Good zero?

Who is that?

Never heard of it!

There seems to be no terrible existence in Taixu called Zero!

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