Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1884: Take a sentence back

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And the gods and demons!

Regained my mind at this moment!

One by one, all of them subconsciously stepped back, and they were all scared by Chen Zheng's methods, because the tall and thin men cultivated to actually crush all the gods and demons, and the tall and thin men were half-stepped ancestors!


The half-walk ancestor broke down in one flesh!

very scary!

It's really scary!


This young man in the burial of giant mountains in the burial pit of the hard and hard God!

He is not an ordinary person!


Chen Zheng said nothing, just a little bit, a scene hidden in the tall and thin man Yuanshen appeared now!

"Hey, those idiots are also cheating. God bones are extremely precious, and Grandpa Patriarch just used the alchemy waste to make some so-called elixir of eternal spirit, and then they can be exchanged for bone bones! In the first realm, the third heavy pagoda was built within a thousand years by the bones of the devil, and now the fourth heavy pagoda will be built soon. Master Ye will surely get something!"

"Doubts? Why don't people from other denominations come to investigate the ancestor's practice so fast? Oh! Who is the ancestor of the ancestor? The ancestor of the ancestor is the **** of killing. people!"

"I’ll do my best to fight for how much the gods and demons abandoned the bones. Anyway, the gods and demons are all cheap. If they die, they will die! , Then I still have the opportunity to become the next Sect Master of Immortal Clan! Hey, I actually have the blood of Grandpa Patriarch, otherwise how could Grandpa Patriarch give this and other major things to me!"

Scene after scene!

Presented before the eyes of the gods and demons!


The glimmer of floating light is broken!

"No! Fake! Don't believe this guy! This guy deliberately used secret methods to deceive you! This guy is a spy sent by the hostile forces of the Immortal Sect, secretly sneaking into the burial pit of the God Demon, and wants to cut off the ancestor of the Immortal God. The road of spiritual practice! You must not be deceived by him. You need the elixir of ancestor's refining to continue, you think about it!"

The tall, thin man Yuan Shen was stunned for a moment, and the people who saw the gods, demons and clan all glared at themselves, and the subconscious was a cry!


Shi Hong, the man of Yinhong, directly crushed the white jade bottle containing the elixir!

The elixir drops one by one!

The elders of the God Demon Clan looked at the elixir scattered on the ground now!

The look is extremely complicated!


Defying the heavens and changing lives is just a beautiful dream woven by that fairy ancestor!

There is no such thing as changing lives!


My own family!

It's just a tool to turn the fairy ancestors to get the demon bone!



The stone spear man roared!

At this moment the power of the gods and demons is surging!

"not good!"

"Yin Hong is out of control!"


The face of the gods and demons has changed!

"Haha! Deserve it! Dare to doubt the ancestor, you really deserve it!" The tall and thin man Yuanshen was amazed, then laughed, and then stared at Chen Zheng: "There is an ancestor of the ancestor, but the gods and demons are for the ancestors. When Master looks for a dog that looks for the bones of the gods, how can it continue! Once there is no elixir of the ancestors, the gods and demons will definitely die! You think you are a good person, you think you helped them, but you actually hurt They! Now Yinhong Yuanshen is out of control, even if he can kill me, but he will certainly die, all this is a good thing you do! Ha ha! Ha ha ha!"


Wanton taunts!



Yin Hong is another roar!

The power of the devil is violent again!

Behind Yin Hong, a shadow of **** and demon emerged!

"It's over!"

"Out of control!"


Several elders of the God Devil Abandoned Clan shook their heads one after another, protecting the clan behind them, because once the Yuanshen was out of control, it would be indiscriminate between enemies and enemies, and unless they were suppressed, they would be violent and use up their last trace of mana!


At the moment, a skinny girl shouted with tears in her face, trying to break out of the enchantment, but she couldn't rush out!

"Remember, this kid is the murderer!"

Tall and thin man Yuanshen stared at Chen Zheng mercilessly sneer!


Yin Hong is another roar!

Behind him, the demon phantom is about to burst!

this moment!

A few elders sank their faces and prepared to force a crackdown!


It was also at this moment that Chen Zheng smiled faintly, raised his right hand, and pointed at Yin Hong. The ghost image behind him was pressed down and hidden into Yin Hong’s body. Set in place!

"Ah? What happened just now?"


Yin Hong's face was forced to speak!


Seeing this scene, the gods and demons abandoned their eyes and opened their eyes one by one. They did not expect that Yin Hong, who was violent and out of control, was sober!



The eyes of the gods and demons abandoned!

All looked at Chen Zheng!

At this moment one by one very excited!

"You! You, a Daojun, how could you suppress the uncontrollable primitive **** of the gods and demons, this ancestor can't do it! You, you, you just said that the ancestors of the gods and demons abandon the primordial defect , You, a Daojun, are even less likely to help the gods, demons, and tribes!

The tall and thin man Yuan Shen froze for a moment, and shouted at Chen Zheng suddenly!


Chen Zheng raised his hand, and a fairy light swept across all the gods and demons abandoned the clan. The gods and demons abandoned the clan for a moment, and then the elders kneeled down on the ground with a thud, and at the moment, they couldn't believe it!


The restlessness in Yuanshen is gone!

The restlessness that would cause runaway and rage is gone!

"Xie Gongzi waited for me to resolve the defects of the primal spirit!"

Take a deep breath, and several elders pray in unison!



The rest reacted!

At the moment, I also bowed to Chen Zheng!

"Indian thanks for the great power!"

Yin Hong came back, and his expression became extremely solemn, respectfully worshipping Chen Zheng with respect to his five bodies! This time the title has also changed, from Your Excellency to Power!


The tall and thin man Yuanshen gritted his teeth and slammed away the depths of the cave, directly immersed in the teleportation circle!

"Don't think about it!"

The teleportation circle light up, the tall and thin man Yuanshen grinned, it seems to destroy this teleportation circle while teleporting away!

"not good!"

The elders of the gods and demons exclaimed!


Chen Zheng has no fluctuations!

"Go back and bring a sentence to Hua Xian Dao Zu, saying that a few days later, the gods and demons abandoned their heads to take their heads."

Chen Zheng just said a little!


The master man Yuanshen was shocked and found that he could not destroy the teleportation circle at all. He stared at Chen Zheng fiercely and escaped by the teleportation circle!


Several elders of the gods and demons are silent!

"Great... why not..."

Yin Hong asked, lowering his voice.

"Hello, go ahead and kill it."

Chen Zheng smiled slightly.

"Ah? I'll kill..."

Yin Hong dumbfounded.

"The defects of the primitive gods of your family have been repaired, and you can practice that secret method. It would be a pity if the secret method was lost. Let me pass it to you today."

Chen Zheng took it easy, and a lot of immortal light fell into the eyebrows of the gods and demons.


People such as Yin Hong and other gods and demons abandoned their families for a moment, and the next moment they showed ecstasy, because they only learned the secret method, and cultivation practice immediately exploded into a big realm!

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